Hit that Pinata!

We also had a pinata at the party. We were courting disaster...think about it, a bunch of hyped-up kids swinging a stick! What were we thinking? Anyway, no one lost a tooth or even got hit (but you know what I always say, "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt...then it's just fun."

We had one of those real pinatas where you whack at it with a stick, not a new-age one where you pull the strings. I did make a small concession to political correctness, however, we looked for a pinata of an inanimate object.


note: LP is covering the family jewels-he's no dummy.

Photo Index | Big Dig Helper | Annie Does Construction | Driving the Bobcat
Blow out the Candles! | Goodie Bags | Hit the Pinata | Candy!
Visiting the Firestation