May 26-27, 1998
Hoover Dam and Las Vegas

Las Vegas/Hoover Dam Coin

Hoover Dam Intake Towers
The Hoover Dam Intake Towers
Piriya acting goofy, as usual
Silly me!

Reflection of Hoover Dam

A reflection of the Hoover Dam in the "EXIT" doors of the Visitor Center.
I just thought that this was a wicked cool picture!

Take a virtual tour of Hoover Dam!

Stardust Hotel

A view of the Stardust Hotel outside of my Circus Circus window...woohoo.
Be advised: Las Vegas isn't all that fun if you're not old enough to drink or gamble (21), and if you have absolutely no desire to gamble in the first place.  Although. I must admit that the city is pretty at a tacky sort of way. ;)

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