Last Update: September 15, 2007

To keep me out of trouble with the law and for all you first timers and newbies to my site, this site was conceived and constructed with one goal in actually see if i could put that 10mg of webspace that is included in my monthly internet service plan by my provider to use...

I succeeded in occupying the space, so to speak....regarding the content, now that's a different story...

Through all my years of surfing the web, I've compiled a massive list of bookmarks...covering a wide span of content ranging from totally useful to downright unbelievably useless...however, even the most useless carries high amusement value and proves that the internet has no limits or boundaries...

With that being said, this site is simply a compilation of my bookmarks and favorites that link directly to the site of origin simply by clicking on the image button pictured along with my brief description of each site...I recommend you add any sites you find of use or amusing directly to your favorite list or bookmark the site from their homepage for future use...the content and links listed in this site change regularly and many sites previously listed may not be available depending on my mood at the time I update my content.

The content contained in this site is not considered socially acceptable or morally balanced and should be taken with a grain of salt. It helps if that grain of salt is accompanied by a stiff margarita. Now for all you "first timers" AND anyone else who enjoys reading legal disclaimers and fine print, then here are the rules on how this game is played:

There will be NO spitting, hitting or unnecessary name calling without a signed note from your mother or father. If further action is required, you can take legal action with the appropriate court by filing one of the official court forms found here. (now available for all 50 states!)

This site is not recommended for anyone suffering from any heart-related condition, high blood pressure, has a weak stomach, is pregnant, suffering from PMS, is or has been accused of being anal retentive, is in denial, prefers Pepsi over Coke, or has no sense of humor.*

 Some material contained within may not be suitable for minors...anyone under age 21, click this instead.

To the best of my knowledge, the elements contained throughout this site are public domain or give credit to their rightful owners by meeting the requirements of their respective usage agreements. I have under no intention, deliberately misrepresented any contributors. If I have, however, in any way, not given proper credit where credit is due, or have upset anyone who's material is displayed within this site, please contact me and I will correct any error or remove the material from my site immediately.

This site is intended strictly for fun and is of personal nature with absolutely no money or funds in any form being generated from this site or any of its content as displayed within this site. Links directing to sites outside of this site, are subject to the terms and conditions stated within their individual site and are not associated to or subject to the terms stated herein. Products and services purchased from any site that may be linked to this site, are not my responsibility, so don't bug me because of your own mistake or bad judgement call when entering into an agreement with any supplier of goods or services linked to this site...remember “caveat emptor”...

So, if you're still with me and have no questions, comments or concerns, you're welcome to come in and see what all the hooplah is about...have fun but please, play by the rules...oh, don’t forget to wipe your feet.
*NOTE: If you are presently operating without a sense of humor or would just like to update the version you have, you can automatically install a new version by clicking here.
OK, I understand already, now let me in! I think I hear my mother calling, Bye!

Quite possibly one of the most important songs written by one of the most underestimated musicians today. This controversial song released nearly 2 years ago has been banned from our airwaves nationwide until recently when Jimmy Kimmel Live broadcast this performance on his late night network talk show. Way to go Jimmy!

See Jimmy Kimmel's lead-in interview in full here:

See the 4/10/07 performance on Jimmy Kimmel Live here:

Soon to be famous "lampshade" project...yes, I photographed my entire project from beginning to end...Links to my photo diary will be published in the near future so check back.

(sorry about the delay all but what can I say, I'm still adjusting to "married life"....WOW!

If you already know where you want to go, here's your shortcut...
Get Flash !

OK, so I’m keeping have a problem with that?

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