
A Christmas play like no other, the setting is a neighborhood New York City bar on Christmas Eve, where a few of the regular customers gather to decorate the Christmas tree and share the festive evening in the one place they know that they might find some familiar faces.


Bobby & Patty

Eric & Tim

As the evening progresses, festiveness crosses the line from innocence to hostility and the middle aged patrons are forced to confront the truths of their being there at this place at this time. As Bobby says at the end of Act I, "I'm sick of sitting here and hearing about the good life." For these people gathered together this night, Christmas is the time of year when they are walking the tightrope between joy and despondency.

Clara & Eric

"That's why dreams are dreams...

because they never come true..."

...a serious play, filled with laughter, in which the characters come to recognize, and perhaps accept, the elusiveness of a wonderful life.

"...flings a mean pie in the eye of Frank Capra-esque goody-goodiness and wrings fierce emotion out of the festive cheer." VILLAGE VOICE




"I'm gettin' out of the bar business..."


Directed by Peter Sylvester

Set Design by Mark Symczak

Lighting Design by David Alan Comstock


Elaine Bradbury Julianne Carpenter Dennis Carrig Donna Davis Jeff Kronson Michael Lewis Bruce Mohat Brenda Pitmon Sheila Sawney Randy Soare Mick Weber

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