
Short Stories



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  Imzadi Stories

This story is the property of Paramount Pictures who owns all rights to the Star Trek universe, its characters and background. The story is not to be reprinted or reproduced without permission of the author or published for profit.

"Getting to First Base" Con't Page 2

At first she had been enthusiastic about "teaching Geordi and Data a lesson," but as their link had intensified, her mood had changed. She could still hide her emotions from him when she wished and that was usually what she chose to do. Now however, he caught the undertones of feelings he had missed before. He focused on her feelings and projected, "Why are you sad?"

Deanna had been deep in thought, preoccupied by her miscalculations. What had started as a casual admiration of Will as he lay stretched out on her couch had turned quickly to an internal debate with her conscious regarding how or whether to force a conversation with him on the unexpected development of their bond. Her mother had often cautioned her that the Imzadi bond could be unpredictable and even as one often did not know how or why it formed, attempts to keep it at abeyance by resisting a physical relationship with Will would not work indefinitely. Lwaxana had continued warning that the bond was bound to strengthen if they persisted in spending time together as friends. His message broke into her preoccupied thoughts startling her. "Why do you say that?" she sent back.

"Because I can feel your emotions. Deanna, I didn't mean for this to upset you." Riker opened his eyes. Deanna saw the sincerity there, but felt it also in his thoughts. "Will," she replied verbally, "I think we both forgot something when we decided to practice our telepathy for the game."

So, he thought, the time has finally come to discuss what is happening. He welcomed the opportunity to get everything in the open, but he was worried that the conversation might not be a pleasant one.

"All this practicing has strengthened our bond to the point that if we aren't careful, we might not be able to reverse the process." Deanna had planned to resist his advances, but when he swung his legs off the end of her couch and got up and crossed to her, she found herself probing him eagerly, calling to him to her. His kiss was inviting and intoxicating. Somehow in the following hours she never did think to remind him of the limits they had drawn for themselves on the ship.

Riker awoke to the blackness of Deanna's cabin confused, a confusion that ended as soon as Deanna opened her eyes and called softly, "quarter lights". The night of rediscovery came back to him as lay propped up on one arm, gazing upon her lying next to him, Smiling Will said, "I see you still don't preset the lights to gradually brighten on a schedule."

Brushing against his arm as she rose, she left the room, returning in a few minutes with breakfast on a tray only to find him back asleep. "Will! Get up!" Slowly he opened one eye which he promptly shut, his mind refusing to wake. "I'm sorry. I forgot how long you take to wake up. Here, have some coffee." Deanna brought the cup to Riker's still motionless body. Opening his eyes a third time, he regarded her nude form in front of him and his thoughts brought a giggle to the Betazoid. "No time for that, Commander. You have 23 minutes to report to the bridge." Riker groaned, taking the coffee and drinking it quickly.

"Can I use your shower?" he sent to her too sleepy to notice that their entire conversation so far had been non-verbal.

"Be my guest." Deanna answered taking in the view as he made his way to the bathroom. "Will!" He turned to see what she wanted. "I really like the beard."

The image he sent back to her caused her to still turn red with embarrassment hours later.

Beverly Crusher sat on the bench watching the other members of Will's team taking batting practice. They were a pretty sorry bunch with the exception of herself, Guinan and Will who was one of the most controlled pitchers she had ever watched. Deanna did manage to catch Will's pitches, but he was not throwing nearly as hard as Data would. When it was her turn Crusher decided to bait Will to see just how good he and Deanna were. "Come on Will! Give me something decent to hit."

Riker laughed and threw a slow fast ball down the middle of the plate. Crusher swung knocking a line drive into left field. "Do you think Data is going to throw fat pitches down the middle like that?" she taunted. "Let me see what you can really do." Will hesitated. He knew that Geordi and Data were observing this practice on the vid screen, trying to decide how to play his rag-tag team. "Vid connection off!" Deanna called. "Okay, Will. No one is watching. Let's show the red-head what we can do."

Riker waited. Winding up he delivered a fast ball on the low, outside corner. Crusher was only thinking about swinging when she heard the ball land in Deanna's glove.

"Computer! Clock speed!" Guinan yelled.

"Velocity of thrown ball was 98 miles per hour." came the computerized reply.

Crusher swallowed, silently praying that Will's control remained and wondering how her petite Betazoid friend had managed to hold on to the pitch. One thing was sure, Beverly had no desire to get hit by one of Riker's pitches.

Once again Riker began his wind up. Crusher actually got a look at the pitch right over the plate. The problem was the ball was not over the plate as she swung at it. Guinan called. "Curve ball! What a mean spin, Commander." /P>

Crusher gritted her teeth trying not to let Deanna's grin distract her. The next pitch wobbled like a drunken sailor before it crossed the inside edge of the plate and fell into Deanna's glove.

"What was that?" Crusher stared for a minute at Deanna's glove, then turned in frustration to Riker. "What was that?" she demanded.

"Knuckle ball," Deanna got up casually returning the ball to Riker who walked off the mound ending batting practice. He finished the sentence for Troi, "didn't they have those in the Women's Intergalactic League?"

Crusher watched Will casually put his gloved hand around Deanna as the two walked toward the exit door. "No." she answered, "they didn't."

Huddled around Data's quarters he and Geordi reviewed their strategy for the next day's game against the Command Performers, as Riker's team had chosen to call themselves.

"Command Performers does not sound like a baseball team." Geordi complained. "Although I guess it is better than "Will's Girl's."

Data cocked his head to one side in thought. "I agree. Command Performer's is a name that would suggest a group of actors instead."

Lieutenant Winoski tossed his synthenol down his throat in one dramatic gulp, "Well, what do you expect of a team with Crusher on it?"

Geordi somberly answered, "I expect they are planning on showing no mercy."

Data ignored Geordi's pessimistic mood. "We must finalize the batting order."

Geordi started to pace the floor. "Is the Captain going to be the umpire?"

"Yes," Data confirmed, "He stated that it would not be proper for him to favor either team, and Commander Riker insisted on a human umpire, so Captain Picard seemed the best choice." The rest of the evening was spent discussing strategy and speculating on the strengths and weaknesses of each member of the Command Performers.

Three decks below Will Riker and Deanna were still perfecting their technique. After they had started spending their nights together there seemed little reason to practice their telepathic sending. Their bond was so strong Deanna spent most of her time blocking out Riker's thoughts and he could send without effort. They often finished each other's sentences and when the two were excited about a report that a long time friend of theirs from Betazed had delivered a healthy baby boy, they were finishing each other's sentences and talking so fast that it left Crusher dizzy. There was little doubt in the doctor's mind that Deanna was catching more than just Riker's fast balls.

Finally the day of the game arrived. Data watched Riker as the big Commander warmed up. Quickly the android memorized Riker's delivery and began analyzing each movement looking for early patterns that would tip off the type of pitch being delivered. Patiently Data waited for Riker to finish his slow warm-up pitches and begin his real practice pitches. He was to be disappointed. Riker walked off the field, announcing he was ready.

Data would have to observe Riker during the course of the game to establish his pitch tip-offs but that should be simple the android concluded. At the toss of the coin, Data's team got the field, the Command Performers the first at bats.

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I only do this for the pleasure of Imzadi fans. If you enjoyed the story or if you have suggestions, please send your comments