Summer 2000 was AWESOME!!! From Nickel-00-deon Team Parties, to Toy Story Banquet. From the many evening activities and games and matches and meets, Fernwood 2000 was a summer that I will never forget. So it may have taken me a long time to get this page updated...but here it is...more pictures from Summer 2000. Enjoy!!!!

Macky, thanks for a great summer once again!! I hope that you enjoyed the
summer of 2000 just as much as the rest of us did!!! She's got spirit and we love her....

(Left) Seniors skating during Team Parties..Nickel-00-deon!!
(Right) A really cute picture, how could I not put this on the web site??

(Left) Cabaret 2000 -- Charlie's Angles
(Right) Cabaret 2000 -- The Sailing Group

(Left) Macky, Shelley, Lynn and Joyce
(Right) The Cast of Banquet 2000--Toy Story

(Left) Some of the Seniors on Sr. Trip 2000
(Right) Annie, Andrea, Sarah, Poli

(Left) Eleanor and Amanda, Team Parties 2000!!!
(Right) Me!!! On July 4th!

This is a picture of the 2000 Katadhin Group!! We had a great
trip song and never sang it to everyone...oh well, just know
that we had an awesome time!!!

If you want to add pictures to my web site, send them to me!!!
1)To my address in Echoes
2)Email them to me at:
I would love to make this web page bigger and better!!!

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