* Introduction to SKYWARN

SKYWARN is the National Weather Service volunteer weather spotting program 
where public citizens send reports to weather meterorologists to help them
make a presice prediction to protect life and property.

While many SKYWARN weather observers are ham radio operators, this is
NOT a requirement to the program. All that is required is that
the weather spotter goes to a training session offered by the National 
Weather Service in the Spring and Summer months.

Amateur Radio, however, does play a big role in SKYWARN in most areas
of the country. The advantage of using amateur radio operators is
that through our 2 meter and 70 cm repeaters we can get reports from a
30-50 mile radius. With our long range repeaters we can get coverage of up
to a 100 mile radius.

There are many frequencies where SKYWARN weather 
nets are run. Here in Southeastern Massachusetts we also have nets
that run 5 days a week.

In Southeastern Massachusetts, the following weather nets run daily:

146.955-Dennis Repeater (PL:88.5): Cape & Islands WX Net: Mon-Fri at 6 AM. 
145.490-Fairhaven Repeater: 145.49 Repeater WX Net: Mon-Fri at 8 PM.

By running daily, we have received high visibility and greater
participation from amateur radio operators in times of severe
weather and SKYWARN Activation.

Amateur Radio Operators are dedicated to public service. SKYWARN Weather
Spotters are dedicated to the protection of life and property. Putting
these two resources together make for a great combination.

As ARES SKYWARN Coordinator, and SKYWARN Net Control Station for
the 145.49 Repeater Weather Net, the importance of having not just
trained weather spotters but trained radio operators and net control 
stations cannot be overemphazised. Through SKYWARN drills, weather
spotter training, and NCS training. we hope to create the best SKYWARN
network possible for our area.

ARES SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS Taunton
SEMCARES Emergency Coordinator

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