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Created in France by the Laboratories MULTALER, the undisputed pioneer of the professional aesthetic aromatherapy, they deliver to your skin the best of plants, flowers and fruits, the refurbishing and stimulating energy of the essential oils and their subtle aromas.


Dr. Murad's unique products are scientifically formulated to deliver the most dramatic results. The formulas contain Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids, anitoxidants like Vitamins A, C and E, anti-irritans, liposomes, ceramides and specific additional ingredients to address multiple skin converns, including acne prone skin, dry skin, skin discoloration and photo damage.


Doctors Meisner and Schinitsky developed the Cellex-C line to assist the skin in appearing smoother, firmer, and less lined, naturally. The patented complexes of Cellex-C work synergistically to complement skin, with visual improvements occurring in as little as three months.


The Secret to Sensational Skin? It begins with professional care and M.D. Formulations! Achieve healthier and younger-looking skin in just four easy steps; CLEANSE -- CORRECT -- HYDRATE -- PROTECT.

This skin care solution improves the appearance of unsightly razor bumps, ingrown hairs and razor burn from shaving, waxing and electrolysis. Ideal for man's faces, necks, and women's legs, underarms, and bikini lines.