Awards & Honors



It's so nice to hear from other web designers!

We're delighted that the word is finally getting around, and people are taking notice of our site. It's an honor to receive kind words from those who visit, as well as the occassional recognition of an award.

These are some of the folks who stopped by, were pleased with our design and content, and wanted to express their appreciation. Thanks to each of them -- and to you -- for helping us make this site the best it can be!


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You have a great site!

You have won "The Network Maestro Homemaker Award." We give this award to those few sites which are a real help to homemakers in all walks of life.

Thank you for your internet contribution!

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Recently we enjoyed a very pleasant visit to your web site! It is with great pride that we announce that your web site is a WINNER of our most esteemed Majon Web Select "SEAL OF EXCELLENCE AWARD." (As mentioned in the Wall Street Journal.)

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Your site has been selected as an Optical Resolution "Worth More than a First Look" site for February, 1999.




All contents (text and images) ©Too Sisters Designs 1998-2000. All Rights Reserved
This website created and maintained by the Too Sisters, Carolyn & Tisha.
