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Book List

N.B.: The following books are currently being revised and updated. The first editions of each book can be read online or downloaded at Books Online by clicking on the image of the book you wish to read.

Please note the titles below, then go to Books Online at The Center for the Evolution of Democracy. Or you can obtain information about each book below by selecting its Brief Description, Table of Contents, or Chapter Outlines.

  1. Creating Democracy In Time: A Strategy for Human Survival in the 21st Century

    Brief Description

    Table of Contents

    Chapter Outlines

  2. The Universal Model: A Democratic Constitution for the Third Millennium

    Brief Description

    Table of Contents

  3. Lost In Dreams

    Brief Description

  4. Creative Democracy and the Internet: A Construction Manual for the Post-Modern World

    Brief Description

    Table of Contents

  5. American Democracy: The Next Step

    Brief Description

    Table of Contents

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CED's Index Page, CED'S Virtual Democracy Project

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Most recent update: 02 FEBRUARY 2004
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