"The tree is live...!"

On Superbowl Saturday (02/02/02) at 2:02 pm, NEBSRA (New England Belt Sander Racing Association) held another in a long series of belt sander drag races. You can see the official email press release, view a PDF of the flyer (836 KB), or take a look at the full color version of Edie's great poster.

The photo gallery gives you just a glimpse at the sorts of people and machines that show up for these shindigs. I call that fair warning.... Just click on the picture for a larger version.

Team YoYodyne at work

YoYo Dyne Propulsion Systems, Inc. at work on their hot contender in the "Modified" class.


YoYo Dyne's souped-up entry. Notice the extra power unit on top. I'm not sure, but I think that's a Bosch (or a Makita?) grinder giving this dragster a little extra oomph.

Blue suede shoes

A perennial favorite in the "Best Dressed" category, the latest incarnation of Richard Dubler's famous (or infamous) "Elvis is King."

Aloha, Elvis

A reverse shot of this moving (and I mean, at over 12 feet per second) tribute to "The King." Aloha, Elvis!

Burka shmurka

"Talibondage," the Bitchin' Babes' timely entry, danced away this year's "Family Values" trophy. Barbie in a Burka, with the de rigeur matching sandals -- and sander.

Babes, Babe-ettes, and Baby

A group shot of the Bitchin' Babes in mufti, featuring their newest member, Marley Mae (the Bitchin' Baby). Can't tell the players without a program? Click here.

two gals on a rail

Crash Test Barbie, with her stylish (and very fast) purple rail.

shred 'em cowboy!

After a hard day of shreddin' evidence (just one step ahead of the Posse), nothin' calms a cowboy's nerves like a little pure speed. Go ahead on, Gee Dubya!

round robin roster

The roster for the first heat in the Stock class.

medical mayhem

This hot dog's in traction. All that orthopedic surgery gear, alas, didn't help Glen Dubler's entry fend off Barbie in a Burka. "Medical Mayhem" looks like a strong contender for the coveted "Wasted Engineering" prize, though...

The tree is live!

Everything's moving so fast at these races, it's all just a blur. Or was it the beer? Looking down the track toward the finish line, note the Christmas tree between the lanes. The Tree is LIVE!