Episode Details |
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WARNING: this page, unlike the Episode Titles page and others on this site, contains MAJOR SPOILERS. I recommend that you not read this page until you have seen most of the episodes. | |
Contents of this page:
First Season (on NBC) | |||
1. (101) | Here's why cosmetics should come in unbreakable bottles | ||
Writer: Jay Tarses | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 5/21/87 | |
Teaser: | As in most of the episodes to follow, we begin with Molly's mother, Florence, narrating over a scene of Molly, often in her apartment (on the upper west side of New York City). In this case, Molly is just getting up for work. Florence welcomes us to her daughter's bedroom, and gives us a brief description of her daughter, with a fair amount of motherly commentary about what Molly is doing wrong in her life. | ||
Summary: |
The very first episode. As Molly leaves her apartment (12A) in the morning, she notices the door to apartment 12F open a crack, but when she speaks to the mysterious occupant, the only response she gets is a slammed door. On the elevator, Molly reads Empty Rooms, her latest poem, to Davey, the elevator man, who is rather critical. Molly arrives at work (Dennis Widmer Associates, a Real Estate office) and chews out her slimy boss and lover, Dennis, for not telling her that he is married: it seems that everyone in the office knew, except her. Molly next shows a condominium to a wealthy Indian named Birmanyi; since Molly has difficulty pronouncing this, she calls him Bill. Florence complains to Molly about Molly's father, Edgar: all he ever does since he retired is sit around the house. They also discuss Molly's sister Maimie and brother Dwight. Molly's ex-husband, Fred, stops by the apartment and flirts: it is clear that the romantic aspect of their relationship has not cooled completely since the divorce. Then he tells her that he has some news: he is engaged to a Swedish cross-country skiier named Kirsten. This news upsets Molly, causing her to accidentally knock over and break the cosmetics bottle of the episode title. | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Dennis, Birmanyi (aka "Bill"). | ||
Guest Char.: | Dennis's staff. | ||
2. (102) | Here's why there are instances when vegetables aren't necessarily good for you | ||
Writer: Jay Tarses | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 5/28/87 | |
Teaser: | Florence again narrates, this time while Molly sits at an outdoor cafe. Florence discusses the "tortured, gut-wrenching poetry" that Molly writes, which she suspects is full of sexual innuendo that makes her (Florence) uncomfortable. She then reads a short "non-sexual" excerpt. | ||
Summary: |
Molly is again puzzled by the mysterious occupant of apartment 12F. When asked, Davey denies that anyone lives in 12F. The elevator is packed with pregnant women, who seem to haunt Molly for the rest of the episode. On her way out, she runs into Florence, who complains about Edgar "rearranging her spice rack." At the office, Molly flirts with Birmanyi while they close the deal on the condo she showed him. When Dennis appears jealous, she yells at him, and quits. In a flashback, we see Molly meeting Fred for the first time. Then, back in the present, Molly meets Fred and is introduced to Kirsten, his Swedish fiance, for the first time. At dinner with Birmanyi, Molly is embarrassed to discover that she has spinach stuck between her teeth (hence the episode title), and discusses this with yet another pregnant woman, whom she meets in the Ladies room. | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Dennis, Birmanyi (aka "Bill"), Kirsten. | ||
Guest Char.: | Dennis's staff, "The Guys" (Fred's old band), a waiter, various pregnant women. | ||
3. (103) | Here's why you should stay out of coffee shops if you don't drink coffee | ||
Writer: Bob Brush | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 6/04/87 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Nick. | ||
Guest Char.: | "The Guys," Nick's partner, 2 waiters, a cabbie. | ||
4. (104) | Here's why you should never wear high heels to the bank | ||
Writer: Bob Brush | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 6/11/87 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Nick. | ||
Guest Char.: | Alex & "The Guys," recording engineer. | ||
5. (105) | Here's why it's not good to stare at people in restaurants | ||
Writer: Allan Burrs | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 6/18/87 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Edgar, Blake. | ||
Guest Char.: | Andrea (glimpsed briefly), piano student. | ||
6. (106) | Here's why it's tough to sell watermelons after midnight | ||
Writer: Judith Kahan | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 6/25/87 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nina, Maimie, Blake. | ||
Guest Char.: | the "shusher" in the movie theater, a couple on the elevator, a store clerk. | ||
7. (107) | Here's why a torch is too heavy to carry in a purse | ||
Writer: Judith Kahan | Director: Arlene Sanford | Airdate: 7/02/87 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Nina, Dr. Lichfield. | ||
Guest Char.: | Mrs. Feldman, Kenny & Sally. | ||
8. (108) | Here's why they call the little one a jingle and the big one the blues | ||
Writer: Jeffrey Lane | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 7/09/87 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred. | ||
Guest Char.: | Steve, "The Guys." | ||
9. (109) | Here's another bedtime story | ||
Writer: Bob Brush | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 7/16/87 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Birmanyi (aka "Bill"), Kirsten. | ||
Guest Char.: | the "amateur exterminator," Birmanyi's 4 female "friends." | ||
10. (110) | Here's why it's good to have a cake burning in the refrigerator | ||
Writer: Sheree Guitar | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 7/23/87 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nina, Maimie, Robin. | ||
Guest Char.: | Schroeder (the building superintendant). | ||
11. (111) | Here's why Henry David Thoreau chose the pond | ||
Writer: Laurie Gelman | Director: Arlene Sanford | Airdate: 7/30/87 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nina, Dennis. | ||
Guest Char.: | Dennis's staff, Claire, Glen (repairman), noisy neighbor in Apt. 12E | ||
12. (112) | Here's why you've gotta bake a batch of cookies every once in a while | ||
Writer: Daniel Finneran | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 8/06/87 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Edgar, Maimie, | ||
Guest Char.: | poetry teacher and students. | ||
13. (113) | Here's why good guys sometimes wear black | ||
Writer: Wendy Kout | Director: Mark Cullinghan | Airdate: 8/13/87 | |
Teaser: | While Molly peruses an old photograph album, Florence's narration discusses the characteristics of her three children: Molly, Maimie, and Dwight. | ||
Summary: |
My favorite episode! (If the description that follows makes it sound like a lame melodrama, the fault is in my brief summary.) Florence and Molly take Maimie out for a birthday lunch, but Molly grows angry when she learns that Maimie's husband Len has given Molly's phone number to his new, single dental partner, Donny Donaldson. Donny's fabulously slimy phone messages annoy Molly for the rest of the episode, generally, as Molly notes, at intervals of one hour and seven minutes. A more welcome phone message comes from the charming Martin Storm, who becomes Molly's new piano student -- a welcome change from the bratty children she usually teaches, such as Catherine, who has the lesson before his. However, when Martin arrives for his first lesson, Molly is shocked to learn that he is a lonely Hassidic Jewish widower. Molly, who remains strongly attracted to Martin, asks Nina for advice -- during intermission of the horrible play in which Nina's Chilean boyfriend, Ramon, is performing -- since Nina and Martin are "members of the same tribe, loosely speaking." (That is, Nina is Jewish, but a long, long way from Hassidic.) Nina says that she doesn't know much about Hassidic Jews, but that she suspects Martin is breaking the rules just by entering Molly's apartment. During Martin's next piano lesson, he kisses Molly passionately, but as Molly leads him toward her bedroom, he suddenly stops and tells her that he can't, and furthermore he can't see her again. Finally, this quirky, rather unusual plot (slightly reminiscient of the film Witness, another favorite of mine) is capped off with a wonderfully whimsical musical-dance number fantasy/dream sequence, with Molly and Martin singing the old song, You Say Tom-ay-to, I say Tom-ah-to, a rather glib description of their religious differences. They are gradually joined by, in various strange costumes, Davey (dressed as the last of "The Flying McQuinns," his family trapeze troupe), Florence (as the statue of liberty), Nina and Ramon (in South American dress), Catherine (accompanying on the piano, and asking "who wrote this crap?"), Maimie (in ordinary dress, but asking "hey, why wasn't I invited?"), and finally three dancing rabbis (or Hassidic Jews, at least) and three dancing nuns. Any bizarre fantasy scene that you might have seen on, say, thirtysomething, Ally McBeal, or even Cop Rock, will seem tame after this; we are approaching Twin Peaks territory here. Molly awakes from this dream to one final obnoxious phone message from Donny: "wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey." | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nina, Maimie. | ||
Guest Char.: | Martin, Catherine, Donny, Ramon, Chinese food deliverer, 3 rabbis & 3 nuns. | ||
Second Season (on NBC) | |||
14. (201) | Here's why you shouldn't get too attached to your cat | ||
Writer: Jay Tarses | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 3/24/88 | |
Teaser: | Florence updates us on the changes in Molly's life since we last saw her: she's grown her hair longer, she's still ungainfully unemployed, and she's given up men because "there's no percentage in it." | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Nina, Nate, Moss. | ||
Guest Char.: | paramedics, bookstore customer. | ||
15. (202) | Here's another cryptic message from upstate | ||
Writer: Jay Tarses | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: [6/29/88] | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Nate, Moss, Dr. Lichfield. | ||
Guest Char.: | "The Guys," Mrs. Locasey, paramedics. | ||
16. (203) | Here are a few variations on a sexual theme | ||
Writers: Bob Brush & Jay Tarses | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 3/31/88 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nate, Moss, Dennis, Dr. Lichfield, Robin. | ||
Guest Char.: | paramedics, bookstore customer. | ||
17. (204) | Here comes that cold wind off the river | ||
Writer: Bob Brush | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 4/07/88 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Moss, Maimie, Edgar, Nick. | ||
Guest Char.: | Mrs. Donnatello. | ||
18. (205) | Here's a bunch of photos from an old album | ||
Writer: Bob Brush | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 4/14/88 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Nina, Maimie, Mike, Dwight, Edgar (voice only). | ||
Guest Char.: | Andrea, Jason & Tiffany, reverend. | ||
19. (206) | Here's a side effect of serious moonlight | ||
Writer: Bob Brush | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 4/14/88 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Moss, Dennis, Mike. | ||
Guest Char.: | Mrs. Locasey, Mr. Goodman, paramedics. | ||
20. (207) | Here's a message from your local bag lady | ||
Writer: James Stark | Director: Arlene Sanford | Airdate: 4/21/88 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nina, Maimie. | ||
Guest Char.: | Brian, bag lady, bookstore customer, delivery person. | ||
21. (208) | Here's a little known Ingrid Bergman incident | ||
Writer: Norma Safford Vela | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 5/25/88 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Moss, Maimie, Dwight. | ||
Guest Char.: | Edgar's lawyer. | ||
22. (209) | Here's who ordered the pizza | ||
Writer: Eric Overmyer | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 6/01/88 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Moss. | ||
Guest Char.: | Shimkin, Koko, "Stick Pin" Tommy, Lorna (i.e., Molly), bookstore customer. | ||
23. (210) | Here's what happened to that earring you lost | ||
Writer: Bob Brush | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 6/08/88 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nina, Nate, Maimie. | ||
Guest Char.: | Jason & Tiffany, waitress, porter. | ||
24. (211) | Here's a reason to keep your goats in the barn | ||
Writer: Jay Tarses | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 6/15/88 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Moss, Nate, Dennis. | ||
Guest Char.: | Dushayne, prison guard. | ||
25. (212) | Here's talkin' to yourself | ||
Writer: Bob Brush | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 6/22/88 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Moss, Maimie, Edgar (as ghost). | ||
Guest Char.: | "The Guys," bookstore customer, delivery person. | ||
26. (213) | Here's that old shadow on the wall | ||
Writers: Bob Brush & Jay Tarses | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: [4/17/89] | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Moss, Nick, Fred's shadow on the wall, with saxophone. | ||
Guest Char.: | Dushayne, other tenants. | ||
Third Season (on Lifetime) | |||
27. (301) | Here's a cute way to wrap up the holiday season | ||
Writer: Jay Tarses | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 4/17/89 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred. | ||
Guest Char.: | Gail, 3 waiters. | ||
28. (302) | Here's why you order from the Spanish side of the menu | ||
Writer: Eric Overmyer | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 4/29/89 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Dennis, Arthur, Bing. | ||
Guest Char.: | Alison, waiter. | ||
29. (303) | Here's the groovy piano bar episode | ||
Writer: Eric Overmyer | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 5/06/89 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence (voice only); Nina, Nate, Sarah. | ||
Guest Char.: | waitress, piannist | ||
30. (304) | Here's A Little Night Music | ||
Writer: Daniel Stern | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 5/13/89 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Arthur, Mike & Bonnie, Randy. | ||
Guest Char.: | Fred's new band. | ||
31. (305) | Here's why you should lock your bathroom door | ||
Writer: Craig Volk | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 5/20/89 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Mike & Bonnie. | ||
Guest Char.: | none. | ||
32. (306) | Here's a clever yet practical gift idea | ||
Writer: Elaine Arata | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 5/27/89 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Nate, Arthur, Randy. | ||
Guest Char.: | Fred's new band. | ||
33. (307) | Here's why you should always make your bed in the morning | ||
Writer: Richard Dresser | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 6/03/89 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey; Moss, Nate, Dennis. | ||
Guest Char.: | Mrs. Hawthorne, party guests. | ||
34. (308) | Here's a rough way to learn a foreign language | ||
Writer: Albert Innaurato | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 6/10/89 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Moss. | ||
Guest Char.: | Zekia & waitress, Orambella Johnson & imposter. | ||
35. (309) | Here's some ducks all in a row | ||
Writer: Elaine Arata | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 6/17/89 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Nate, Moss, Nick, Sarah, Bryce. | ||
Guest Char.: | sketch artist. | ||
36. (310) | Here's a major organ interlude | ||
Writers: Jodie Rothe & Christine Vertosick | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 6/24/89 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nina, Nick. | ||
Guest Char.: | Molly's fellow jurors, waiter. | ||
37. (311) | Here's a shot in the dark | ||
Writer: Christine Pittel | Director: William Converse-Roberts | Airdate: 7/01/89 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Moss, Edgar, Arthur, Sarah. | ||
Guest Char.: | Chinese food delivery guy. | ||
38. (312) | Here's an unexpected twist on the old biological clock | ||
Writer: Richard Dresser | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 7/08/89 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nate, Moss. | ||
Guest Char.: | Japanese waiter. | ||
39. (313) | Here's a leisurely stroll through the park | ||
Writer: Eric Overmyer | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 7/15/89 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Arthur, Bing, Randy. | ||
Guest Char.: | waitress (Caroline Aaron). | ||
Fourth Season (on Lifetime) | |||
40. (401) | Here's why pink isn't necessarily a girl's favorite color | ||
Writer: Elaine Arata | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 4/06/90 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nate, Sarah, Bryce. | ||
Guest Char.: | store clerk. | ||
41. (402) | Here are just a few things that could possibly go wrong | ||
Writer: Richard Dresser | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 4/13/90 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nate, Moss, Dennis, Dr. Rosenthal. | ||
Guest Char.: | "fantasy children," including two resembling Bing & Nick. | ||
42. (403) | Here's why you can never have too much petty cash | ||
Writer: Sarah Paley | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 4/20/90 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Arthur, Ron & Ramona. | ||
Guest Char.: | Mindy, studio engineer, bank loan officer & piannist. | ||
43. (404) | Here's a perilous research project | ||
Writer: Albert Innaurato | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 4/27/90 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nate, Uribé. | ||
Guest Char.: | store clerk, hold-up men. | ||
44. (405) | Here's something I forgot to mention | ||
Writer: Richard Dresser | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 5/11/90 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nate, Moss, Ramona. | ||
Guest Char.: | none. | ||
45. (406) | Here's why restaurants have a minimum | ||
Writer: Elaine Arata | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 5/18/90 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nate, Moss, Nick, Arthur. | ||
Guest Char.: | waitress (Jill Tasker). | ||
46. (407) | Here's another lost weekend | ||
Writers: Elaine Arata & Richard Dresser | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 5/25/90 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey; Nate. | ||
Guest Char.: | none. | ||
47. (408) | Here are a couple of games you've probably played | ||
Writer: Elaine Arata | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 6/01/90 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Arthur, Ron & Ramona, Sarah, Bryce. | ||
Guest Char.: | none. | ||
48. (409) | Here's a rare photo opportunity | ||
Writer: David Suehsdorf | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 6/08/90 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey; Nate, Edgar, Arthur, Dr. Rosenthal. | ||
Guest Char.: | Chanté, receptionist, Nurse Courtney, cabbie, subway guy. | ||
49. (410) | Here's an expensive item with no returns, refunds or exchanges | ||
Writers: Richard Dresser & Elaine Arata | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 6/15/90 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Ramona, Sarah, Bryce, Sylvia & Bernie. | ||
Guest Char.: | none. | ||
50. (411) | Here are some things that go bump in the night | ||
Writer: Richard Dresser | Director: Jeff Lieberman | Airdate: 6/22/90 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Arthur, Jimmy, Bryce, Sylvia & Bernie. | ||
Guest Char.: | Irma, trick-or-treater. | ||
51. (412) | Here's a quick and easy recipe for leftovers | ||
Writer: Richard Dresser | Director: Don Scardino(??) | Airdate: 6/29/90 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nate, Arthur, Ramona, Jimmy, Uribé, Bryce. | ||
Guest Char.: | Trent. | ||
52. (413) | Here's a good reason to check your answering machine on a regular basis | ||
Writer: Elaine Arata | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 7/06/90 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey; Fred, Nick, Ron, Bryce, Sylvia & Bernie. | ||
Guest Char.: | none. | ||
Fifth Season (on Lifetime) | |||
53. (501) | Here's a neat way to tie up the loose ends | ||
Writer: Richard Dresser | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 1/19/91 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nate, Edgar, Jimmy. | ||
Guest Char.: | none. | ||
54. (502) | Here's a new way of looking at Cappuccino | ||
Writer: Elaine Arata | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 1/26/91 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Arthur, Ron & Ramona, Bryce. | ||
Guest Char.: | none. | ||
55. (503) | Here's when the fat lady sings | ||
Writers: Richard Dresser & Elaine Arata | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 2/02/91 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nate, Ramona, Jimmy, Uribé. | ||
Guest Char.: | Lillian. | ||
56. (504) | Here are some overnight lows | ||
Writers: Richard Dresser & Elaine Arata | Director: Steven Dubin | Airdate: 2/09/91 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nina, Nate, Arthur, Jimmy, Uribé, | ||
Guest Char.: | singer. | ||
57. (505) | Here's a pregnant pause | ||
Writers: Richard Dresser & Elaine Arata | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 2/16/91 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Nate, Bryce, Sylvia & Bernie. | ||
Guest Char.: | none. | ||
58. (506) | Here's a good excuse for missing the party | ||
Writers: Richard Dresser & Elaine Arata | Director: Blair Brown! | Airdate: 2/23/91 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Nina, Moss, Ron & Ramona, Mike (& Bonnie??). | ||
Guest Char.: | Lillian. | ||
59. (507) | Here's one way to fill every waking moment | ||
Writer: James Ryan | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 3/02/91 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Arthur, Ramona, Jimmy. | ||
Guest Char.: | Henri Moliere, Sidonnet. | ||
60. (508) | Here's a high dive into a shallow pond | ||
Writer: Richard Dresser | Director: Kenneth Frankel | Airdate: 3/09/91 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence (??); Bryce, Sylvia & Bernie, Emily. | ||
Guest Char.: | Dora, Brenda. | ||
61. (509) | Here's how to break the other leg | ||
Writer: Richard Dresser | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 3/16/91 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Dennis, Arthur, Bing. | ||
Guest Char.: | theater people. | ||
62. (510) | Here's how to put an egg in your shoe and beat it | ||
Writer: Carl Capotorto | Director: Blair Brown! | Airdate: 3/23/91 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Arthur, Ron & Ramona, Jimmy. | ||
Guest Char.: | frontier children. | ||
63. (511) | Here's why you shouldn't talk to strangers in the park | ||
Writer: Cindy Lou Johnson | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 3/30/91 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Moss, Arthur, Ron & Ramona, Emily, | ||
Guest Char.: | Carolyn Rummage, mysterious woman, job applicant. | ||
64. (512) | Here's when life begins at | ||
Writer: Cindy Lou Johnson | Director: Don Scardino | Airdate: 4/06/91 | |
Teaser: | TBD | ||
Summary: |
TBD TBD | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey; Fred, Nina, Nick, Ron & Ramona, Jimmy, Emily. | ||
Guest Char.: | Roger. | ||
65. (513) | Here's a little touch of Harry in the night | ||
Writer: Jay Tarses | Director: Jay Tarses | Airdate: 4/13/91 | |
Teaser: | In Central Park, a dog and a horse introduce the "teaser," which the dog explains is what its called in show biz terminology. When Emily starts to join in, Molly interupts and apologizes to the audience for any of the teasers that may have gone too far over the years. (The one with Molly as a frontier woman, from 3 episodes back, comes to mind.) | ||
Summary: | This wistful and whimsical series finale is my second favorite episode. Although there are no truly shocking surprises (no one dies, for example), I am not going to give it away; you'll have to see it for yourself. Suffice it to say that it is both backward and forward looking, and that creator-writer-director Jay Tarses ably demonstrates just how much his inspired touch has been missing from most of the episodes in the fourth and fifth seasons. Note that the episode title is a quote from Shakespeare's Henry V, although it also refers of course to the character named Harry, a jazz guitarist and teacher, whom we meet here for the first time. | ||
Characters: | Molly, Davey, Florence; Fred, Emily. | ||
Guest Char.: | Harry. |