3 Days of My Life







I Love My Donors

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Yep, I just love ’em. I couldn’t have done this without the people who supported me, both financially and emotionally. Read the letters I wrote to my wonderful donors, and see who’s been added to the “Donor Hall of Fame” for 2001.

Those of you who are considering donating (to this or any cause) may be wondering what amount is appropriate to give. There’s no right answer. If you received a pledge form, you probably noticed that Avon rather prominently lists suggested donation amounts of $150 and more. But please also notice the not-quite-so-prominent space for “Other Amount.” The majority of donations I received last year were for “other amounts,” and, as I believe I’ve mentioned, I raised more than $4,800. So it adds up.

Regardless of the amount, I want to stress that each and every donation is precious to me. In fact, the most meaningful donation I received last year was from a friend who gave $5, along with a note saying she wished it were more. To me, it was just enough.


My Plea for Money


Dear Friends and Family,

I don’t have breast cancer. Neither does anyone in my family. In fact, none of my close friends has breast cancer. Lucky? I call it amazing, considering the statistics:

These statistics are as frightening as the disease itself, but we can do something about it. For my part, I’m making a major commitment to participate in the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk. This involves walking 60 miles in 3 days, from the Wisconsin border to Chicago. Am I crazy? Well, if I am, I’m in good company: there are more than 3,000 other women and men who have made the same commitment to sleep in tents, shower in a truck, and push themselves to limits they never thought possible. Before I begin this adventure, however, I have to do two things: train and raise money.

How Do You Train for a 60-Mile Walk?

By walking, walking, and then walking some more! Luckily I’m in pretty good shape, thanks to aerobics, yoga, and weight-lifting. And yes, I do walk, but I’ve never walked for longer than an hour at a time. Training for this event will be like nothing I’ve ever done before. It will be time-consuming, challenging, and probably discouraging at times, but I’m determined to do it.

How Much Money Has to Be Raised?

To participate, each walker must raise a minimum of $1,800. The money benefits
Avon’s Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade, a non-profit initiative of Avon Products, Inc., and goes toward early detection screening programs, medical research, community awareness, and education.

How Did This All Start?

Elma, one of my aerobics classmates, developed breast cancer two years ago. Thanks to an early diagnosis, her prognosis is excellent. She participated in the 1999 Chicago walk, and her description of the event inspired me and two other women in my class (Candus, the instructor, and Annette, who also developed breast cancer in this past year) to register for the 2000 walk. Getting involved in this cause has made me aware of and extremely grateful for my own good health. When I think of the thousands of people affected by this disease, pledging to walk 60 miles doesn’t seem like such a hardship.



Local Walker Raises $4,500!


Dear Friends and Family,

Yes, it’s true. Thanks to your generosity, I have not only surpassed the required $1,800 amount but I’ve even gone beyond my personal goal of $3,600. And the pledge forms are still coming in! Your responses to my letter and pledge request have been touching, inspiring, and motivating. Thank you all again so much for helping me to achieve and surpass my financial goal, and for supporting me in this wonderful challenge. In March, Avon awarded $14 million to seven institutions—the largest single corporate gift ever made to the breast cancer cause.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step. — Lao Tse

Well, I’ll bet Lao Tse never had a bunion. Or a bone spur. After some severe toe pain, I found out I have both, as well as some kind of weird problem with both feet that prevents my big toes from flexing back. Luckily, this won’t prevent me from training or from completing the walk. But did I mention the severe toe pain? Just making sure. The four of us have been diligent in our training. We’re all dealing with some kind of minor physical obstacle, not to mention busy schedules, bad weather, and gas stations that refuse to let us use their restrooms. But we have a lot of fun. We walk two or three times a week, and usually average between 6 to 10 miles a day. We’re working our way up to some longer walks and a few back-to-back walks. We’re lucky to have Evanston as our training ground and Elma as our “been there, done that” guide. She keeps us motivated with inspirational stories of last year’s walk, plus she knows where all the good restrooms are. (The Bahá’í Temple in Wilmette ranks the highest.) AND, we fill our “off” days with aerobics, running, yoga, and biking.

If anyone is interested in cheering us on, there will be designated areas along the route, as well as spectator areas at the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, which are supposed to be quite moving. Let me know if you’d like to watch us march triumphantly out of the Opening Ceremonies, straggle along the route, or crawl into the Closing Ceremonies.The rumor at last year’s walk was that Mother Nature must be a breast cancer survivor, since the weather was perfect. We’re hoping she comes through for us this year, too.

You Know You’re Training for the 3-Day When…



2-Peat in 2001!


Dear Friends and Family,

A year has passed since I asked all of you to support me in the fight against breast cancer. In that year, a lot has changed—but a lot hasn’t. There are still too many women unable to pay for proper medical treatment, still too many unaware of how to do a breast self-exam...still too many dying from breast cancer.

Last year I was lucky enough to participate in the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk. Thanks to both the financial and emotional support so many of you gave, I was able to contribute $4,805 to this cause and take part in a life-changing experience. I’m making the same commitment this year by registering for the 2001 walk. The route (from Kenosha to Chicago) will be roughly the same; the dates are June 15–17. I’ll be looking forward to another 4–5 months of training, shoe shopping, blisters, meeting wonderful people, sore muscles, sharing inspirational stories, eating Power Bars. And fundraising.

That’s where you come in. This year participants need to raise $1,900. The money benefits Avon’s Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade, a non-profit initiative of Avon Products, Inc., and goes toward early detection screening programs, medical research, community awareness, and education. Please take a few minutes to read and fill out the enclosed pledge form. I’d like to keep track of and personally acknowledge each donation, so please send your check or credit card information (no cash, please) and the pledge form in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. Donations are tax-deductible, and should be returned to me no later than June 1.

Last year, when I made up my list of people to send pledge forms to, I hesitated over some names. I didn’t want to seem pushy or offend anyone. But Avon tells us not to leave anyone off that list—that we will be surprised by how many people do want to give. Let me tell you: Avon was right. I was surprised and overwhelmed by the generosity of the people who responded. So this year, I can’t in good conscience leave a single name off my list. This letter is going out to everyone I know: friends, family, some of you I haven’t seen in a while; others I don’t even know very well. Again, I don’t want to seem pushy. My job is to ask—yours is to make a choice. But please remember the reason I’m asking. Remember that more than 180,000 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. Remember that 40,000 of them will die.

For more information about the 3-Day Walk and details about how the money is awarded, visit Avon's site:


Like last year, my supporters will receive an update letter detailing my progress, and more frequent updates will be available on my Web site.

I’m looking forward to sharing this incredible adventure with you. Thank you in advance for your support.

2001 Update


Dear Friends and Family,

Just a quick note to let you know how things are going as I head into the final stretch of training and fundraising for the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk. With less than two months left, I’m in good shape, both physically and financially. Although I’m experiencing the same foot pain as last year, I know the cause and how to deal with it. I’m also wearing orthotics this year, which should help quite a bit. I’ve reached and passed my $1,900 minimum (hooray!) and feel pretty confident about so many of the things I worried about last year, like shoes, blisters, what to wear, what to bring. etc. Elma (my walking partner) and I have been training together once or twice a week (we’re going to get a LOT more serious about sticking to a regular schedule), and I usually walk by myself at least once a week. No, I’m not losing weight, but I am excited about participating once again in this great experience. Also along for the ride: my mom, who will be working as a volunteer crew member, dishing out the grub.

Instead of boring you with numbers, statistics, and other tidbits of what one goes through to train for the 3-Day (see my Web site for all of that!), I’d like to share with you the following letter I received from my 3-Day walker coach. Hopefully it will give you some insight into what the 3-Day is all about:

I challenge you to start practicing kindness today, a little bit at a time. One of the reasons the walk is such an extraordinary experience is that we begin to understand the capacity for kindness and compassion that we all possess. It is amazing to see it in others, but even more uplifting to see it in ourselves. I propose that instead of limiting these fundamentals to only 3 days in June, that we extend them to every day, before and after the walk. So these are your responsibilities in preparation for the walk:

Train—and enjoy it
Fundraise—and remember the bigger picture
Practice Kindness—and be prepared to receive it

Africans believe in something that is difficult to render in English. They call it ununtu botho. It means the essence of being human. You know when it is there and when it is absent. It speaks about humanness, gentleness, hospitality, putting yourself out on behalf of others, being vulnerable. It recognizes that my humanity is bound in yours, for we can only be human together.

Thank you so much for supporting my 3-Day journey. Your involvement makes this experience even more special. I’m happy to be able to share it with you.

Sincerely, Julia



3-Peat in 2002!

Things are gonna be different this year. OK, since I came through the last 2 walks pretty well, things aren’t gonna be that different. But in addition to mailing pledge letters, I’m going to make more of an effort to get out there and spread the word, posting letters wherever I can, handing them out to unsuspecting strangers, basically making a nuisance of myself. I also enclosed an extra pledge form with some of my letters. I included a card that said, “Do You Know Someone I Don’t?”, and asked each donor to pass along a blank pledge form. Several people on the 3-Day message boards suggested this. We’ll see how it goes.

Scary Fundraising Dream
Last night I dreamt that people were selling things—really stupid things—to a group of people who were willing to pay lots of money simply because it was an auction. I figured this might be a good way to raise money, so I ran to get some bottles of Diet Coke to sell, thinking they would fetch a pretty penny. Except the Diet Coke turned into wine coolers, which nobody wanted. Scary!


Dear Friends and Family,

I’m willing to walk 60 miles to raise money for breast cancer research. You can join me, without taking a step.

For the third year in a row, I am committing my time and energy to the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk. Participants must raise $1,900, proceeds of which benefit the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade. The mission of the Crusade is funding access to care and finding a cure for breast cancer. Thanks to the generous support of people like you, Avon is the largest corporate supporter of the breast cancer cause, with more than $155 million raised in the U.S. alone since 1993. And, thanks to you, I was able to contribute almost $8,000 of that in the last 2 years.

So, once again, I’m asking for your support. It’s not easy. Obviously, a lot has changed in the last 5 months. I thought long and hard about registering to walk this year. I had to ask myself, Are there worthier causes? Will people want to donate to breast cancer research after the tragedy of 9-11? Can people afford to donate, with the economy the way it is? Well, if there’s one thing fundraising has taught me, it’s that I can’t anticipate how others will answer such questions. Only you know whether this is a cause you wish to support and are able to support. As always, I respect your decision and hope you will understand how important this cause is, and why I have to ask for your help.

Did You Know?
According to the National Breast Cancer Coalition, a woman dies of breast cancer every eleven minutes. That is approximately 130 deaths each day.

Currently, only 25% of breast cancer cases develop in women who possess any known risk factors. This means that the remaining 75% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have had no risk factors.

How You Can Help
Please take a few minutes to read the enclosed pledge form. I’d like to keep track of and personally acknowledge each donation, so please send your check or credit card information (no cash, please) in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. Donations are tax-deductible, and should be returned to me no later than June 10.

Make checks payable to Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day. If you don’t feel like filling out the form, simply send the check; I will be happy to fill out the form for you.

OR  If you’re using your credit card to make a donation, you do need to fill out, sign, and return the enclosed pledge form to me.


OR  If you prefer to donate online (credit card only) or print out extra donation forms, go to:


Thank you for taking the time to consider joining the fight against breast cancer. I look forward to sharing this experience with you.







Donor Hall of Fame 2001



YAY!!!! Elma is the first official name to be listed in the Donor Hall of Fame!!! Thank you, Elma!!! (I just tried to call you but your phone rang and rang—where’s your voicemail???) Anyway, Elma is not only my first donor but also my walking partner this year (and one of my 4 walking partners from last year). So this is an especially meaningful donation. Hooray!


John is one of my many brothers-in-law. He has the coolest job I know: blackjack dealer at a casino. Thanks, John!


Scott voiced some concerns about the appearance of the pledge form I sent him. Seems he was a bit suspicious about the torn corner and the crossed-out address. As well he should be...


My Aunt Margaret lives in Springfield and was recently treated for skin cancer. She’s doing just great now. Best wishes to her cat, Muffin, who has had some health problems of her own recently.


AKA Aunt S and Uncle M. Survivors of the recent Seattle earthquake (luckily no damage either to office or home). Also famous for their graceful ballet poses.


Another aunt and uncle, who recently became proud grandparents to Allison Gail (sister of Alex), and proud parents of Tess the Wonder Dog.


Thanks, Bill and Laura! My brother-in-law and his wife just sold their house, are building a new house, and are loving their 2 foster kids (soon to be adopted, we hope!)


Dave’s mom just got back from a bus trip to Florida. No fair! She sent me a birthday card from Key West, tho. Thanks, Mom!


Cathy wrote a wonderful historical novel that I copyedited. We also worked together a few years ago. Good luck with the book, Cathy, and thanks!


Now here’s a wonderful story. My mom works at Lamb Little, and last year both the company and many individuals were very generous to the 3-Day cause. This year, one of her co-workers (Laura) is doing the walk, so I figured all Lamb Little support would go (appropriately) to her. But I was wrong! Once again, Lamb Little made a donation, and I’ve received pledges from the following wonderful people:



Karl (“the good-looking one”) is my brother, older than me by 5 years, but he looks like he’s about 30 (which makes me 25). Thanks, “K”!


Jill used to be my boss and now is just my friend. Not that that’s a demotion or anything. Have fun in Mexico, Jill!


It wasn’t until Ilene moved away that we became good friends. Hmmmm, what does that tell you? I love her, that’s what!


Scott and Dave are college buddies, Mary Jo is a nurse (hooray!), and they have two gorgeous kids. We haven’t seen these two in a while, so an extra thanks for donating.


AKA Jennie. My sister-in-law’s mom—one of those very special people who made a point of asking me to send her a pledge form this year. THANK YOU!


Mom has signed up to be a volunteer crew member this year. She’ll be ready to go as soon as she recovers from foot surgery. Go, Mom!


Dave’s brother and his lovely wife! Both of their kids have recently reached driving age. GOOD LUCK!


My podiatrist comes through again. Hopefully he’ll approve of my new shoes. Thanks, Dr. Ross!


My cousin and her husband. They live in Las Vegas, and hopefully--SOMEday--I’ll get out there to see them.


Annette was one of my walking buddies in last year’s walk. After walking 10, 12, 14 miles, I’d come home and collapse in a heap, while Annette went off to work as a pediatrics nurse from 3 to 11. Annette is a breast cancer survivor, and I am proud to walk in her honor.


Dr. Taylor has been donating to the cause by keeping my back in good shape so I can keep walking. So this monetary donation is especially appreciated!


Char is yet another of my wonderful brothers-in law. I call him Char-Dog. He’s a huge sports fan, loves music (he has his own jukebox!) and travels a lot. Way to go, Char-Dog!


Anita is my doctor. Her contribution is especially meaningful because she’s donating to other 3-Day walkers. Thanks, Doc!


Kim cuts my hair. I love Kim, ’cuz when I dropped off my mom (who’d just had foot surgery) for her hair appointment, Kim came running out of the house to tell me she’d lost the pledge form and could I please send her another. No problem!


Dave and Rob used to work together. Now Rob works for a cool Web-based education company. He’s also a very talented writer—Rob, can I include the link to your MSWC site? (hee hee!)


My dad came up from Springfield last year to cheer us on. He has been extremely supportive, and I can’t wait to see him again at the cheering stations this year!


One of the many aerobics classmates who are supporting us. Also a very cool lady. Go, Dorothy!


OK, they didn’t donate together, but their donations did come on the same day. Two former clients who owned a small publishing company. Way to go, guys!


Jean is one of my mom’s closest friends. Herb just had knee surgery. Thank you!


Gary keeps me supplied with plenty of freelance copyediting work. He is also master of several unidentifiable accents. Thanks, Gary!


A donor I’ve never met! And her cat! Marilyn is good friends with my Aunt Margaret, saw my Web site, and contacted me to ask how she could contribute. Marilyn, you are very special. Hope I get to meet you some day!


Matt is a college buddy, also known as Mrs. Whale (don’t ask). He and LaDonna have adorable twins. Thanks for the pictures!


Yet another brother-in-law! And another great sister-in-law! How lucky am I to have such wonderful in-laws?


Marcia is a longtime family friend. She calls me “La La.” Why, you may ask? Because her grandson couldn’t pronounce my name when he was a young kid. Take it from there. Thanks, Marcia!


Woo-hoo! I trained and walked with Candus last year. She gave each of us massage gift certificates in lieu of a donation. Hey, money’s good, too. Thank you, Candus, and start thinking about 3-Day 2003!


Yes, you can donate twice. My wonderful mother-in-law is proof. THANK YOU!


Anne is one of those cool people who can do it all: she’s an artist and a financial genius. And she’s the only person with whom I’d want to watch The Blair Witch!


Josie is my best friend from college. She moved to Chicago from Ft. Wayne, Indiana, in the early 80s (yay!), moved back to Ft. Wayne 3 years ago (Boo!) and is now in TEXAS, of all places! She and Jim have 2 adorable girls. Thanks, Mr. Josie!


Donna is a great family friend who will be looking after my Mom’s ailing cat, Aislinn, while she is crewing the 3-Day (my mom, not Aislinn). Good luck with the job search, Donna, and thank you!


My Aunt Kay has 9 beautiful cats. I can’t thank her without thanking each of them. So, thank you to Blackman, Cuchinka, Nic, Star, Guinevere, Missy, Grayling, Muffin, and my beloved Poucette.


Cindy and I go way back...so far back there actually exists a picture of the 2 of us wearing cowboy hats. Cindy, who the hell is Toppie Smellie? THANK YOU!


Jim is a college friend of Dave’s and Carolyn and I met once years ago at a wedding...but now are the best of e-mail friends. Hopefully we’ll get together again soon.


Hey, guys! DEFKON 5 RULES! Another college friend of Dave’s and a wife-friend for me. THANK YOU!!







Total amount raised for the 2000 Walk:











Total amount raised for the 2001 Walk:










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Keep on walking!