NWS Taunton SKYWARN Program Section

These pictures provided by George and Susan Smith of Westport,
Massachusetts, relatives of K1IBR-Bill Miller show why. This
very scary scene on Wednesday Afternoon August 6th, 1997 at
around 2:15 PM shows a funnel cloud that touched down briefly
as a weak F0 tornado causing the tree tops to be broken across
an uninhabited area in the Drift Road section of Westport.
Doppler Radar did not detect it, but several spotters in the
Wesport area phoned in and reported via amateur radio, this
feature as a funnel cloud. If it were not for SKYWARN spotters,
this feature may have gone undetected. How do you get involved in
SKYWARN? The following internal and external SKYWARN links show
you how to get involved:
Introduction to SKYWARN
Latest Previaling Winds SKYWARN Newsletter
Q1'1998 SKYWARN Meeting Pictures
Latest SKYWARN Training/Hurricane Workshop Schedule from NWS Taunton
SKYWARN Newsletter Archive
SKYWARN Frequencies in Southern New England
SKYWARN Weather Center
Links to many SKYWARN and WX sites on the internet
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