please use the links above to navigate the website --enjoy your stay!
03/09/04 -
Mike filmed his scene for
NBC's Law & Order, entitled "Nowhere Man". He plays an Emergency Services
Unit Cop (ESU Cop) in a principal role. See
for pictures.
03/05/04 -
Mike appeared on "NY
Graham Norton" on Channel 4 in the U.K. tonight as an Asian Karaoke
Singer/Business Man. Guests tonight included Willem Defoe and Stockard
Channing. We will update when the show will air on BBC America. See
for pictures.
03/01/04 - Mike will be featured in an upcoming episode of NBC's Law & Order, entitled "Nowhere Man". He is shooting next week.
12/25/03 - Merry Christmas! or Happy Chanukah or just plain Happy Holidays! May your new year be a better one.
12/14/03 - Mike lands a lead role in the independent feature-length film "White Hat" to be shot in May 2004. Pre-production and rehearsals are in the works.
11/05/03 - Updated website, new layout.
10/31/03 - Happy Halloween!
10/22/03 - See Mike on NBC's Law & Order, episode #4305 "Shrunk" airs today.
10/15/03 - Law & Order, episode #4305 "Shrunk" postponed because of Game 7 of MLB NLCS between the Cubs and Marlins.
09/05/03 - Mike shot his scenes today for Law & Order, episode #4305, entitled "Shrunk".
Click on the mailbox to email me.
Mike Nelson the NY actor NOT the Mystery Science Theater 3000 ( MST3K ) guy ( Joel was funnier anyway )
Fordham University - Actors Studio Drama School