more recent

12/31: New Year's Eve did First Night with Inna. Saw a Carol Rama art exhibit at the ICA, mambo band Babaloo, Japanese drummers Odaiko New England, a performance of Chopin's Preludes, a performance of Bach Cantatas by Emmanuel Music, more Bach by Kammerton, and much more.

Wegman12/21: Celebrated the winter solstice by taking a day off and seeing "Strange But True", William Wegman's most recent exhibit at the Mass College of Art.

12/19: Distributed DargonDargonZine 11-10, closing out the year with our first issue to feature only new writers, and publishing a record seven new writers this year! Also froze the old site to begin work on the new site.

12/12: Returned to "the Scene" by visiting ctan's 12th Fetish Flea Market, then followed that up with a party at Danny's.

11/28: Quiet Thanksgiving in Maine with my mom.

11/23: AwardOrny was singled out and won Sapient Cambridge's quarterly Core Value award for Openness!

11/16: I forgot to mention it before, but FNXcheck out this great article on polyamory that ran in the Boston Phoenix last month!


OrnothLand II
Invent the society you want to live in...
 Spaces  Newsprint - October-December 1998

11/14: Check it out! Orny's Springboard, the best collection of links on the net, is now powered by a MySQL database!

11/14: Check out the brand-new issue of DargonDargonZine! Volume 11, Number 9, highlights Mark Murray, one of our most productive writers!

11/6: Orny went to see the Cherry Poppin' Daddies, Ozomatli and the Pietasters at the Roxy, and managed to injure his back pretty severely!

11/5: At work, Orny's current client's interim Web site went live , and another Orny-built system, BankBoston HomeLink, exceeded 100,000 users!

Mono Puff10/31: Halloween is Orny's second night in a row at TTs, this time to see TMBG's John Flansburgh's side project, Mono Puff for the second time this year!

10/30: Went to TT the Bears to see local ska bands the Brass Monkeys and the Allstonians.

10/29: Orny is 35 years old. RealAgeI'm not sure what to say about that!, but RealAge says that I'm only 29.98!

10/29: Orny's Springboard was updated.


10/22: Saw ska masters the Toasters and the Skoidats; got to share the floor at the Middle East with Indiana Pacers star Reggie Miller!

Dargon10/21: It's been a long time coming, but DargonZine has undergone some very important changes. We're beginning to implement our Authors' Master Database using MySQL, and we have finally gotten our own domain name! Check out our future at!!!

10/11: A weekend in Maine featured a trip to the dry bed of Lake Moxie, where Orny's family once owned a camp, and an exhilarating 11 hours of Greyhound Hell!

10/7: Orny went to see Blue Man Group. This was the fourth time he'd seen them, but the first time for most of the fifteen others from his Sapient team who accompanied him. An awesome time was had by all!

10/3: DargonDargonZine continues printing stories from our summer writing contest! Our new issue, DargonZine 11-8, features the conclusing chapters of the two winning stories! Also today, cut the 1998 DargonZine CD-ROM!
