Welcome to A Season in Methven -- The Journals of Drew Wilde, an
online science fiction novel by Thom
Stark. If you're new here, you may want to catch up by browsing
Our Story Thus Far. If you want the full experience,
start with the Introduction and follow the links until
you reach the Current Entry.
I post new entries approximately every month, usually on Sunday night
(West Coast time).
The most recent one is Episode Fifty-one.
If you'd like to be notified when a new entry is posted, just
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Navigate The Journals by using the buttons in the left margin of each page or the links
at the top and bottom of each Entry, or you can use the list below to find your way around:
- The Current Entry takes you to the most recent
entry in The Journals of Drew Wilde - A Season in Methven.
- Our Story Thus Far takes you to a synopsis
of the narrative to date.
- Previous Entries takes you to the archives,
where you can read the story from the beginning.
- Rumor Central
takes you to a discussion area, (hosted by Computer Tyme,) where you can
exchange messages with other readers. In order to post here, you'll have to create an
account with a user name and password. The information you supply will NOT be
used to spam you.
- Cast of Characters takes you to a set of brief
biographies of the characters in The Journals.
The other buttons take you to
The Feedback button
lets you send me email, if your browser supports the <MAILTO:> HTML tag.
(Copyright© 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Thom Stark--all rights reserved)