The Sims, et al. GEDCOM Project

The GEDCOM and Family Tree Project for researchers of the names Sims, Simms, Syms, Symms, Symes, Symmes, Sim, Simm, Sime, Simmes, Syme, Symme, Sym, Symm, Sems, Semms, Semes, Semmes, Symns, Symmns, et al. is an idea that came to me as I searched the Internet for Simms genealogy help. I thought it would be useful to have a centralized source of SIMS, et al. information. Since the advent and ascendancy of, I decided they did a much better job of providing GEDCOMs.

Sims Database

I developed a Sims database with many records that includes all kinds of information I've gathered over the years via the Internet and elsewhere. This database has more than 63,000 records. I’ve exported all the records in tabbed format and it’s available here. You should be able to import it into any database program like Access or Filemaker.

Zipped Sims File

The Sims, et al. GEDCOM Project

Site Index

The Royal Sims

The Purported Descent of Thomas Sim(m)s

Other Sims, et al. Links Page

The Sims Email List


Lisa Simms