Historical Statistics on U.S. Banking

These are annual, statewide, aggregate data for a variety of bank market structure variables. Aggregate balance sheet data (as of calendar year-end) are taken from All Bank Statistics. Income statement data are generally available only for national banks. The numbers reported here come from the Annual Reports of the Comptroller of the Currency. See the data dictionary below for details.
This database is archived for general reference by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the U. of Michigan. If you wish to cite it for bibliographic purposes, the appropriate reference is:
Flood, Mark D., U.S. Historical Data on Bank Market Structure, 1896-1955, (Computer file); Charlotte, NC: Mark D. Flood (producer), 1998; Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (distributor), 1998.

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Detailed Description

The data set is a collection of annual, statewide aggregates for a variety of bank market structure variables. Thus, each record (i.e., each row) in the database is uniquely identified by the values of the ST (state) and YEAR variables. The data span the 60 years from 1896 to 1955, and the 50 states (including the territories of Alaska and Hawaii) plus the District of Columbia. There are therefore 3061 records in the database (i.e., 51x60, plus one record containing titles). The record length is 817 columns. The database is sorted in ascending order by year, and then, within each year, in ascending alphabetical order by state code.
The first record contains the titles of each data series; the data themselves occupy all subsequent records. Titles for the data series have the following naming convention: titles for data on all banks begin with A_ (e.g., A_TOTASS is total assets for all banks in the state); titles for data only on commercial banks begin with C_; titles for data only on national banks begin with N_. Except for the item ST, all data are integers. Missing observations are recorded as negative numbers (either -3 or -1). An entry of -3 indicates that an attempt was made to locate this datum, and that, as far as I can tell, the number is not available. An entry of -1 indicates that no serious attempt has yet been made to find and input the item; the number may or may not be available. If a cell is left blank, this means that the variable was reported for that year, but no observation was reported for that particular state (this is a common occurrence with some of the series taken from the Comptroller's reports).
Aggregate balance sheet data are taken from All Bank Statistics. They are calendar-year-end observations. There is considerable variation across states and over time in the legal and institutional structure of banking, as well as in regard to data availability. This is particularly true of the data regarding non-national banks. The original text contains extensive notes for each state, describing data availability problems, adjustments made to the data, institutional peculiarities, etc. It is strongly recommended that you consult the notes in All Bank Statistics before using the data.
Income statement data are generally available only for national banks. The numbers reported here come from the Annual Reports of the Comptroller of the Currency. Data reported here are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR; prior to 1907, the fiscal year ended on August 31. Therefore, 1907 figures are for the 10 months ending June 30, 1907. In any case, the balance sheet observations from All Bank Statistics for a given year (say, YEAR=1924) are a snapshot taken at the midpoint of the 12-month income-statement cycle reported the following year (YEAR=1925). (More exactly, after 1907 the balance sheet observation occurs at the midpoint of the fiscal year, and before 1907 it occurs 4 months into the fiscal year; for the transition year of 1907, the balance sheet observation for YEAR=1906 occurs 4 months into the 10-month income-statement cycle for YEAR=1907.)

Contents of the Data Set

Num. Name Description Cols. Source Notes
1 ST State 1-2
No particular source for this variable
Includes the territories of Alaska and Hawaii, and the District of Columbia. State abbreviations are the standard two-letter U.S. Postal Service abbreviations.
2 YEAR Year 3-7
No particular source for this variable
All data are reported on a calendar year basis.
3 POPULA State population 8-16
U.S. Census, as reported in Microsoft Bookshelf 1994 Almanac
Decennial figures (e. g., 1900, 1910, etc.) are the standard census enumerations. There are very few state-level enumerations between the decennial censuses for most of the pre-WWII period. For the intercensus years, the state population is a simple log-linear interpolation, based on the two census enumerations that bracket the year. For example, if the population of state S in year Y is denoted P(S,Y), then the population of Alabama in 1917 is gotten by P(AL,1917) = P(AL,1910)exp(7r), where the growth rate, r (assumed to be constant over the decade), is calculated as r = [ln(P(AL,1920)) - ln(P(AL,1910))]/10. Each state and each decade is thus assumed to be independent. For states with low growth rates, the log-linear interpolation approximates a linear interpolation. The constant growth rate assumption may have at least two shortcomings: (a) it can produce kinks in the time series at the start of a new decade; and (b) it fails to account for large and abrupt demographic factors, such as changes in immigration policy or the influenza epidemic of 1918.
4 INCOME State personal income 17-25
Easterlin [get title???] (triannual average state personal income estimates for the period 1919-21); Historical Statistics of the United States (annual national personal income); Standard Statistics Co., Statistical Bulletin -- Base Book section (see item 90, A_DEBITS, below); U.S. Census (annual state population estimates; see item 3, POPULA, above); Survey of Current Business, 1956 supplement, p. 142 (annual state per capita personal income estimates for 1929-32).
This series is largely an interpolation, as direct annual measures of state income (however defined) are not available on an annual basis for most of this period. Personal income was chosen, simply because some data were available as a starting point for interpolation.
For 1920-30, the interpolation exploits the availability of the bank debits series, under the maintained assumption that the ratio of personal income to the bank debits index is a constant over time within a given state: G(t+T)=aI(t+T), where G(t) is income and I(t) is the debits index for year t. Under this assumption, it is straightforward to forecast from Easterlin's estimate: a = 3{[G(1919) + G(1920) + G(1921)]/3} / [I(1919) + I(1920) + I(1921)], where the factor in curly braces is Easterlin's estimate. Similarly, a rearcast was constructed from the end-of-the-decade numbers (population times per capita personal income). For the rearcast, a biannual average for the 1930-31 period was constructed for each state (a la Easterlin), to reduce the idiosyncratic effects of a specific year. Both the annual forecasts and rearcasts were then rescaled, so that the sum across states for a given year equaled the national total for personal income, as reported in the Survey of Current Business (1956). Finally, the rescaled forecasts, GF(t), and rearcasts, GR(t), were combined in a weighted average for each year: G*(t) = b(t)GF(t) + [1-b(t)]GR(t), where b(t) declines linearly from b(1920)=1 to b(1930)=0. Because the interpolations depend on the A_DEBITS series, the caveats that apply to Vermont and Mississippi for that series carry over here. Also, values of the bank debits index are unavailable for 8 other states in 1919 (AZ, ME, ND, NH, NJ, SD, WV and WY, plus MS and VT). For those states, the estimate of the proportionality factor, a, used in the forecasts is: a = 2{[G(1920) + G(1921)]/2}/[I(1920) + I(1921)], where Easterlin's triennial average is used as a proxy for the biannual average in the numerator.
For 1931-32, the estimate comes directly from the per capita income figures (population times annual statewide per capita income), rescaled so that the state totals add up to the national total as reported in the Survey of Current Business (1956).
5 BRANCH State branching law 26-34
Not yet available
6 NOFACIL Number of banking facilities in the state 35-43
Not yet available
7 N_TOTLN Total loans 44-52
All Bank Statistics
8 N_TOTRE Total real estate loans 53-61
All Bank Statistics
From 1939 onward, real estate loans reported in All Bank Statistics are broken down into three subcategories (farm, residential and other). For this later period, total real estate loans are calculated as the sum of the three reported subcategories.
9 N_REFRM Real estate loans - farm 62-70
All Bank Statistics
All Bank Statistics did not report this series prior to 1939.
10 N_RERES Real estate loans - residential 71-79
All Bank Statistics
All Bank Statistics did not report this series prior to 1939.
11 N_REOTH Real estate loans - other 80-88
All Bank Statistics
All Bank Statistics did not report this series prior to 1939.
12 N_COLLAT Collateral loans 89-97
All Bank Statistics
13 N_OTHLN All other loans 98-106
All Bank Statistics
14 N_OTHLNI Other loans to individuals 107-115
All Bank Statistics
15 N_TOTINV Total investments 116-124
All Bank Statistics
16 N_GOVTSEC Gov't securities 125-133
All Bank Statistics
All Bank Statistics reports series on the securities holdings of banks, including U.S. Gov't securities and State and local obligations. The series reported here is backed out by calculating the difference between items 15 and 18: N_GOVTSEC = N_TOTINV - N_OTHSEC. Separate numbers for a) U.S. Gov't and b) State and local securities are available in All Bank Statistics, but were not input here.
17 N_OTHSEC Other securities 134-142
All Bank Statistics
18 N_CASH Cash assets (reserves + currency + collection items) 143-151
All Bank Statistics
19 N_OTHASS Other assets 152-160
All Bank Statistics
20 N_TOTASS Total assets 161-169
All Bank Statistics
21 N_TOTDEP Total deposits 170-178
All Bank Statistics
22 N_DEPIBK Interbank deposits 179-187
All Bank Statistics
23 N_DEPGOVT U.S. Gov't deposits 188-196
All Bank Statistics
24 N_DEPOTHD Other demand deposits 197-205
All Bank Statistics
25 N_DEPOTHT Other time deposits 206-214
All Bank Statistics
26 N_BORR Borrowings 215-223
All Bank Statistics
27 N_BKNOTES National bank notes 224-232
All Bank Statistics
28 N_OTHLIAB Other liabilities 233-241
All Bank Statistics
29 N_CAP Capital 242-250
All Bank Statistics
30 N_SURP Surplus 251-259
All Bank Statistics
31 N_TOTLIAB Total liabilities and equity 260-268
All Bank Statistics
32 N_NOBNKS Number of national banks 269-277
All Bank Statistics
33 A_TOTLN Total loans 278-286
All Bank Statistics
34 A_TOTRE Total real estate loans 287-295
All Bank Statistics
From 1939 onward, real estate loans reported in All Bank Statistics are broken down into three subcategories (farm, residential and other). For this later period, total real estate loans are calculated as the sum of the three reported subcategories.
35 A_REFRM Real estate loans - farm 296-304
All Bank Statistics
All Bank Statistics did not report this series prior to 1939.
36 A_RERES Real estate loans - residential 305-313
All Bank Statistics
All Bank Statistics did not report this series prior to 1939.
37 A_REOTH Real estate loans - other 314-322
All Bank Statistics
All Bank Statistics did not report this series prior to 1939.
38 A_OTHLNI Other loans to individuals 323-331
All Bank Statistics
39 A_TOTINV Total investments 332-340
All Bank Statistics
40 A_GOVTSEC Gov't securities 341-349
All Bank Statistics
All Bank Statistics reports series on the securities holdings of banks, including U.S. Gov't securities and State and local obligations. The series reported here is backed out by calculating the difference between items 39 and 41: A_GOVTSEC = A_TOTINV - A_OTHSEC. Separate numbers for a) U.S. Gov't and b) State and local securities are available in All Bank Statistics, but were not input here.
41 A_OTHSEC Other securities 350-358
All Bank Statistics
42 A_CASH Cash assets (reserves + currency + collection items) 359-367
All Bank Statistics
43 A_OTHASS Other assets 368-376
All Bank Statistics
44 A_TOTASS Total assets 377-385
All Bank Statistics
45 A_TOTDEP Total deposits 386-394
All Bank Statistics
46 A_DEPIBK Interbank deposits 395-403
All Bank Statistics
47 A_DEPGOVT U.S. Gov't deposits 404-412
All Bank Statistics
48 A_DEPOTHD Other demand deposits 413-421
All Bank Statistics
49 A_DEPOTHT Other time deposits 422-430
All Bank Statistics
50 A_BORR Borrowings 431-439
All Bank Statistics
51 A_BKNOTES National bank notes 440-448
All Bank Statistics
52 A_OTHLIAB Other liabilities 449-457
All Bank Statistics
53 A_CAP Capital 458-466
All Bank Statistics
54 A_SURP Surplus 467-475
All Bank Statistics
55 A_TOTLIAB Total liabilities & equity 476-484
All Bank Statistics
56 A_NOBNKS No. of banks 485-493
All Bank Statistics
57 N_INTD Interest and discount 494-502
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
For this series, the column headings in the Comptroller's reports are as follows:
  • 1918-1926, "Interest and discount"
  • 1927, "Interest and discounts on loans" + "Interest (including dividends) on investments" + "Interest on balances with other banks" + "Interest not classified"
  • 1928-1932, "Interest and discounts on loans" + "Interest (including dividends) on investments" + "Interest on balances with other banks"
  • 1933-1938, "Interest and discounts on loans" + "Interest and dividends on bonds, stocks, and other securities" + "Interest on balances with other banks"
Note that for 1927 only, there is an additional category, "Interest not classified".
58 N_INTDLN Interest and discounts on loans 503-511
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
This series is available only after 1926. It, together with N_INTDINV (item 59) and N_INTIBK (item 60) is a component of N_INTD (item 57).
59 N_INTDINV Interest (including dividends) on investments 512-520
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
For this series, the column headings in the Comptroller's reports are as follows:
  • 1927-1932, "Interest (including dividends) on investments"
  • 1933-1938, "Interest and dividends on bonds, stocks, and other securities"
This series is available only after 1926. It, together with N_INTDLN (item 58) and N_INTIBK (item 60) is a component of N_INTD (item 57).
60 N_INTIBK Interest on balances with other banks 521-529
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
This series is available only after 1926. It, together with N_INTDLN (item 58) and N_INTDINV (item 59) is a component of N_INTD (item 57).
61 N_XCCOLL Exchange and collection charges 530-538
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
62 N_FXPROF Profits of foreign exchange department 539-547
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
63 N_INSUR Commissions and earnings from insurance premiums and the negotiation of real estate loans 548-556
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
64 N_TRUST Trust department profits 557-565
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
65 N_SECPROF Profits on securities sold 566-574
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
66 N_OTHEARN Other earnings 575-583
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
67 N_GRSEARN Total gross earnings 584-592
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR; prior to 1907, the fiscal year ended on August 31. Therefore, 1907 figures are for the 10 months ending June 30, 1907. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
68 N_SALARY Salaries and wages 593-601
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
69 N_INTDBOR Interest and discount on borrowed money 602-610
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
70 N_INTDEP Interest on deposits 611-619
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
For this series, the column headings in the Comptroller's reports are as follows:
  • 1918-1926, "Interest on deposits"
  • 1927, "Interest on bank deposits" + "Interest on demand deposits" + "Interest on time deposits" + "Interest not classified"
  • 1928-1932, "Interest on bank deposits" + "Interest on demand deposits" + "Interest on time deposits"
  • 1933-1938, "Interest on deposits of other banks" + "Interest on other demand deposits" + "Interest on other time deposits"
Note that for 1927 only, there is an additional category, "Interest not classified".
71 N_INTBKD Interest on bank deposits 620-628
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
For this series, the column headings in the Comptroller's reports are as follows:
  • 1927-1932, "Interest on bank deposits"
  • 1933-1938, "Interest on deposits of other banks"
This series is available only after 1926. It, together with N_INTDD (item 72) and N_INTTD (item 73), is a component of N_INTDEP (item 70).
72 N_INTDD Interest on demand deposits 629-637
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
For this series, the column headings in the Comptroller's reports are as follows:
  • 1927-1932, "Interest on demand deposits"
  • 1933-1938, "Interest on other demand deposits"
This series is available only after 1926. It, together with N_INTBKD (item 71) and N_INTTD (item 73), is a component of N_INTDEP (item 70).
73 N_INTTD Interest on time deposits 638-646
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
For this series, the column headings in the Comptroller's reports are as follows:
  • 1927-1932, "Interest on time deposits"
  • 1933-1938, "Interest on other time deposits"
This series is available only after 1926. It, together with N_INTBKD (item 71) and N_INTDD (item 72), is a component of N_INTDEP (item 70).
74 N_TAX Taxes 647-655
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
75 N_OTHEXP Other expenses 656-664
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
76 N_TOTEXP Total expenses paid 665-673
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR; prior to 1907, the fiscal year ended on August 31. Therefore, 1907 figures are for the 10 months ending June 30, 1907. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars. For this series, the column headings in the Comptroller's reports are as follows:
  • 1914-1917, "Charged off: Expenses and taxes".
  • 1918-1919, "Expenses paid: Total expenses paid".
  • 1920-1932, "Expenses: Total expenses paid".
  • 1933, "Expenses: Total current expenses" (in the Comptroller's report for 1933 there is a separate category entitled, "Withdrawals from reserves for expenses of previous periods accrued and unpaid"; this variable was not input here).
  • 1934-1935, "Expenses: Total expenses".
77 N_RECCOA Recoveries on charged-off assets 674-682
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
78 N_RECLD Recoveries on loans and discounts 683-691
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
79 N_RECSEC Recoveries on bonds, securities, etc. 692-700
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
80 N_CHGLN Charge-offs: On loans and discounts 701-709
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
81 N_CHGSEC Charge-offs: On bonds, securities, etc. 710-718
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
82 N_CHGFIX Charge-offs: On banking house, furniture, and fixtures 719-727
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
83 N_CHGTRU Charge-offs: On trust department operations 728-736
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
This series is reported by the Comptroller only for the period 1924-1927.
84 N_OTHLOSS Charge-offs: Other losses 737-745
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
85 N_CHGFX Charge-offs: On foreign exchange 746-754
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
86 N_CHGTOT Total losses charged off 755-763
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR; prior to 1907, the fiscal year ended on August 31. Therefore, 1907 figures are for the 10 months ending June 30, 1907. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars. For this series, the column headings in the Comptroller's reports are as follows:
  • 1914-1916, "Charged off: Losses and premiums"
  • 1917, "Charged off: Losses etc.".
  • 1918-1926, "Losses charged off: Total losses charged off".
  • 1927-1932, "Losses and depreciation charged off: Total losses charged off".
  • 1933, "Losses and depreciation: Total current period" (in the Comptroller's report for 1933 there is a separate category entitled, "Withdrawals from reserves for depreciation of previous periods on real estate"; this variable was not input here).
  • 1934-1935, "Losses and depreciation: Total".
87 87 N_DIVID Dividends 764-772
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Income statement data are for the fiscal year. After 1906, the fiscal year was the 12 months ending June 30 of YEAR; prior to 1907, the fiscal year ended on August 31. Therefore, 1907 figures are for the 10 months ending June 30, 1907. Data are in measured in thousands of dollars.
88 N_FAIL Suspensions of national banks 773-781
Banking and Monetary Statistics
Data are available in Banking and Monetary Statistics only for the years 1921-1941. Numbers for other years may be available elsewhere, for example in the Annual Reports of the Comptroller of the Currency.
89 C_FAIL Suspensions of commercial banks 782-790
Banking and Monetary Statistics
Data are aggregates for all commercial banks, including national banks. Data are available in Banking and Monetary Statistics only for the years 1921-1941.
90 N_FAILASS Loans and investments in suspended national banks 791-799
E. Goldenweiser, "Bank Suspensions in the United States," Federal Reserve Board, typescript, 1933, appendix, table VI.
Amounts are in $1,000s. Goldenweiser does not explicitly note the source of these data in his table VI, but in notes to his table I he mentions schedules prepared by both the Committee on Branch, Chain, and Group Banking, and by the Federal Reserve Board. In his words, "suspension" as used by both the Board and the Committee is defined as "... all banks closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by boards of directors on account of financial difficulties. The figures do not include banks closed temporarily under special 'moratorium' holidays declared by civil authorities, nor banks which, without cessation of business, obtained depositors' agreements for the waiver or deferment of deposits."
91 C_FAILASS Loans and investments in suspended national and state banks 800-808
E. Goldenweiser, "Bank Suspensions in the United States," Federal Reserve Board, typescript, 1933, appendix, table VI.
Amounts are in $1,000s. Goldenweiser does not explicitly note the source of these data in his table VI, but in notes to his table I he mentions schedules prepared by both the Committee on Branch, Chain, and Group Banking, and by the Federal Reserve Board. In his words, "suspension" as used by both the Board and the Committee is defined as "... all banks closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by boards of directors on account of financial difficulties. The figures do not include banks closed temporarily under special 'moratorium' holidays declared by civil authorities, nor banks which, without cessation of business, obtained depositors' agreements for the waiver or deferment of deposits."
92 A_DEBITS Bank debits 809-817
Standard Statistics Co., Statistical Bulletin -- Base Book section
Data are total bank debits for each state for each year, useful as a proxy measure of annual nominal state income (see item 4, INCOME, above). It is unclear whether the year is the fiscal or calendar year (if anyone knows, please drop me a line!). Debits are stated as an index, relative to a base period index for each state: 1920-1924 = 100. Standard Statistics split the data for NY into two series, one for New York City, and the other for the rest of the state; the upstate series is reported here.
Data are missing altogether for AK, DC, HA and VT. Data are missing for 1919-21 for MS. For VT, the index was approximated each year as the simple average of the index values for the three neighboring states (MA, NH and NY). For MS, the 1919-21 values were set equal to the AL values for those years, since AL is the neighboring state whose values most closely match MS's in the remainder of the sample. 1919 data are missing for 10 states (AZ, ME, ND, NH, NJ, SD, WV and WY, plus MS and VT).