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Matron of Honor

Jessica is my big sister and best friend.  She has always been there for me in good times & bad.  Jess took me to my first college party when I was 12 and went to visit her as a freshman at Dickinson...what a blast!  We’ve had some great times, and I love spending time with her and her family. 

So glad you are going to be by my side on our big day!

Jessica Hogan

Best Man

Alex and I met in Mrs. Arnold’s  3rd grade class and have been best friends ever since.

Needless to say we’ve done it all together, getting into trouble, getting out of trouble and sometimes participating in good clean fun.

Thru it all we’ve always had each others back!

Alex Zavala


Julie and I met in the 8th grade and instantly became best friends.  She is hilarious and always makes me laugh.  We’ve had great times together and have plenty of stories to tell.  Whether it be trips to Ocean City or State College...we always had fun! Nowadays I don’t see her as often as I’d like, but every time we get together we pick up right where we left off.

Julie Blas


Ben joined the wolf pack Alex and Greg started in middle school.  As an essential member of the wolf pack, he has been sorely missed while out on the West Coast.

He is an awesome human being, and I’m honored to have him participate in our big day.

Ben Mack

Natalie and I were introduced through Julie in high school, and the three of us have been best friends ever since.  Natalie has been there for me through thick & thin.  We’ve also had our share of fun...from visiting her at IUP to living together in Harrisburg after college.  We’ve had some really great times over the years and I look forward to more to come!

Natalie Perate

Giunta was fortunate to join DTD and selected to be a member of the Guyll family line by becoming my little little brother.

It turns out we were the fortunate ones.  He’s the highlight of every event he attends and the glue that keep our brotherhood strong.  Without him there’d be no us.

Mike Giunta

Cara is Greg’s fabulous younger sister.  She is always a blast and is willing to haze you if she has to ;)  After working as a Math Teacher at a deaf school for years, Cara decided to go back to school to become an Interior Designer - hoping she will help us decorate our place one day!  She lives in NYC and we are lucky that we get to see her and her boy Danny often!

Cara Zelikovsky

As fraternity brothers and roommates Ron and I have shared several good times together.  Some of my favorite include fishbowls at Brother Jimmies and watching Rachel, his amazing wife, choosing to snuggle with our cat Ty over Ron.  Sadly it happens to me all the time.

Ron Schulhof

Kody is my super fun sister-in-law and friend.  She is creative, easy to talk to, and funny.  I knew when I first met Kody that she was the one for my brother and I’m so glad that she is a part of our family!  I’m also jealous that she gets to spend so much time with the newest member of our family, Miss Maggie Ann.  Love you both!

Kody Antesberger

Mariel’s older brother and I have much in common: we were ladies men, delts and enjoyed going out and having a good time and then we met our better halves...... and now we’re both happier than we’ve ever been (cough, cough).

Joe and the rest of his Altoona crew not only make me feel welcome but like we’ve been friends forever.

Joe Antesberger

Eve is my amazing 10 year old niece who is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.  She loves taking trips to NYC to come visit her Aunt Mariel and Greggie.  Watch out Rockettes - you may just see her one day!  Otherwise, our little diva may just become a fashion designer, after meeting one during her last visit to the big apple.  We love you, Eve, and are glad you will be a part of our big day!

Eve Hogan

Mariel’s nephew Nick is one amazing kid.  He loves studying hard and playing all sorts of sports.

We’ve had some good times when he’s visited us in NYC.  We’ve done it all, from visiting the largest train station in the world to checking out jets on the Intrepid to the Lego store.  And as far as partying goes...... let’s just say it wouldn’t be SantaCon without Nick and leave it at that.

Nick Hogan

Junior Bridesmaid

Ring Bearer