Hit that Pinata!

One of the benefits of having the party at our church is that the firestation is across the street (remember that the party had a fireman theme). So we trooped over to take a tour. It was really nice for the kids, they learned alot hand had fun. The firemen were great (we called ahead). The best part was when the fireman got in his full gear and showed the kids what a fireman in mask, and oxygen tank looked like ...so they would not be afraid if they saw one in a house. And you know, they kind of look like aliens all suited up.

Here Lyman Paul and Timmy watch one of the fireman come down the pole - they still do that, you know.

Whoa dude, a real fireman!

Photo Index | Big Dig Helper | Annie Does Construction | Driving the Bobcat
Blow out the Candles! | Goodie Bags | Hit the Pinata | Candy!
Visiting the Firestation