May 25-26, 1998
The Grand Canyon

On to the beautiful and GORGE-ous Grand Canyon! (Haha, get it?  Gorge?!  ::ahem::  Sorry.)  Well, I almost got to ride on the narrow-gauge steam train on the Grand Canyon Railway.  But alas, I did not.  That's okay, though--it just gives me another reason to go back!  Here is a postcard picture of what I could have been a part of...

Grand Canyon Railway
                                                    Photo © Michael Cude

Either way, I got a chance to see the Grand Canyon, which was beautiful beyond words.  Since this is the case, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves! ;)

Canyon Postcard 1 Postcard Photo by Tom Till Canyon Postcard 2 Postcard Photo by Ed Cooper
Tree at Canyon sunrise Grand Canyon sunrise at 5:15 AM Piriya half-awake at sunrise Piriya at 5:15 AM (not awake)
Grand Canyon 1 Grand Canyon later that day... Canyon from Watchtower Grand Canyon from The Watchtower

Pretty, huh?  Honestly, pictures don't do the Grand Canyon justice.
You can't cram all that beautiful space into a two dimensional photograph!
To learn more about the Grand Canyon and its National Park, visit the homepage!

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