Links to Websites for Church History


Countdown to 2000  
A capsule review of Church History from the Evangelist, the official publication of the Diocese of Albany.

Early Church Documents
Canonical documents, creeds, the writings of the Apostolic Fathers, and other historical texts relevant to church history.

Ecumenical Councils
A brief summary and background of each council.

General Works on the Early Church
Compiled by Fr. William Harmless, S.J.

A History of the Church
By Yuri Josef Koszarycz, Department of Theology, Australian Catholic University.

A History of the Councils, 325 - 1870
The online version of the 1960 book by Msgr. Philip Huges.

The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council
From Christus Rex, study notes intended as an aid to study by Catholic Students of the Second Vatican Council.

The US Catholic Historical Society
Catholic Archives, containing documents of Church History.



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