Click on the thumbnail to see the full-sized photo.
The new Zing! Our first photo (Linda would like you to remind her never
to be the one sitting nearest to the flash), taken at the Hudson, MA SPEBSQSA
chapter's show (Feb. '98). |
First official contest photo together. Apr. 24, 1998, Area 2 AC&C, Hyannis,
MA. |
Coach Lynn Randall (Feb. '98). |
Coach Jim Coates (Mar. '98). |
AC&C - A bird's eye view of our bedroom slippers (Apr. '98). |
AC&C - qualifier ribbons (Apr. '98). |
AC&C - a side of our personalities shining through as we're forced up
against the wall (Apr. '98). |
Atlanta, men's International - meeting Kenny Hatton of the Bluegrass Student
Union - thanks to Debbie Warwick and the Harmonet gathering (July '98). |
Missing our fourth at men's International - Noreen stayed home (July '98). |
Coach Dave LaBar (July '98). |
Formal photo. Apr. 23, 1999, Area 2 AC&C, Nashua, NH. |
Formal photo. Nov. 12, 1999, International, Springfield, MA. |