Too (Thankful!) Sisters
Home Stitcher's Corner



        Since the first day we thought we could do this, we said, "If we're ever a success, it will be because of everyone who's had confidence in us."

When people believe in you, almost anything is within your reach.



        We're grateful people. Ever since we uttered our initial intent to start designing, so many people have helped along the way. That help has taken many forms: Companies who graciously invited us into their Designer Programs, to make sure we had what we needed to design, stitch and display; established designers and companies generously provided all kinds of information, to help us get our collective feet in the doorway; friends on both RCTN and #stitch who continue to provide encouragement, especially when we feel  nervous (which is often!); dear friends who unfailingly come to our aid by stitching models and doing so much more; our family, who helps on an almost daily basis by stitching and taking photos; and our non-stitching friends who always cheer us on every step of the way.

No one takes on a project of this size and succeeds alone. It is to each and every one of you that we say, "Thank you!" We wish we could find the right words to fully express the depth of our appreciation.

        Our gratitude knows no bounds; we know we can accomplish many good things, thanks to all of you. Although we don't have enough room to list everyone (hey, we sure wanted to!), we would like to single out some of those who have made our entry into the needlearts community joyful and productive. They are:

Designers and Needlework Resources


Everyone at #stitch -- We're mentioning everyone on the IRC channel #stitch because it's a great place to sit back, relax and chat about stitching. While not everyone who chats on #stitch is a designer, each and every stitcher who comes in is a talent in their own right. It's a place where encouragement, enthusiasm and a genuine sense of community can be found every day. Drop by the #stitch home page at and check it out!

If there ever was a place that personified the saying, "There are no strangers here, only friends who have not yet met," that would definitely be #stitch. If you'd like a little help getting to #stitch, check out Skyhook's Information About IRC #Stitch page. See you there!

When we need answers, one of the very first places we go is the Kathy Dyer's Counted Cross Stitch, Needlework and Stitchery Page. Kathy is also well known for RCTN's FAQs, which are another incredible source of information. Her website isn't all reference, either, lest you mistakenly think it's encyclopedic in nature. It's filled with all kinds of fun, including fiction, limericks, humor and all those things that will brighten your day. Best of all ("best" in our humble opinion, that is), she's also a racing fan! (Anyone who enjoys NASCAR is definitely a friend of ours! Vrrrrrrrooooooommmmm!)

The Cross Stitch Community at -- C'mon over and join the fun! This is yet another fun place to chat and meet friends online, where stitchers and designers alike all look forward to meeting you. You'll find discussion boards, member profiles, regularly scheduled chats, chats with designers...and more.

Nyssa -- At River's End, Post Office Box 5035, Virginia Beach, VA, 23471. Look for the free charts on Nyssa's site, "Silver Blossoms" and "Heart's Desire." They're both gorgeous designs! Nyssa has added many designs since we've made her acquaintance. You'll want to see them all for yourself!

Pamela Kellogg -- Kitty & Me Country Crafts. You've seen Pam's beautiful designs in "The Cross-Stitcher," "Just Cross Stitch" and other publications; several of her designs are available through Herrschner's, too. Enjoy visiting her website; while you're there, check out her free charts. Pam loves cats every bit as much as we do; you'll absolutely love her website!

Roger Reinardy -- who has kindly answered so many of our questions, especially those times we wrote to him in a panic and asked, "What do we do now?!" If you haven't seen his beautiful designs, Janlynn features both his long-stitch and cross-stitch. Please look for Janlynn kits at your local needlework shop.

Jennifer Aikman-Smith -- The "Dragon Lady," who creates the greatest collection of dragons ever seen. They're too cool! Now don't be alarmed... "Dragon Lady" definitely doesn't refer to her personality (she's a very sweet person), but instead to her delightfully draconian designs. Jennifer is also an excellent resource for those wanting to be designers. She gave us some excellent advice on how to get started, and we are just as grateful now as that first day we met her via e-mail.

Lula Chang -- who is, without a doubt, one of the most encouraging and supportive people in the needlework industry. Her work is absolutely magnificent. When we're feeling a bit down, all it takes is a visit to her website to brighten our day! Lula's sense of color and texture is a gift, indeed, and we delight in how her spectacular imagination comes to life on canvas and fabric. You simply must visit her website! It's an exquisite escape into another world...there's no other way to describe it.

CameoRoze's Stitcher's Studio -- You've met CameoRoze, haven't you? She's absolutely one of the most resourceful and helpful people you'll ever meet. She answers lots of questions for everyone, has an exceptionally good needlework site (her Stitcher's Studio), and shares a smile with everybody she meets online. If you need to know where the nearest needlework shop might be, or want to know about some of the designers Cameo has met in her travels, then drop by the Stitcher's Studio. It's a place where you'll feel welcome. It reminds us all that stitching is less about needle and floss, and entirely about the people we meet through our craft. -- Cross Stitch -- Meridel (Meri) Abrams has created a wonderful cross stitch community online. Stop by her home at (which used to be known as Mining Co.) and check out all the fun things you'll find there! Have you been looking for the "Flower Bears" charts by The Vermillion Stitchery? You'll find 'em there. Been wanting to join an online EGA Chapter? Meridel's forum is the place! Don't forget to sign up for her newsletter, too. You'll have way too much fun! And then there's also... -- Needlepoint -- Janet Perry is "Nuts About Needlepoint," but we knew that! She's incredible! Best of all, "Nuts About Needlepoint" is her newsletter, which you'll want to sign up for over at You'll also love the rest of the resources Janet has provided for everyone, including news, features, tips, information, and all kinds of things related to needlepoint. We had so much fun visiting the forum! You could hear us saying, "Gosh, I didn't know that..." over and over. Learning is fun at Janet's place, so stop in and check it out!

Sharon G -- who continues to inspire us with her many innovative designs, including pens, lingerie, and so much more. It was after seeing Sharon G's work that we realized just how much fun needlepoint is! Look for Sharon G's canvases at your local needlework shop.




Colin Fulford -- Fulford Software Solutions, producers of Easy Cross cross-stitch and needlecraft computer design software. It's what we use to chart our designs, and we highly recommend this software for anyone who wants to create needlework charts with the help of their computer. In addition to Easy Cross Deluxe, Colin also offers the Easy Cross "Enterprise" (business) edition for professional designers. We're very fond of the Enterprise version and its many modules (beadwork, hardanger, needlepoint), because it's made our lives easier. We're not paid to say that, mind you... No commercial endorsements here, just a couple of very satisfied customers!

Zweigart -- What's your favorite needlework fabric? The name of ours begins with a Z, that's for sure! We greatly enjoy using Zweigart fabrics as we stitch, especially their Damask Aida and fine linens. Their fabrics are so elegant and luxurious -- we just can't resist. They have so many fabrics, totes, baby items, pattern goods and more, we couldn't begin to list them all...and they're constantly adding more selection to their huge product line. We always look forward to using Zweigart fabrics for our designs! Look for Zweigart fabrics at your local needlework shop, to get the same beautiful results you see in our stitched models.

Craftsmen's Studio -- We've been customers of these fine folks for several years now, and can honestly say they ship faster than anyone else in the industry. If you're not familiar with Craftsmen's Studio, they sell Zweigart fabrics and are a wealth of information on duplicate stitch. If you can't get Zweigart products locally, these are the folks to call. They personify everything that is perfect when it comes to customer service!

They have a top-rate web site,, where you can search for fabric and order online!  Be sure and say hello to Mary Catherine and the other members of the CS team; they go to many needlework shows across the country!

Kreinik --  We're always looking for new threads that will give our work more sparkle and definition. With the help of Kreinik Blending Filaments, metallic threads, Braids and gorgeous Japan Threads, we're definitely adding something very special to our designs. Just a touch of Blending Filament or Braid can make your needlework shimmer and sparkle, as we've discovered with many of our designs. We're also using Kreinik's Silk Mori threads, which are so pretty! "Filigree Heart" uses Kreinik's Facets, which might be new to you -- definitely worth looking for at your local needlework shop.

Lois Caron -- Lois continues to have a profound influence on needleworkers around the world. Because her company, The Caron Collection, sponsors design contests, we discovered the path toward a new career. We're very grateful to Lois for her contribution to the needle arts, and encourage you to visit the Caron website regularly. You'll not only learn all about Caron Collection fibers, but you'll meet designers, learn new techniques, see some of the most beautiful needlework in the world...and you'll have too much fun! It is one of the best needlework resources on the Web. Have you seen the newest colors in The Caron Collection? No? Time to check their website!

Sudberry House -- Have you thought about what you'll do with your needlework, once you've completed the last stitch? Sudberry House makes fine wooden boxes, home accessories, and a wide variety of other products in which you can display your stitching. As you can see, we're huge fans of Sudberry House boxes, trays and other items!  A few months ago, we went on a spree and bought Sudberry House "Quaker Boxes," a Candle Screen (neat!), and other delightful items. Check out their catalog at your local needlework shop, and take special note of their backgammon board -- it's really cool. We're also charmed by their square tables, recently spotted in their online catalog.

Coats and Clark -- You know Coats and Clark for their Anchor Embroidery Floss, but did you know it's made from 100% Egyptian Giza cotton? Yes, it sure is! Coats and Clark is also very well known for their Anchor Marlitt Rayon Floss, Pearl Cottons and other needlecraft threads. We're pleased to have Anchor colors as part of our varied palette, and invite you to check out the Coats and Clark website. Perhaps soon, you'll also be an Anchor fan...if you're not one already.

DMC Corporation --  Makers of such favorites as Six-strand Embroidery Cotton floss, Pearl Cotton, Flower Thread, Matte Embroidery Cotton and more, DMC is a source for well over 400 colors of floss. They recently added 36 new colors, which are so very pretty. Have you seen their metallic thread? Gold, copper, red, bright blue and many others to jazz up your stitching! We're very fond of Pearl Cotton when we're stitching for ourselves... Not only is it shiny and lustrous in needlepoint projects, but it's fun for plastic canvas work, too. (Are you a plastic canvas fan, too? We're thinking of designing a few projects along that line... Interested?)

Mill Hill -- Beadwork is another one of our passions, especially when it's so easy to find a wide variety of beads, buttons and other fun "extras." We enjoy using Mill Hill beads, not only because of the selection, but because the beads are of such high quality. We collect beads and buttons, too, and find Mill Hill also offers very nice buttons by Debbie Mumm. Yes, you know what we're going to say... You'll find these, too, at your local needlework shop! If you don't have a local shop, fear not! Mill Hill now has made arrangements with shops in different parts of the country, and you can order your beads via those shops, direct on the Mill Hill site! It's fun and waaaay too addictive!

Charles Craft --  One of the things that makes designing so much fun is seeing different products that utilize needlework. We enjoy Charles Craft's Vinyl Aida for that very reason: Fun stuff like "plant pokes," hanging signs, ornaments, and all kinds of other novel uses that bring out everyone's creativity.

Weeks Dye Works -- We'd heard a lot about these hand-dyed specialty threads, but nothing we'd heard prepared us properly for their incredible beauty! We are excited to be featuring these special fibers by Miranda Weeks McGahey in one of our newest designs, "Munchkin's Maze," and we look forward to using them again and again! If you're not seeing them at your local needlework store, please ask for them. They're fibers you won't want to miss.

J.P. Fabrics & Draperies -- When we had great difficulty finding an affordable finisher for pillows, banners and bellpulls, these folks saved our lives! (Perhaps we exaggerate...but not by much.) They feature an incredible assortment of beautiful, unique fabrics and they do finishing work that is truly a dream come true. Cross-stitch, needlepoint, problems with that shirt you're name it, they can help. They've finished "Square Beyond Compare," the banner we designed for the CATS 1999 shows, and "Filigree Heart," all at the most reasonable prices we've ever seen. If you're in Southern California, they're definitely worth visiting at 331 North San Fernando Blvd., just a couple blocks from the Media City Center. Or call (818) 845-0862 for directions.

The Thread Gatherer -- Cece Stricklin brings a special pizzazz to her hand-dyed threads, and you know we love pizzazz! Many of you know Cece's work, because you've used her fibers for samplers and other heirloom projects. We discovered her threads at one of our local needlework shops, after hearing so much about them. We are excited about adding these lovely fibers to our stitching palette, and we hope you enjoy them as well!



We Would Especially Like to Thank


Our Wonderful Model Stitchers

Mimi Atkinson (Mom!)

Aniza Azlan

Vicki Badik

Helen Mardis

Ida Shaffer

Susie Stitcher

Barb Wilson


Our Fabulous Photographer & Website Troubleshooting Guru

Peter L. Hotchkiss


And most of all:


Yes, indeedy... You. Because we appreciate your support!


All contents (text and images) ©Too Sisters Designs 1998-2000. All Rights Reserved
This website created and maintained by the Too Sisters, Carolyn & Tisha.
