Syntropic Villages

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Creating A Path: The Syntropic Villages Logo

Some of the most intricate expressions of human thought can be found among the forms of meditation practiced in Asia.

A play written by Morton Marcus, called The Eight Ecstasies of Yaeko Iwasaki, portrays the personal achievement of a young woman who is slowly dying from an illness. Yaeko, a Buddhist nun, writes letters describing the stages of her enlightenment as she experiences them shortly before her death. Her mentor, the Roshi, writes this in one of his replies:

"...each of our dreams, opening ahead of us,
hollows out a little more of the universe,
until a network of paths radiates among the stars,
paths like shafts of light, like facets in a diamond.

The entrance to your path is anywhere you turn..."

T. Scott Sayre has produced a "light sculpture," entitled Creating A Path, that represents the entrance of Yaeko into her "path of light, radiating among the stars." In that image, one can see Yaeko kneeling and reaching forward as her body dissolves into several frequencies of light. Her hair has turned red, her face, hands, and dress a sparkling green, her bare shoulders and arms into a bright, white light--and her transformation is surrounded by complex patterns of energy in the form of light.

It may be said that human civilization has a similar path to follow, and that we can only reach enlightenment--or the next transformation of our species--by first passing through the fullest realization of the ideals and spirit of democracy. In that sense, The Syntropic Villages Logo symbolically represents the creation of a path toward enlightenment for all humanity.

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Most recent update: 10 May 2000
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