SKC/AKC Champion Touchwood Toga of Woodwyn

(OFA,CERF 1998,Optigen A, BAER, Thyroid normal. Whelped 1-9-87
by Ch. Mariden's I'm Dignified CD x Touchwood's Brocade CD, TD,
Bred by Lynn Hall, Touchwood)
(aka Togie, Togasters, Toges, Big Nose.)
I acquired Toga shortly after we were married. I wanted a dog
to work with to get me back in circulation, one that was a do-it-all
---show, obedience, and field --- and that's exactly what he was.
At the 1998 National Specialty Toga added his last title, a WDX
,to his list of titles. A dog that is happiest when he's working!

Toga was a delightful dog to live with. He possessed a strong
desire to please and thoroughly enjoyed work, learned fast and
was extremely bright, loved everyone, was outgoing and resilient
and had a definite sense of humor.
Toga really spoiled me when it came to field work. Other than
some simple obedience and, later a little bit of control training,
he received no formal field training. He learned about birds by
chasing gulls and sandpipers at the beach and learned to swim
in Long Island Sound. Everything came naturally with him......As
a puppy he was an enthusiastic and ambitious retriever, picking
up anything he could get his little mouth on, the bigger the better,
and bringing it to me or parading it around for all to see and
admire. At 4 1/2 months he flushed his first gamebird (quail)
to the gun, marked, and retrieved to hand. He earned his WD at
barely 6 months of age, only his fourth time under the gun.
Toga has the distinction of being the first English Cocker
to earn a championship with the States Kennel Club in 1989. In
2000 he was noted as being one of 58 English Cockers recognized
for breed Versatility. Versatility recognition requires that the
dog be titled in Conformation, Field, and either Obedience, Agility,
or Tracking.

Toga at age 10
Last Update- October 27, 2004