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This sample is a heavy edit with a good deal of rewriting. It is the text of a web page describing activities available to children at a daycare center.

Before: the original text.

Preschool Programs Open Time Areas

Play is children's work and it is through play that children learn. Ideally our open classroom environment is set up in a variety of learning and play centers that allow each child time to explore on their own each day.

ART - It is here that conceptual and perceptual development occurs. We provide stimulating open-ended materials to promote creative thinking. Materials used and ways of using them are varied here and include easles, clay, watercolors, fingerpaints and many other supplies.

MANIPULATIVES - This areas provides an opportunity to develop and fine tune fine motor skills. These include eye/hand coordination, size concepts, sequencing, visual discrimination, spacial relationships, one-to-one correspondence and many others. The water table, wood doll house, brio and town center tables are included in the resource materials for manipulatives. Woodworking is also a part of this center and works on the coordinations of all the above mentioned skills.

HOUSEKEEPING - This area provides a safe space for each child to "pretend or act out" the events in his/her life experiences. It lends an opportunity for role model behavior between children and the many adults in their lives and to learn the "give and take" necessary for cooperative social behavior.

OUTSIDE - Outdoor play is very important for all of our children. Coordination, balance, cooperativeness and large motor skill, large muscle use are expanded and developed. Bikes, organized games and using both playgrounds with equipment from our resource closets as support msterials for this development is useful in this area.

DISCOVERY - Known as our science, math and social studies area. The idea is that everything is EXPLORED here. The child is able to understand his/her world of home, neighborhood, school, and then the larger community around them by exploration. This is all done by touching, seeing, talking, observing, and exploring, exploring, exploring.

SMALL BLOCKS - In this area each child is able to integrate their ideas of their world into buildings and building. Play here promotes problem solving, cooperativeness and a feeling of success with completion. Creative play items join our wood structure items as support materials.

OPEN ART - Many of the same developmental processes of Art come into play here with the opportunity of the child choosing the materials to work with instead of the teacher. This area works with fine motor skills and the development of eye/hand coordination skills which are so important for the pre-primer skills of reading and writing.

BIG BLOCKS - Big Blocks provide the same opportunity as small blocks with the child's view of his/her world and the creative way to transfer what he/she knows into big block structures and building using their large motor skills to accomplish that.

SNACK - Snack is provided for all of our children during our opentime. It is another opportunity for family style dining and an opportunity for the development of cooporation, self help skills and manors.

LANGUAGE ARTS - Language time, story time, dictation, is a vital part of our children's day and their development for successful communication skills. Talking and sharing with teachers and their peers about common subjects is important. The experience of learning and practicing listening and contributing to group discussions is a valuable life skill. Their words are IMPORTANT. Reading stories, dictating children's stories, acting out plays and stories themselves and/or with puppets is an important part of our Language Arts program. Music and movement are also an encouraged method of language development. Language dictation through our computer lab is also used in this area

After: the edited text.

Preschool Open Time Areas

Play is children's work and it is through play that children learn. Our open classroom is set up with play centers for children to explore.

Art is a place for conceptual and perceptual development. We provide stimulating, open-ended, varied materials to promote creative thinking. In Open Art, children -- instead of teachers -- choose the supplies. Artwork supports reading and writing readiness.

In Manipulatives, children develop fine motor skills: they learn eye-hand coordination and visual discrimination and they learn about size, sequencing, spatial relationships, and one-to-one correspondence. Children may work with water tables, a wooden doll house, Brio and town center tables, and woodworking materials.

With grown-up clothing and props available, Housekeeping is a safe space for children to pretend or act out events in their lives. This is an opportunity for children to imitate adult behavior and learn the "give and take" necessary for good social behavior.

Coordination, balance, cooperation, and large motor skill are developed on the Playground. Slides, climbing equipment, bikes, and balls are available.

Discovery is our science, math, and social studies area. Here, children touch, see, talk, observe, and generally explore. Sand and water tables are part of this area.

In Blocks, children integrate their ideas of the world into buildings and building. Play here promotes problem solving, cooperation, and a feeling of success with completion. Children may choose between Big Blocks and Small Blocks.

In Language Arts, children listen to stories, dictate their own stories, act out plays, and use puppets. In doing these things, they learn to listen and contribute to group discussions. Music and movement also happen here.

Snack is provided for all children during Open Time. Here, family-style dining helps children learn cooperation, self-help skills, and good manners.