Ticket Information

Contribute at least $50 (per person) to the John Kerry for President campaign to get a ticket to the Party!. (Tickets for children under 18 require a $20 donation).

A contribution of $500 or more also admits you to a special pre-Party! reception with Barney Frank ($1000 per couple).

If you have already reached the contribution maximum of $2000, please contact us at bbbash@rcn.com to arrange for tickets.

There are two ways to register: online with your credit card, or through the mail with a check. See the instructions below.

Register On-Line by Credit Card

When you click the registration link (below), a new browser window will open to our Beat Bush "Kerry Core" contribution web site

Click here to register for the Party for Kerry!!

Your contribution of $50 or more will automatically register you for the Party!, and you may print out a receipt from the Kerry campaign at this point. We will confirm your online registration by email.

or Register by Check

Step 1:
Print out the Party for Kerry! Contribution Form

Step 2:
Fill out the form, and send it along with a check payable to "John Kerry for President, Inc." to this address:

Ann Peck Reisen/BBB
111 Perkins Street
Boston, MA 02130

We will confirm your contribution either by email or snail mail. The Kerry campaign will send you a receipt by mail. If you pay by check from a joint account, whoever signs the check will be credited with the contribution.

Important information about your contribution.

If you have already reached your Kerry contribution maximum for the primary season, please contact us by email at bbbash@rcn.com to arrange registration for the Party!.

Donations will be attributed to the individual who pays for them. If you want your contributions to count separately, you should register separately.

The maximum contribution allowed is $2000 per person, per election. The primary season (up until the convention) counts as one election. Because Kerry will accept federal funding for the November election, he cannot accept contributions after the convention. So, we should contribute as much as we can now. See our Contribution Limits page for further information.

If you pay by check from a joint account, whoever signs the check will be credited with the contribution.

Children are welcome to attend the Party!, but their tickets (contributions) must be paid for by someone who is at least 18 years old.

All proceeds from the Party for Kerry! go to the John Kerry for President campaign. Beat Bush is a grassroots group and is entirely independent of the Kerry for President campaign, is not an agent of the Kerry for President campaign, and is not affiliated with it in any official capacity.