E. Howard is the grandfather of sword & sorcery fiction. During the 1930's,
Howard almost single-handedly redefined the genre. His characters--Conan,
Solomon Kane, King Kull, Black Turlogh and others--lived and fought in colorful
worlds where all men were mighty, all women beautiful, and all problems simple.
Yet these characters had a realism to their motivations. Howard's writing style
had about it a relentless grimness. It set sword & sorcery on a path away from
the happily-ever-after, and toward the more dramatic, emotionally charged
stories that are written even to this day. Lovers of fantasy have much to owe
Robert E. Howard.
was born in Peaster, Texas in 1906. He lived and worked in Cross Plains, Texas
and attended Howard Payne College. He committed suicide in 1936.
Conan, King Kull, Solomon Kane, Bran Mak Morn, ...
Howard's correspondence with H. P. Lovecraft, August Derleth, Clark Ashton Smith, and others.
alt.fantasy.conan, Mark Butler's Conan The Barbarian Page, Grant Books' Robert E. Howard Page, Cross Plains, Texas web site, The Barbarian Keep...
My thanks to Ed Waterman (, Gene Bilney (, "Buffalo" Bill Brandt (, and especially Ken Hechtman for their terrific contributions.