11/9: Went to a lecture at MassArt by veteran typographer Doyald Young with my graphic design class from NESAD.
11/6: Drove 7 hours from Boston to Philly to attend Dargon writer Jon Evans’ wedding, then drove 7 hours back, getting in at 6am the next morning!
11/3: Got a free tower PC—a slightly dated dual 800mHz Dell—thanks to one of my buddies, who won it for me in a company drawing!
11/2: Harvested my first chile pequins from the plants I grew this year from wild seeds gathered by a friend in South Texas, then spent the evening in Copley Square
at the Kerry/Edwards rally, watching the Presidential election results come in.
10/29: Went to Maine over my birthday.
10/27: With the Boston Red Sox winning the World Series for the first time in 86 years, the city’s going to have to change its “cursed” self-perception.
10/23: Biked over to Sullivan to Blinke & Kelly’s house warming party but was long off the roads before the first game of the World Series let out.