Links to use when you can't stand these pages anymore!!!

Boys Will Be Boys (Thank God For That)| Those ever so innocent girls | The stuff TV movies are made of |Links to anywhere but here | Back to the dorm|SUBCULTURE|RAve WoRld|

cool.gif My big brother wrote a book, do him a favor and at least check it out. It's pretty cool, I swear

cool.gifHey, everyone needs a laugh! let Comedy Central be yours

cool.gifCome on.. be a trendy wannabe at MTV!

cool.gifAbercrombie and Fitch- Truly the best in clothing and men

cool.gifMy straight Edge guest book, wanna bitch? go right ahead

cool.gifAfter all this you still wanna come to Kent? Well then visit them via the web!

cool.gifsXe FOREVER

cool.gifwanna find Raves in YOUR area?

cool.gifRavers of the world unite

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