Each district has a state director who is elected as a state officer at the annual state convention by the voting members of that district for a term of one year and who shall have served at least one year as a club president.
Our members are women and men from the four districts that cover Connecticut taking an active roll in organizing and attending meetings and lectures.
*State board meetings held at George's II Restaurant, Wallingford, CT @ 8:30am
The districts include (scheduled local meetings):
District 1- NeConn (2nd Tuesday), Norwich (1st Tuesday), Mistick River (1st Wednesday).
District 2- Litchfield County (1st Wednesday), Brookfield (gathering the details), Danbury (gathering the details), Bethel (2nd Wednesday), Newtown (1st Monday).
District 3- Glastonbury (2nd Wednesday), Greater Hartford (2nd Tuesday), New Haven (3rd Wednesday), Plainville (2nd Wednesday), Meriden (1st Wednesday), Wallingford (3rd Thursday).
District 4- Milford (4th Monday), Stamford(2nd Monday).
Reach for the Stars '97 Conference
Farmington Marriott, Farmington, CT
Jodi Rell, Lt. Governor of Connecticut, Keynote Speaker
Lois Gardner
Laurie Hepburn
Dr. Ann Hines
Rebecca Lobo
Jodi Rell, Lt. Governor
Jennifer Rizzotti
Lenny Winkler, State Representative
Dr. Kristen Zarfos
Posthumously Honored as Stars:
Elizabeth George Plouffe and Martha Langevin Ellal of the Pequot Tribal Nation.
Michelle Collins of Oakville, CT
Barbara Thorpe of Wallingford, CT
Carrie Reed of Milford, CT