This section will probably be the most changing and hopefully updated. I plan on a few different things, but we'll see. I've been thinking of pursuing a minor in composition for a while now so that's what sparked this page. Basically the idea is to put up stuff, arrangements, originals, Theory assignments, etc, as a kind of living online portfolio. As often as possible, I will try to post the work in as many different formats as possibly, but at a mininum they will be an audio file of some sort. If you're lucky, I'll also include a Finale .mus document and if you're really lucky you'll get an image or MP3.
This is my newest work in progress; a simple piano and voice arrangement of Jonathan Larson's Glory from RENT in G Major. I'm still working on it and I'm quite sure there's a few mistakes in it to work out... But overall, I'm proud of this so far. My reasoning behind chosing this specific song to transcribe? I'm planning on getting a tattoo soon. I was originally planning on an armband but the more I think about it and talk with my friend who will be inking me, across the inside of my right hand along the line formed by my thumb would be more appropriate and look better. It will be a line of music, specifically "time flies, time dies" from Glory with the Latin text "tempus fugit, tempus mortuus", for personal reasons. The whole thing will be like Adam Pascal's Celtic knot in colour; a fading rainbow. So that aspect makes working on this that much more exciting! I've provided both a MIDI and a Finale doc and I hope you all enjoy! Please tell me what you think!
This short little piece of crap was written for solo piccolo and piano and its original intent was as my Theory midterm. The title is definetly a pun due to the fact that it was due at 8am and I honestly did not start writing it until 2.30am. I was extremely drunk as well given that it was a Thursday night and my roommate and I did not feel the need to remain sober which accounts for the fact that it's for solo piccolo. It's not very good but eh... I've decided to expand on this little melody and I'm in the process of writing The Procrastination Symphony. The Ode will be a part of that. But for now, that's all you're getting (in MIDI and Finale formats!) because I havn't gotten very far on the rest of it.
This was a cadenza I wrote between 2003 and 2004 for the Mozart Flute Concerto in G. It was originally intended as a little something extra for my college auditions and originated from a bet and subsequent challenge from my flute teacher here at home. Well, I guess it worked given that I was accepted at all three schools I auditioned at. This is the original file directly from my manuscript. You also get a midi and a gif image. WOO! I havn't updated it at all other than on paper to reflect the changes I've made ever since I wrote this specific version. So yea... It's not that great. Maybe if I feel like it in the future, I'll update this file... But don't count on it unless I ever decide to start including Mozart in my lineups again.
This is my first "adventure" in messing around with music. It was written for flute in 2003 and the thirty second intro of my four and a half or so minute piece was featured in my movie trailer-style video for The X-Files: Fight the Future which was a project for my hs junior year Multimedia Tech class. The piece is based on Mark Snow's The X-Files Theme and it came about by means of me just messing around/having fun and realizing how freaking awesome it was to bastardize Mark Snow's excellent work. I wrote it down too 'cuz I, in my screwed up little maniacal drugged up mind, thought I was being awesome. hah! As soon as I find my original manuscript, expect a copy! (Most likely updated and edited to my ever-changing personality and impossibly high standards!) Possibly an MP3 recording from 2003 or a new one as well if I feel like it!
"Now I can beg and I can plead and I can rape your mind...
But all the while, I seem to love it!
I'm closer to divine!
I'm closer to divine!
I'm closer to the man that you want from me...
I'm closer to DIVINE!"