MDCS Single Megapixel Camera
STH-MDCS Stereo Megapixel Camera
Stereo Megapixel Camera, variable baseline
color and monochrome versions


New Product Line

  We have completely revised our camera products.  The next-generation cameras are prefixed with MDCS - Megapixel Digital Camera, Synchronized.  They all have:

  • Compact FireWire interface board that can synchronize cameras to the FireWire bus
  • 1/2" megapixel CMOS imagers with excellent noise and dynamic range characteristics

 All the MDCS cameras are synchronized - on the same FireWire bus, they all capture images at the same time. 

 Because of the higher integration, these next-generation cameras offer improved specifications, small size, and low power at a very attractive price.


  We develop and supply the vision and robotics  market with high-quality vision hardware, software, and consulting expertise.

  Our specialty is in stereo vision hardware and software for embedded applications.  Stereo vision provides realtime, full-field distance information, and is potentially useful in many applications in a wide variety of fields, including robotics, personal entertainment, and space automation.

  We maintain a close relationship with SRI's Artificial Intelligence Center, and distribute their Small Vision System for realtime stereo analysis.