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As freshman at Lehigh University we first met in the quad outside our freshman dorms.  Heading off to college we knew we would meet new people and make life long friendships, but neither of us expected we would meet our soulmate on the second day of school.

The attraction was instant and after a few years of flirting Greg finally made his move.  During a “Pacing Break” our last semester, when almost everyone else left school, Greg took Mariel on their first date to the Bethlehem Brew Works. 

After college, Greg returned to NYC while Mariel moved from DC to Hershey.  Making the long trips was easy as we found the saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder” applied to us. Missing each other more and more, Mariel made the move to NYC in 2007.

Ever since we’ve been lucky to spend more time together.  It’s hard to believe that we’ve been together for 10 years... and by our wedding day, it will have been 14 years since that first day when we met and fell in love :)

Our Story