- American Catholic - Catholic and Christian
information, whether in our online family magazine, the St. Anthony Messenger, or in our
catalog of books, videos, audiocassettes and subscription products. Brought to you by St.
Anthony Messenger Press and Franciscan Communications, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Augustine Club Apologetics Toolkit - A set of essays
defending the reasonableness of faith in Jesus Christ as the way, the truth and the life
as taught by his Catholic Church.
- The Baltimore Catechism is a timeless classic.
The only changes that have been made in the Church, since it was written, are those in the
area of discipline. No changes have been made in the area of doctrine and
morality. The same Faith that was believed when the Baltimore Catechism was written,
is the same Faith that is believed today. This question and answer format catechism
will be useful to anyone who wants to better know the Faith of the Catholic Church.
- Biblical Evidence for Catholicism - A biblical
defense and amassing of evidence in favor of Catholic doctrines. Also, much on Church
history, culture, British Isles, & quote pages for Muggeridge, Chesterton, Howard
& C.S. Lewis.
- Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, Lily of the Mohawks -
biography, prayer litany
the Catholic Church. The Catechism, and even more useful, a search engine. Find what the
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are in relation to many actual issues of Christian
- Catholic Answers - Catholic Answers
is the largest Catholic apologetics and evangelization organization in North America. We believe all Catholics, not just the clergy and those in the religious
life, are called to evangelize. We want to spread the Catholic faith by helping good
Catholics become better Catholics, by bringing former Catholics "home," and by
resolving misconceptions non-Catholics may have about the Church and what it teaches.
- Catholic City - An Internet Service of the Mary
Foundation. A virtual cybercity that is home to free, wholesome, fully-monitored
Catholic Chat Rooms, several popular Crosstalk Email Discussion Groups, a comprehensive
keyword-searchable links page, over 150 Catholic and Pro-Life organizations, free Catholic
audio tapes by Scott Hahn, Fr. John Corapi, free Catholic novels by Bud Macfarlane Jr.
including Pierced by a Sword, online RealAudio services, and much more
- Catholic Daily Scripture Readings - These
readings are intended as an aid for daily prayer and meditation. The selection of gospel
passages follow the daily church readings for the season. The scripture quotations are
from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1973 by the Division of
Christian Education, National Council of Churches. The Meditations are written by Don
- The Catholic Encyclopedia - Volunteers throughout
the world have built a powerful on-line version of a classicthe 1913 Catholic
- The Catholic FAQ - from the New Advent Catholic
resources web site. A very comprehensive overview of the Catholic faith
- The Catholic Goldmine - A huge index of hundreds,
maybe thousands of Catholic resources. Natural Family Planning, Daily Devotions and
Prayers, Catholic Singles resources, information regarding the Blessed Mother, news
recources, Jubilee 2000 links, Pro-life information
- Catholic Information Center - A website devoted to
bringing together documents that follow the teachings of the Vatican and the magesterium.
- Catholic Information Network (CIN) - A huge
directory containing recent Papal and Church documents, mailing lists and discussion
groups, daily readings, poetry, literature, doctrine, apologetics, study guides,
information on a wide variety of subjects
- Catholic Moral and Religious Education - Resources
for Catholic Educators, Bible resources, lesson plans, other information
- Catholic Online Angels Concordance - Biblical
refrences to angels
- Catholic Online Saints and Angels page - The Saints Index is an exhaustive list of Saints that contains all known
information pertaining to each Saint. There is also information about this months Saints,
general FAQ about Saints, Patron Saints, Ethnic Saints and a Feastday List. This site also
provides a Saints Search feature that will help you locate a specific Saint quickly and
effectively by name or other search criteria.
- Catholic Prayerbook - Daily devotions and prayers - The
Catholic devotional heritage is a rich and sweeping one, spanning nearly two millenia, and
encompassing diverse cultural influences. Eucharistic Adoration, devotion to Saints,
the Rosary, Gregorian chant, Marian apparitions, novenas, litanies, the liturgy of the
hours, and the very celebration of the Mass and the other Sacraments, in addition to many
other types of prayer and devotion, come together in the Catholic Church to enrich the
lives of the faithful, spurring us ever onward toward greater intimacy and union with
Jesus Christ.

- Catholic Supply Online - Your on-line source for
Christian Gifts, Books, Music, School Uniforms, Church Supplies & Furnishings &
Much, Much More!
- Catholic Youth Online - Welcome to our new Catholic
Youth Online web site with the new look and new features. The new features include
Webmail, Jesus Freak magazine, Catholic info, and weather forecast.
- The Community of the Little Sparrow - We are a
modern day "virtual community" (internet based) dedicated to following the
Charism of Saint Francis and the Franciscan Order. We are a Catholic band of
followers who adhere to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and our Holy Father,
Pope John Paul II. We share similar spiritual pursuits and are trying to achieve a deeper
and richer prayer life.
- The Daily Catholic - Now broaden your
perspective on Catholicism DAILY with the inspiring and provocative DAILY CATHOLIC.
Published Monday through Friday at The only regular English-speaking
daily publication for Catholics in the world. 250 issues a year! FREE to all! The DAILY
CATHOLIC is a must for all Catholics and parishes.
- Ed LoPresti's Lives of the Saints Page - A links
page with information on saints, angels, and general information regarding the Catholic
- Efficacious Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus -
This prayer of the Church venerates and honors the Heart of Jesus just as it
invokes his most holy name. It adores the incarnate Word and his Heart which, out of love
for men, he allowed to be pierced by our sins.
- Envoy Magazine - A wonderful Catholic magazine.
Free online artcles, aplologetics, evangelization. It presents the truths of
the Catholic Faith in a fresh, contemporary style, featuring today's top Catholic writers,
full-color graphics, and an upbeat, innovative format.
- Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) - featuring
Catholic Q and A, a Catholic Document Library, an Audio Library, Catholic News,
programming information for EWTN Television and WEWN radio.
- The Fatima Network - The worldwide mission and
activities of Our Lady's Fatima Apostolate, Join us in prayer, offer your Mass
intentions, consecrate yourself to Our Lady and petition the Holy Father. Hundreds of
articles. Join your prayers with others throughout the Web by praying the
(Java-based) Perpetual Rosary. A project of Catholics United for Life.
- Hall of Church History; The Catholics - The links on
this page feature Catholic history and doctrine from the Council of Trent on.
Encyclicals and Other Papal Documents, The Papacy: Its History, Dogmas, Genius, and
Prospects, The Teresian Carmel (Teresa of Avila), John Henry Cardinal Newman, Documents of
Vatican II
- The Holy Bible - Douay-Rheims translation - with
annotations, references, and an historical and chronological index - the whole revised and
diligently compared with the latin vulgate by Bishop Richard Challoner, AD 1749 - 1752 -
Published with the approbation of His Eminence James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of
- The Holy Bible - New American Bible - The New
American Bible has responded to the need of the church in America today. It is the
achievement of some fifty biblical scholars, the greater number of whom, though not all,
are Catholics. In particular, the editors-in-chief have devoted twenty-five years to this
work. The collaboration of scholars who are not Catholic fulfills the directive of the
Second Vatican Council, not only that "correct translations be made into different
languages especially from the original texts of the sacred books," but that,
"with the approval of the church authority, these translations be produced in
cooperation with separated brothers" so that "all Christians may be able to use
- The text of the books contained in The New American Bible is a
completely new translation throughout. From the original and the oldest available texts of
the sacred books, it aims to convey as directly as possible the thought and individual
style of the inspired writers. The better understanding of Hebrew and Greek, and the
steady development of the science of textual criticism, the fruit of patient study since
the time of St. Jerome, have allowed the translators and editors in their use of all
available materials to approach more closely than ever before the sense of what the sacred
authors actually wrote.
- The Holy See - The Official Vatican Web Site -
Information concerning Jubilee 200, the Holy Father, the Curia, the Vatican Library, the
Vatican Museums
- How to Pray the Rosary - The purpose of the Rosary
is to help keep in memory certain principal events or mysteries in the history of our
salvation, and to thank and praise God for them. Step by step instructions, and
- Hymns - Catholic/Christian hymns in midi format
- Knotted Cord Rosaries and Chaplets - Knotted cord rosaries were issued in Viet Nam to various members of our armed
forces. Chaplains would give knotted khaki cord rosaries to the troops to carry into
battle. We also heard that they were worn around the neck and smuggled into countries
where the church was not allowed. They were safe as metal detectors would not pick them
up. Instructions and supplies to make your own rosary.
- The Monks of Adoration - An Augustinian Monastic
Catholic Community - Catholic megasite with audio, video, webcam, Catholic Directory,
mailing list, message board, many articles on prayer, for children, humor, chat, cyber
serial, weightloss, prayer line, magazine, more.
- Mother Teresa: The Path of Love - A detailed
informational site on the life and works of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, with her wisdom on
family, abortion, sacrifice, and compassion.
- Nazareth Resource Library - Information about the
Catholic faith, the Church itself, why Catholics do what they do, converting and
conversion stories, and other links of interest.
- The Padre Pio Foundation - The Padre Pio Foundation
of America, Inc. Padre Pio, a humble Capuchin priest from San Giovanni Rotondo,
Italy, was blessed by God in many wonderful and mysterious ways. Our Foundation was
established in 1977 to promote devotion to Padre Pio and to foster adult vocations to the
- Padre Pio - Biography, beatification info, Padre
Pio's voice, prayers, prayer requests (warning to those with slow Internet connections -
this is a VERY graphically heavy page)
- Padre Pio of Pietrelcina - Information, photos, and
biography. Stories of graces recieved, prayers, prayer requests, books, videos,
Vatican decree on the heroic virtues of Padre Pio, translated into English
- Prayers - An index of Catholic Prayers - some prayers included are traditional Christian prayers, and not
strictly associated only with the Catholic Church. Many of these prayers are taken from
the New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book.
- Rosary and Fatima Links - Links related to the
Marian Rosary, including how to pray the rosary, Fatima Prayers, Angelus, the Scapular,
Our Lady of Sorrows, Joyful Mysteries, Sorrowful Mysteries, Glorious Mysteries
- Sacrament Series - The Rev. Cliff Smith, parochial
vicar at St. Joseph, wrote the following series to help the congregation understand and
enter fully into the celebration of the seven sacraments of the Roman Catholic faith.
These articles also appeared on the front of the weekly St. Joseph bulletin.
- Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary -
Novenas, devotions, and prayers.
- Saint Angela Merici - her biography - a wonderful
woman, who kept her eyes and heart open to the needs of others. Take a look
around you. Instead of just driving or walking without paying attention today, open your
eyes to the needs you see along the way. What people do you notice who need help but who
are not being helped? What are their true needs? Make a commitment to help them in some
- St. Camillus de Lellis - His biography,
Camillus sent members of his order to minister to wounded troops in Hungary and Croatia,
the first field medical unit. Patron saint of doctors, July 14
- Saint Joseph - Foster father to Jesus, patron saint
of the Universal Church, laborers, and carpenters. Prayers
- St. Jude - Jude is invoked in
desperate situations because his New Testament letter stresses that the faithful should
persevere in the environment of harsh, difficult circumstances, just as their forefathers
had done before them. also:
- Saint Rita Shrine, Philadelphia, PA - biography,
patron saint of impossible causes. Built in the style of l4th Century
Renaissance architecture, Saint Rita Shrine stands today as a monument both to the simple
faith of a people desirous of a church of their own, and to the intricate craftsmanship of
those who fashioned a work of art.
- Saint Rita, biography and prayers - God has
heard St. Ritas prayers for others on countless occasions, and certainly she will
gladly intercede once again, on behalf of those who pray to her now-thus continuing to
prove the truth of her great name: The Saint of the Impossible!
- Saints Index - Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Washington D.C.
Use this index to locate by name the saints and beati included on this web site. Saints
O'the Day lists saints by their feast day. Use that list, for example, to find all the
saints with feasts on your birthday. If you are looking for saints associated with a
particular locality or planning a pilgrimage, you might take a look at the pages prepared
for the John Carroll Society's pilgrimages to Italy and France. The index for the Italian
pilgrimage also includes links to pages of saints of the region who were lawyers, health
care workers, or married. You will also find the beginnings of an American martyrology on
this site.
- Silent Abortions - From a pamphlet published by
Lutherans for Life [Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod], Illinois-Indiana Chapter.
Very interesting essay on the issue of artificial contraception.
- Sisters of the Passion and Cross (Traditional Poor Clare
Capuchins) - Favorite Prayers,
Our Lady of Confidence Devotion, Discouraged? (an article), Links,
Vocation Information Prayer requests, Children's Books & Catholic Story Coloring
Books, The Brown Scapular, Novena's, Mass info, Holy Communion info
- Spirituality Today - Spirituality for Today is an
interactive monthly magazine dedicated to a variety of current themes and questions
concerning the Christian faith in this postmodern age
- The Traditional Catholic Internet Apostolate - To
foster devotion to the Tridentine Latin Mass and traditional forms of Roman Catholic
piety, and to propagate the orthodox Faith of the Church.
- Two Thousand Years of Catholic Writings - This page
lists Catholic writings that can be read on the Net, listed by author in roughly
chronological order. An amazing amount of information! A wonderful resource!
- Virtual Rosary Online - Virtual RosaryOnline is the
official distribution site for the awesome freeware Windows and Mac program, Virtual
Rosary. This cool new program is an aid in meditation of the mysteries of the Rosary. It
is also a great learning tool for anyone curious about the Rosary. It does this by leading
you step by step through every prayer, while displaying illustrations and Scripture verses
corresponding with the current mystery.
- Welcome Incactive Catholics - Father William McKee,
C.Ss.R. - For the past fourteen years I have worked almost exclusively for inactive
Catholics. I have sat down with over 10,000 in several countries and learned a lot about
God and Church. I believe that many inactive Catholics play a prophetic role in American
- Why Be Catholic - Conversion, and what's behind the
choice. Powerful stories from folks who have searched their hearts
- World Wide Rosary Crusade - The goals
of this crusade are as follows: 1. To mount a unified effort in building a global
rosary chain on the 13th of each month in honor of our Blessed Mother's requests to pray
the rosary for peace. 2. To build awareness of the power given to mankind through
the use of the rosary. 3. To proliferate the use of this powerful weapon against
- The World Wide Study Bible - The Study Bible
developed and located around the world! The World Wide Study Bible was conceived as a
means of organizing all of the Bible-related resources on the World Wide Web according to
scripture reference. Because of the nature of the World Wide Web and the large number of
potential contributors, it is possible to index an enormous number and wide variety of
resources -- commentaries, meditations, sermons, pictures, word studies, musical settings,
historical or archeologic notes -- anything that is relevant.
- Youth 2000 - Catholic Information site for youth,
based in New York.The purpose of YOUTH 2OOO is three-fold: 1. To bring young people to a
personal encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist; 2. To foster love for the Blessed Virgin
Mary especially by praying the Rosary; 3. To root young people deeply in the fullness of
truth and life found in the Catholic Church.
- Zennit Magazine Online - ZENIT is a Roman news
agency specializing in coverage of the Holy Father, life in the Holy See, and events of
interest to the Church. Services are also available in Spanish, French and Portuguese.
Check back now and then for new
articles, or sign up for the Serendipity Mailing List and
discuss these and many more issues of the Church and Christian life.