Elite Tour Day 5
June 14, 2007
Springerville to Socorro, NM 158 miles
Pablo Software Solutions
Lon's Route Description
Today we cross into New Mexico. The tall forests give way to small scrubby pine trees. Hills and cliffs of red rocks line the road as we climb to the Continental Divide at 8,000 feet near Pie Town. The wind will dictate if the ride across the range country is fast or not.

McDonalds Locator

Springerville Forecast
Socorro Forecast

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Elite Tour
PA Randonneurs
PAC Tour

Tom Rosenbauer
Ride Recap
Today, the PAC Tour organizers announced that the time goals for each food/water stop were going to be strictly enforced -- if you arrived past the cut-off, you would sagged forward to next stop, about 25 miles down the road, in order to get you back on track with the pace that was expected of you.  For today's 158 mile run, we were expected to finish within 11 hours.  This certainly raised the intensity level of the group, as we headed on out.  With about 500 feet of elevation gain to the first stop, the group I was in made the time goal with only 10 minutes to spare.  However, favorable wind conditions and generally downhill course at the end, made this a very fast speed.  I finished the day in a little more than 9 hours with an on-bike average speed of over 19 MPH.
The green sign indicates the Continental Divide ... that means it's all downhill from here to the Atlantic, right?
I got a chance to share a few miles with PAC Tour organizer, Lon Haldeman.
Our lunch stop today, was under 2 shade trees
Today's geology lesson on the right and shown below.
The Socorro McDonalds was right across from our hotel today.