Monster rolls:
1 & 3




Deep, drifting snow blankets the world
5 days/week
3 basic
1 sunlight

4 phases to enter



Reward: 4 GOLD/clearing

7th Day:
PURPLE magic

Day 6


Atalanta the Woods Girl follows that dreamy Swordsman known as Kabats.
White S3 follows Captain Himmelbottom.
White S1 follows SHQ.
White R5, R6, & R7 follow Feanor the Great Elf


Kabats the Swordsman (JOYLESS VALLEY 5, Blood Red Inn) Chooses to go first.
- Hide (3) Hides!
- Hide ~ cancel activity
* Move Icky Valley 5
- Move Icky Valley 2
- Move Ledges 4
Reveals White Bones M and White Lost Castle, which contains Red Slither 3, Red Patter 5, Red Roar 6, Red Vault 3, and White Pool 6. Nothing arrives.
"Good, nobody's around!"

Atalanta the Woods Girl is placed back on the board.
"Where are you taking me!"

Ricky the Magician (AMBUSH 5)
- Hide (3,1) Hides!
* Alert Magic VI4*
- Move Ambush 4
- Move Ambush 2
- Move Ambush 1
Reveals Red Stink M and Red Lair 3. Nothing Arrives.
"Where is that stinking dragon?"

Captain Himmelbottom (DEEP WOODS 5)
- Move Deep woods 4
- Move Deep woods 6
- Move Deep woods 1
- Move Pinnacle 2
Reveals White Ruins M and White Slither 6. A heavy White Dragon slithers into clearing 6.
"Come here and fight like a man, er, dragon!"

Haggr the Dwarf (HINTERLAND 3, White Vault)
- Hide (3,3) Hides!
- Hide ~ cancel activity
- Search, locate (5,5) finds nothing
- Search, locate (4,6) finds nothing
Reveals White Bones C, Red Patter 2, Red Slither 6 and White Vault 3. A half dozen axe-wielding goblins patter into clearing 2.
"What's that noise?"

Feanor the Great Elf (HINTERLAND 3, White Vault)
* Hide (3,2) Hides!
- Hide ~ cancel activity
- Alert Bow.
- Search, locate (3,3) finds passages (of which there are none).
- Search, locate (5,3) finds nothing
The goblins investigate the goings-on by the vault, block the unhidden Sorceror and stop prowling.
"Oh, so that's what has been making that patter noise!"

Jafar, Jr. the Sorceror (HINTERLAND 3, White Vault)
Blocked by goblins.
"Hey, wait till I'm ready!"

Pwyll the Druid (HINTERLAND 5)
- Hide (5) Hides!
- Rest Fight L3*
- Move Hinterland 3
"Do you hear the patter of little feet?"

Mikki the Amazon (JOYLESS VALLEY 5, Blood Red Inn)
- Search, loot (4,4) finds 4th treasure in pile, nothing.
- Search, loot (4,6) finds 6th treasure in pile, nothing.
* Move Icky Valley 5
* Move Icky Valley 2
 Activates Beast Pipes
- Search, read runes (4,4) awakens spell.
- Search, peer (4,6) learns nothing.
"It's elfscript, ifan' I don't miss my guess."

Willie the Witch King (in the air between RUINS and ICKY VALLEY)
- Fly to Ruins and randomly land in clearing (4).
- Rest Magic V2*
- Rest Magic V4*
- Enchantment preparations.
* Enchant Magic V4* to Black
Reveals White Smoke C and White Shrine 4. A tremendous white dragon blows smoke in the Witch King's clearing.
"White smoke! Did they elect a new pope already?"

Xelvonar the Wizard (Between HINTERLAND 3 and 6) *** NMR ***
- Move (randomly) to Hinterland 3
Blocked by goblins.
"I knew I should have turned left at Albuquerque."

Hrolf the Berserker (Between HINTERLAND 3 and 6)
- Move Hinterland 6
- Move Hinterland 1
- Move Quiet Woods 5
* Rest Fight H5
Reveals White Dank W. Nothing Arrives.
"RrraaaAAAAAaaaagghhh!!!! Just what I need, Quiet Woods!"

Granny's familiar (PINNACLE 2)
- Search, peer (2,6) finds nothing
- Search, peer (3,6) finds nothing
- Search, peer (1,6) finds nothing
- Search, peer (2,3) finds hidden enemies and paths

Granny the Witch (CLIFF 3)
- Hide (3,5) Hides!
- Rest Magic V6*
- Enchant prepartions
- Enchant Magic V6* to Black
Reveals Red Bones M. Nothing arrives.
"Finally some peace and quiet."

Soldier Leader 'The Lieutenant' (LEDGES 6, White Pool)
- Search, locate (4,5) finds nothing
- Search, locate (4,3) discovers chits, finds the White Pool.
- Search, loot (2,6) finds 6th treasure in pile
- Search, loot (1,2) finds 2nd treasure in pile



The Magician walks through the valley of the shadow of death.


The Witch enjoys a quiet night alone.

White Vault

The hidden Great Elf, Druid, and Dwarf watch in horror as the goblins descend on the unhidden Sorceror and Wizard.


The Amazon plays a lonely tune on the Beast Pipes.


The Swordsman and Woods Girl ...(don't go there!)

White Pool

The Soldiers go swimming and come up with some treasure.


The Captain pets a friendly cat that can't see very well.


The Berserker doesn't know what to do with himself.

White Shrine

The Witch King hopes the smoke doesn't block his spell casting ability.



The Witch King targets the dragon with Absorb Essence using Magic V2* and a Black chit. The Witch King disappears in a puff of black (magic) and white (setup card) smoke. The dragon then that would be king then meanders off, toward clearing 1. The Witch King must start day 7 with a move to either clearing 1 or 4.


After some horsing around, the Woods Girl gives her horse to the Swordsman.

White Vault

Round 1:

    1. Luring:
      R5, R6, and R7 each lure a goblin.
      The Wizard lures the remaining three goblins.
    2. Random assignment: none.
    3. Deployment: none.
    4. Actions:
      The Dwarf does nothing and remains hidden.
      The Great Elf does nothing and remains hidden.
      The Sorceror does nothing.
      The Druid does nothing and remains hidden.
      The Wizard prepares to cast Fiery Blast with Magic IV3* and a Purple chit.

    1. Selecting Targets:
      Three goblins target three hirelings, while the rest target the Wizard.
      The Great Elf selects no target and remains hidden.
      The Dwarf selects no target and remains hidden.
      The Sorceror selects no target.
      The Wizard targets all 6 goblins.
      The Druid selects no target and remains hidden.
    2. Spells take effect: none
    3. Attacks/Maneuvers:
      Pale R5 thrusts while his target charges.
      Dark R6 thrusts while his target charges.
      Dark R7 thrusts while his target charges.
      The three goblins on the Wizard line up, one in each maneuver.
      The Wizard attacks in the Smash direction while ducking with Move M4*.
    4. Randomizing:
      R5's target (4) stays put and (3,2) does not flip
      R6's target (2) ducks and (5,3) does not flip
      R7's target (2) ducks and (1,4) does not flip
      The gang of three (4) stays put while (3,6)(5,6)(6,6) all three flip to their dark side.
    5. Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
      The Wizard undercuts all the dark goblins, drm: +3-4+4= +3.
      The Wizard intercepts R6's, and R7's pale goblin, drm: +3-3= 0
      The Wizard intercepts one dark goblin attacking him, drm: +3-4= -1
      R6 does not intercept nor undercut.
      R7 does not intercept nor undercut.
      R5 intercepts his target, drm: +3-3= 0.
      R5's Goblin intercepts his target, drm: +4-4= 0.
      R6's Goblin does not intercept nor undercut.
      R7's Goblin does not intercept nor undercut.
      Of the three attacking the Wizard only one intercepts, none undercut. drm: +4-4= 0
    6. Inflicting Harm:
      The Wizard's Fiery Blast deals L+++ harm to:
      • R6's Goblin (6,4) +0= 6, decrease two levels, the goblin is KILLED
      • R7's Goblin (2,1) +0= 2, increase two levels, the goblin is KILLED
      • the charging Goblin (4,6) +3= 9, miss
      • the swinging Goblin (2,1) +3= 5, decrease one level, the goblin is KILLED
      • the smashing Goblin (1,4) -1= 3, increase one level, the goblin is KILLED
      R5 deals M+ harm (3,4) +0= 4, no change, the goblin is KILLED

    The Wizard fatigues Magic IV3* and a Purple chit.


Round 2:

    1. Luring:
      R7 lures the last goblin.
    2. Random assignment: none.
    3. Deployment: R6 and then R5 are deployed against the goblin.
    4. Actions:
      The Dwarf does nothing and remains hidden.
      The Great Elf does nothing and remains hidden.
      The Sorceror does nothing.
      The Druid does nothing and remains hidden.
      The Wizard does nothing.

    1. Selecting Targets:
      The goblin targets R5.
      All three hirelings target the goblin.
      The Great Elf selects no target and remains hidden.
      The Dwarf selects no target and remains hidden.
      The Sorceror selects no target.
      The Wizard selects no target.
      The Druid selects no target and remains hidden.
    2. Spells take effect: none
    3. Attacks/Maneuvers:
      Pale R5 thrusts while his target charges.
      Pale R6 swings.
      Pale R7 smashes.
    4. Randomizing:
      The goblin (2) ducks and (2,5) does not flip.
      R5 (4) stays put and (6,1) flips.
      R6 and R7 (2) R7 thrusts and (4,2)(4,1) neither flips.
    5. Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
      R6 undercuts the goblin, drm: +3-4+4= +3.
      R7 undercuts the goblin, drm: +3-4+4= +3.
      Neither R5 nor the goblin intercept or undercut.
    6. Inflicting Harm:
      R6 deals M+ harm (4,6) +3= 9, decrease two levels, miss.
      R7 deals M+ harm (6,3) +3= 9, decrease two levels, miss.

  3. FATIGUE STEP: none.

  4. DISENGAGEMENT: The goblin disengages.

Round 3:

    1. Luring:
      R7 lures the last goblin.
    2. Random assignment: none.
    3. Deployment: R6 and then R5 are deployed against the goblin.
    4. Actions:
      The Dwarf does nothing and remains hidden.
      The Great Elf does nothing and remains hidden.
      The Sorceror does nothing.
      The Druid does nothing and remains hidden.
      The Wizard does nothing.

    1. Selecting Targets:
      The goblin targets R5.
      All three hirelings target the goblin.
      The Great Elf selects no target and remains hidden.
      The Dwarf selects no target and remains hidden.
      The Sorceror targets the goblin.
      The Wizard selects no target.
      The Druid selects no target and remains hidden.
    2. Spells take effect: none
    3. Attacks/Maneuvers:
      Pale R5 thrusts while his target charges.
      Pale R6 swings.
      Pale R7 smashes.
      Jafar smashes with his dagger using Fight L3*.
    4. Randomizing:
      The goblin (3) swings and (5,2) does not flip.
      R5 (4) stays put and (1,3) does not flips.
      R6 and R7 (2) R7 thrusts and (2,5)(4,2) neither flips.
    5. Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
      R6 intercepts the goblin, drm: +3-4= -1.
      R7 and R5 undercut the goblin, drm: +3-4+4= +3.
      Jafar undercuts the goblin, drm: +3-4+4= +3.
    6. Inflicting Harm:
      R6 deals at least M+ harm, no change, the goblin is KILLED.
      All other attacks are cancelled.

  3. FATIGUE STEP: none.


Xelvonar the Wizard scores 10 FAME and 10 NOTORIETY.
Feanor the Great Elf scores 2 FAME and 2 NOTORIETY.


The Witch King returns to his/her/its former self as the Absorb Essence spell falls inert.

Purple magic invades the realm. The Magician is a Squirrel for day 7 and may walk the woods freely. All tiles with Purple Magic flip. The map has been updated to reflect this. Please review before sending day 7 orders.

Day 7 orders are due Monday April 18, 2005 4:00 PM EST.

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Updated: April 14, 2005

© 2005, Daniel W. Farrow IV, all rights reserved