5/24: Read Karen Armstrong's sort-of biography "Buddha".
Celebrated Inna's birthday at Not Your Average Joe's in Aalington.
5/18: Donated a microwave—one of my last wedding presents—to Massbike.
5/13: Attended a lecture sponsored by the Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
about the Big Dig's reclamation of Spectacle Island, formerly the site of a quarantine hospital, two brothels, a horse rendering plant, and Boston's trash dump for forty years. The new park, once a 60-foot mountain of garbage, will open next month.
5/12: Finished reading Jack Kornfield's "A Path With Heart" at today's jury duty service, then saw
Karl Haglund, author of "Inventing the Charles River", speak at the BPL.
Got out of painting Inna's room (again) by attending a beginners' workshop at CIMC.
Finished reading Dr. Paul Brand's "The Gift of Pain" as research for a long-awaited Dargon story.
Went to my first Vipassana meditation session at the Cambridge Insight Meditation Center.