Day 18
Giants and Trolls invade the realm and the rogues aren't too happy with any magic-using types.
White S3 follows Captain Himmelbottom.
Kitty follows Granny Witch
Willie the Witch King follows Ricky J. Magician.
Ricky the Magician (RUINS 4, White Shrine)
- Hide (2,3) Hides!
* Alert IV4*
- Move Ruins 6
- Move Ambush 1
Ricky turns into a Squirrel as his Transform spell is energized with Purple magic from the clearing.
Reveals Red Stink M and Red Lair 3. A foul smelling Giant lumbers through the Magician's clearing.
"Willie, hold your breath. That is, if you breathe."
Willie the Witch King is placed back on the board.
"What a lovely smell you've discovered!"
Captain Himmelbottom (LEDGES 1)
- Hide (6,2) no.
- Search, peer (1,2) finds clues and paths
- Search, peer (4,4) finds hidden enemies
- Move Ledges 3
Reveals White Bones M and White Lost Castle, which contains Red Vault 3 and White Pool 6. The Vermillion Vault guardian troll appears, blocks the Captain, 6 bats and SHQ and stops prowling.
"What a fine mess I've gotten myself into."
Woods Girl's bat 'Eeek' (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
Blocked by a T Troll.
Xelvonar the Wizard (DARK VALLEY 4)
- Move Curst Valley 5
- Move Curst Valley 2
- Enchant Magic III3* to Gold Magic
- Enchant Magic II4* to Grey Magic
"This is where the Dwarf said he'd meet me. Where is he?"
Granny the Witch (between BORDERLAND 2 & 3)
- Move Borderland 3
- Hide (3,3) Hides!
- Hide ~ cancel activity
- Move Borderland 2
Reveals White Stink C and White Lost City which contains Red Howl 4 and White Roar 4! Nothing appears.
"Maybe I can sneak by them this time."
Atalanta the Woods Girl (Between LEDGES 3 and 6.)
- Move Ledges 6
- Hide (5) Hides!
- Search, loot (5,4) finds 5th treasure in pool, nothing.
- Move Ledges 3
Falls Asleep.
"While I try to treat them all the same, I really do love Squeek the most."
Woods Girl's bat 'Meek' (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
Blocked by a T Troll.
Hrolf the Berserker (NUT WOODS 2)
* Rest Fight T6*
- Move and
- Move and
- Move and
- Move Ambush 3
The red giant climbs the hill to help his friend the Lair dragon, blocks the Berserker and stops prowling.
"RrraaaAAAAAaaaagghhh!!!! Since when does a giant help a dragon? "
Feanor the Great Elf (HINTERLAND 3, White Vault)
* Hide (2,1) Hides!
- Search, toadstool circle (3,1) Teleports to Borderland 4.
Activates Glowing Gem
- Search, read runes (2,1) learns and awakens spell
- Search, locate (2,3) finds passage Borderland 5.
"Wow! How'd I get here?"
Mikki the Amazon (CLIFF 4)
* Move Joyless Valley 4
* Move Awful Valley 1
- Move Awful Valley 4
- Hide (4,1) Hides!
- Move Caves 5
Reveals Red stink C and White Patter 5. A pair of heavy Trolls try to pick up the Amazon for a meal.
"Told you it’ll be easier when th’ trail leveled out."
Pwyll the Druid (between HINTERLAND 5 and OAK WOODS 4)
- Move Hinterland 5
- Hide (2) Hides!
- Move Hinterland 3 Reveals White Bones C, Red Flutter 1,Red Patter 2, Red Slither 3, White Vault 3, Red Roar 4, White Howl 4, Red Patter 5, Red Slither 6, and Red Roar 6.
None of which summon anything due to Pwyll's Peace with Nature.
"All alone and loving it."
Woods Girl's bat 'Sleek' (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
Blocked by a T Troll.
Jafar, Jr. the Sorceror (HINTERLAND 2)
- Move Curst Valley 2
- Move Curst Valley 5
- Trade, neutral (6,5) TROUBLE (6,6)
"I guess they remember my dad."
Woods Girl's bat 'squeek' (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
Blocked by a T Troll.
Woods Girl's bat 'tweek' (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
Blocked by a T Troll.
Soldier Leader 'The Lieutenant' (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
Blocked by a T Troll.
Haggr the Dwarf (HINTERLAND 3, Alabaster Vault)
- Move and
- Move Hinterland 2
- Move and
- Move Curst Valley 2
"Ah, Xelvonar, we meet again."
Woods Girl's bat 'Zeek' (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
Blocked by a T Troll.
Kabats the Swordsman (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault) Chooses to go now.
- Hide (2) Hides!
- Search, locate (6,1) finds nothing
- Search, locate (1,5) finds nothing
- Search, locate (6,5) finds nothing
"I thought you silenced the guard."
Ambush 1
The hidden Magician/Squirrel and Witch King discuss big plans for the 'morrow.
Ambush 3 Red Dragon Lair
The Berserker faces a giant when he expected a dragon.
The hidden Witch attempts to sneak past two sleeping dragons.
The Great Elf wished the Glowing Gem would glow enough to give him another phase.
The hidden Amazon attempts to sneak past two sleeping trolls.
The Dwarf and Wizard reminisce about old times.
CURST VALLEY 5 Snow White Inn
The Sorceror keeps a watch on the rogues who (3,4) leave him alone.
HINTERLAND 3 Alabaster Vault
The hidden Druid runs into Feanor's former hirelings and (5,2) they don't mind.
LEDGES 3 Vermillion Vault
The hidden Swordsman and Woods Girl try to decide whose side they are on: the Captain, the Lieutenant, 6 bats, or a troll.
The Dwarf whips out the Eye of the Moon, and using Grey magic from the clearing, looks at the weather forecast for next week.
Ambush 1
Willie the Witch King casts Enchant Artifact on the Hidden Ring using Magic VI3* and Purple from the clearing. The Hidden Ring now has Fiery Blast and type IV added to it.
Ambush 3 Red Dragon Lair
Round 1:
- Luring: none
- Random assignment: Giant is assigned to the Berserker
- Deployment: none
- Actions: Berserker goes Berserk.
- Selecting Targets: Obvious
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The giant charges while thrusting with his club.
The Berserker attacks with unalerted axe in Smash with Fight H5 and
maneuvers in Duck with Move H5*.
- Randomizing: The giant (4) stays put while his club (6,3) flips.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
Giant's club, undercuts the Berserker, drm: +4-5+4 = +3
Berserker's Axe, neither undercuts nor intercepts, but his axe is now alerted.
Giant's body, neither undercuts nor intercepts.
- Inflicting Harm:
The giant's club does T harm (5,5) +3= 8, reduced one level, the Berserker takes a wound and is now in the Giant's clutches.
- FATIGUE STEP: The Berserker fatigues Berserk T4** and wounds Move H6.
Round 2:
- Luring: none
- Random assignment: none
- Deployment: none
- Actions: none.
- Selecting Targets: Obvious
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The giant charges while thrusting with his club.
The Berserker attacks with alerted axe in Smash with Fight T6* and
maneuvers in Duck with Move H4**.
- Randomizing: The giant (2) smashs while his club (6,3) flips back to its light side.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
Giant's club, neither undercuts nor intercepts.
Berserker's Axe, intercepts the Giant, drm: +4-6 = -2.
Giant's body, intercepts the Beserker, drm: +4-4 = +0.
- Inflicting Harm:
The Berserker does at least T harm, the giant is
- FATIGUE STEP: The Berserker fatigues Fight T4**
Hrolf the Berserker scores 8 FAME and 8 NOTORIETY.
LEDGES 3 Vermillion Vault
Round 1:
- Luring: S3 lures the Troll
- Random assignment: The bats are randomly assigned to whomever.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: Woods Girl casts Control Bats.
- Selecting Targets:
S3 and the troll target each other.
The Woods Girl targets the bats and becomes unhidden.
- Spells take effect: The bats are controlled and stop attacking.
- Attacks/Maneuvers: the troll charges at a smashing S3.
- Randomizing: The troll (1) stays put.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
S3 undercuts, drm: +1-4+4 = +1
The Troll neither undercuts nor intercepts.
- Inflicting Harm:
S3 deals H harm (6,1) +1= 7, decrease one level, miss.
- FATIGUE STEP: Woods Girl fatigues Magic VII6**
- DISENGAGEMENT: the troll disengages.
Round 2:
- Luring: S3 lures the Troll
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: Woods Girl runs away, toward Ledges 6.
- Selecting Targets:
S3 and the troll target each other.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers: the troll charges at a smashing S3.
- Randomizing: The troll (1) stays put.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
S3 undercuts, drm: +1-4+4 = +1
The Troll neither undercuts nor intercepts.
- Inflicting Harm:
S3 deals H harm (2,1) +1= 3, increase one level, the troll is
Captain Himmelbottom scores 8 FAME and 8 NOTORIETY.
Atalanta the Woods Girl must start the next day with a move to either clearing 3 or 6.
Round 1:
- Luring: none
- Random assignment: The dragons see no target.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: Granny burns a
Black chit to energize her Absorb Essence spell. She is now a tremendous dragon.
- Selecting Targets: Granny targets one of the H dragons and becomes unhidden.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
Granny's target charges.
Granny Dragon breathes T4 fire in thrust while swinging with her claws.
- Randomizing: The dragon (3) dodges while (1,5) not flipping.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
Granny's fire, neither undercuts nor intercepts.
Granny's claws, intercept, drm: +5-4= +1.
- Inflicting Harm:
Granny's claws do H harm (6,2) +1= 7, reduced one level, but she has picked up her target.
Round 2:
- Luring: none
- Random assignment: Both dragons target granny dragon.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: none.
- Selecting Targets: obvious.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
Granny's target charges.
The other dragon dodges.
Granny Dragon breathes T4 fire in thrust while swinging with her claws.
- Randomizing: The dragons (2) move to dodge and smash while (6,1) (1,5) the dodging dragon flips.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
Granny crushes her target at a speed of 3.
Granny's fire neither undercuts nor intercepts.
Granny's target dragon, undercuts, drm: +4-6 = -2.
The other dragon, intercepts, drm: +4-6= -2
- Inflicting Harm:
Granny's target is crushed, one dragon is
The other dragon deals L harm and cannot possibly kill Granny dragon.
Round 3:
- Luring: none
- Random assignment: The dragon targets granny dragon.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: none.
- Selecting Targets: obvious.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
Granny's target charges.
Granny Dragon breathes T4 fire in thrust while swinging with her claws.
- Randomizing: The dragon (1) stays put while (5,3) not flipping.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
Granny's fire intercepts, drm: +4-3 = +1.
Granny's target dragon neither undercuts nor intercepts.
Granny's claws neither undercuts nor intercepts.
- Inflicting Harm:
Granny's fire does T harm (1,5) +1= 6, decrease two levels, miss, but the dragon is now in Granny's clutches.
Granny Dragon is now red-side up. The H dragon will eventually line up or flip, and be KILLED. No need to determine how many rounds it will take.
Granny the Witch scores 15 FAME and 15 NOTORIETY.
Mickey’s warrior reflexes took hold and she vaulted over the edge of the drop, aiming her feet at a spot just behind the trailing troll, her sword-arm cocked to deliver a beheading stroke. It was then that she realized her sword was nothing more than a toothpick to these fellas. Before they could turn to see what was happening, Mickey was well on her way back out of the cave and into open air, grateful that the trolls were as slow as they were ugly.
The Amazon must start the next day with a move to either CAVES 5 (yeah, right) or Awful Valley 4
The Witch returns to her former self as the Absorb Essence spell falls inert.
Day 19 orders are due Tuesday May 10, 2005 4:00 PM EST.