"Neither will I 
condemn thee"

(John 8:11)

A crisis pregnancy and a  "choice" that society said was acceptable… and instead of a solution, what is left is a hole in your heart, a shattering sense of pain, hidden feelings of guilt, and a sorrow that seems endless. 

But there is hope for your hurting heart.  Hope that can be found in the loving arms of the Lord.
Reach out to Him, and His gift of forgiveness.  Let Him heal you, and renew your spirit.

In the Western Massachusetts area, call Project Rachel today, for information, for help, and for hope.

413-732-3175 ext. 662
Ask for
" Project Rachel"

or Nationwide

The National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing 


With the Lord there is love, there is mercy, 
and there is the blessing of reconciliation.

Project Rachel is a program of healing for those suffering in the aftermath of abortion
. Project Rachel offers information, prayer and counseling, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, peer support groups, retreats and Masses of Remembrance and Reconciliation.  

Post-Abortion Syndrome 
Could you, or someone you love, have PAS (post-abortion syndrome)?
Check out the symptoms, and see for yourself!

FAQ (frequently asked questions) - Some frequently asked questions about Project Rachel, and the services offered.

Post-Abortion Resources - Pro-Life and Post-Abortion resources and information.  Several Word documents, and links to other web sites offering support, information, research, and memorials to the unborn.

Mailing List - If you are looking for a non-judgmental online support group, click here. This mailing list is intended to be a place to find comfort, support and encouragement. It is a place where you can share your thoughts with others who are facing feelings of grief, loss, or regret after an abortion.

Post-Abortion Syndrome & PAS Recovery books - A selection of suggested reading on for both individuals seeking healing, and for those who wish to support those who are hurting.

For help, and for hope, 
we're here to listen.

If you have any questions or concerns,
feel free to write me:

Read the Guestbook!

Sign the Guestbook!


To our official Diocesan Pro-Life Commission page 
Diocese of Springfield, MA
We ask that you continue to pray for an end to abortion,
and pray for a recognition of the sanctity of all human life.

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(This is a private web page, for information and resources only,
and is not sponsored by the diocese of Springfield, MA, or NOPARH)