On Superbowl Saturday (02/02/02) at 2:02 pm, NEBSRA (New England Belt Sander Racing Association) held another in a long series of belt sander drag races. You can see the official email press release, view a PDF of the flyer (836 KB), or take a look at the full color version of Edie's great poster.
The photo gallery gives you just a glimpse at the sorts of people and machines that show up for these shindigs. I call that fair warning.... Just click on the picture for a larger version.
YoYo Dyne Propulsion Systems, Inc. at work on their hot contender in the "Modified" class. |
YoYo Dyne's souped-up entry. Notice the extra power unit on top. I'm not sure, but I think that's a Bosch (or a Makita?) grinder giving this dragster a little extra oomph. |
A perennial favorite in the "Best Dressed" category, the latest incarnation of Richard Dubler's famous (or infamous) "Elvis is King." |
A reverse shot of this moving (and I mean, at over 12 feet per second) tribute to "The King." Aloha, Elvis! |
"Talibondage," the Bitchin' Babes' timely entry, danced away this year's "Family Values" trophy. Barbie in a Burka, with the de rigeur matching sandals -- and sander. |
A group shot of the Bitchin' Babes in mufti, featuring their newest member, Marley Mae (the Bitchin' Baby). Can't tell the players without a program? Click here. |
Crash Test Barbie, with her stylish (and very fast) purple rail. |
After a hard day of shreddin' evidence (just one step ahead of the Posse), nothin' calms a cowboy's nerves like a little pure speed. Go ahead on, Gee Dubya! |
The roster for the first heat in the Stock class. |
This hot dog's in traction. All that orthopedic surgery gear, alas, didn't help Glen Dubler's entry fend off Barbie in a Burka. "Medical Mayhem" looks like a strong contender for the coveted "Wasted Engineering" prize, though... |
Everything's moving so fast at these races, it's all just a blur. Or was it the beer? Looking down the track toward the finish line, note the Christmas tree between the lanes. The Tree is LIVE! |