Monster rolls:
1 & 3
Deep, drifting snow blankets the world
4 days/week
4 basic
Mountains: 4 phases to enter
Reward: 4 GOLD/clearing
28th Day: Gold magic
Day 25
Reports of goblins are unfounded. A mild-mannered dragon arrives to guard its lair. Capt. Himmelbottom and Jafar, Jr. each run into trouble with some of the natives.
White S3 follows Captain Himmelbottom.
Haggr the Dwarf follows Xelvonar the Aged Wizard .
Kabats the Swordsman (LEDGES 6, Pallid Pool) chooses to go now.
Mounts horse.
- Hide (2) Hides!
- Search, peer (5,5) finds clues.
- Search, peer (4,1) finds hidden enemies.
* Move Ledges 3
The Dwarf and Wizard fall asleep due to the Flowers of Rest.
Picks up chest and stows it on his pack horse.
- Search, loot (2,4) nothing.
Reveals White Bones M and White Lost Castle, which contains only Red Vault 3 and White Pool 6. Nothing arrives.
"Why does everyone always fall asleep around me? Am I that boring?"
Hrolf the Berserker (AMBUSH 3, Red Lair)
- Search, Locate (6,5) finds nothing.
- Search, Locate (4,6) finds nothing.
- Rest Berserk, making change with Move T6*
- Rest Move T6*
* Rest Fight T6*, wounded to fatigued.
Reveals Red Stink M and Red Lair 3. Nothing Arrives.
"RrraaaAAAAAaaaagghhh!!!! Nothing yet!"
Pwyll the Druid (MAPLE WOODS 5, Large Red Campfire)
- Hide (4) Hides.
- Rest Magic II3*
- Rest Magic II2**, making change with II3*
- Rest Magic II3*
Nothing Arrives
"There is something restful about a campfire."
Mikki the Amazon (CHASM 2)
* Move Chasm 5
* Move Umber Woods 2
- Move Mountain 2
- Move Mountain 4
- Search, peer (1,4) finds hidden enemies
- Search, peer (5,3) finds clues
Reveals White Dank M and White Lair 3. A White Dragon guards her lair.
"Look, treasure, but with a price."
Granny's familiar (CHASM 1)
- Move Horrid Valley 4
- Move Horrid Valley 1
- Move Descent 2
- Search, peer (6,6) finds nothing.
Granny the Witch (CHASM 1, Rose Altar)
- Hide (1,4) Hides.
- Search, loot (4,2) takes a treasure, White golden icon.
Grey magic fills the clearing.
- Search, loot (5,3) nothing.
- Search, loot (5,2) nothing.
Reveals Red Smoke C and Red Altar 1. Nothing appears.
"How am I going to carry this thing?"
Xelvonar the Wizard (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
Ricky the Magician (AMBUSH 3, Red lair)
* Alert Magic VI4*
- Search, Locate (5,2) finds nothing.
- Search, Locate (1,6) finds nothing.
- Search, Locate (5,1) finds nothing.
- Search, Locate (6,1) finds nothing.
"I have nut-thing to report."
Willie the Witch King (AMBUSH 3, Red lair)
- Search, Magic Sight (5,1) discovers the lair, finally.
Shares the location with the Berserker and Magician.
- Search, Magic Sight (4,1) perceives spells, learns spell on Red Hidden Ring.
- Search, Magic Sight (2,5) nothing new.
- Search, Magic Sight (2,3) takes top treasure.
"We finally found that lair."
Jafar, Jr. the Sorceror (DARK VALLEY 2)
- Alert IV4*
- Alert IV3*
- Move Dark Valley 5
- Trade, enemy (3,1) Blocked
Nothing Arrives.
"Block ME, will you! Prepare to meet the wrath of Jafar!"
Feanor the Great Elf (DEEP LAKE 5, Cairns of White Stones)
- Move Deep Lake 6
* Hide (2,6) no.
- Hide (1,1) Hides!
- Move Deep Lake 5
- Search, loot (4,3) finds 4th treasure in pile and fatigues Magic III2*.
Reveals Red Dank M and White Cairns 5. Nothing Arrives.
"This spider is very annoying."
Soldier Leader 'The Lieutenant' (LEDGES 6, Pallid Pool)
- Move Ledges 3
- Search, crypt of the knight (3,1) Takes Bane Sword.
- Search, crypt of the knight (3,3) Takes Nothing.
- Move Ledges 6
Haggr the Dwarf (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
Captain Himmelbottom (LEDGES 6, Pallid Pool)
- Move Ledges 1
- Move Ledges 1
- Move Icky Valley 2
- Move Icky Valley 5
* Move Joyless Valley 2
The Pink Patrol arrives.
"Nice uniforms!"
Atalanta the Woods Girl (LEDGES 6, Pallid Pool)
- Search, loot (5) finds nothing
- Search, loot (2) finds 2nd treasure in pool, fatigues Move L3*.
- Search, loot (5) finds nothing
- Search, loot (1) finds 1st treasure in pool, fatigues Magic VII6** (getting Move L3* as change).
"Finally drained the pool!"
AMBUSH 3 Lair of the Red Dragon
The Berserker, Witch King, and Magician finally crack open the lair.
CHASM 1 Rose Altar
The Witch idolizes an icon.
The Amazon can smell a dragon, and the treasure it guards.
DARK VALLEY 5 White Guardhouse.
The Sorceror (5,2) exchanges some cross words with the white Guard, who battle him.
DEEP LAKE 5 Cairn of White Stones
The Great Elf again faces an albino spider the size of Mahattan.
LEDGES 3 Vermillion Vault
The Dwarf and Wizard cannot see the hidden Swordsman who put them to sleep.
LEDGES 6 Pallid Pool
The Lieutenant and Woods Girl enjoy a last night by the pool.
The Captain gets unexpected (6,6) trouble from the rogues, who (3,1) battle him.
MAPLE WOODS 5 Large Red Campfire
The Druid (3,2) gets along well with the Crimson Company.
LEDGES 3 Vermillion Vault
Kabats runs away, back toward Ledges 6. He must start the next day with a move to either Ledges 3 or 6.
DARK VALLEY 5 White Guardhouse.
Round 1:
- Luring: none
- Random assignment: All the guards are assigned to Jafar.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: Jafar prepares to cast Fiery Blast with an alerted magic chit and a Purple chit.
- Selecting Targets: Obvious.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The Guards line up, GHQ, G1 and G2 in Thrust, Swing, and Smash.
Jafar ducks with Move M5 while Smashing his Fiery Blast down on their heads.
- Randomizing: The Guards (1) G1 and G2 swap positions, while (6,1) (1,4) (3,1) only GHQ flips.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
Fiery Blast intercepts G1, drm: +0-5 = -5
It undercuts GHQ, drm: +0-6+4 = -2
It undercuts G2, drm: +0-5+4 = -1
G1 intercepts Jafar, drm: +5-5 = 0.
- Inflicting Harm:
No one can survive a direct hit from an alerted Fiery Blast, G1 is
Fiery Blast on GHQ does L++ harm, (2,5) -2= 3, increase one level. GHQ is
Fiery Blast on G2 does L++ harm, (1,1) -1= 1, increase three levels. G2 is
- FATIGUE STEP: Jafar fatigues a Purple chit and two alerted Magic IV chits.
Jafar scores 36 NOTORIETY and 12 GOLD.
Round 1:
- Luring: S3 lures R1.
- Random assignment: The rest of the Rogues are randomly assigned to the Captain.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: none
- Selecting Targets: S3 does R1 and likewise. The rest of the rogues target the Captain. The Captain targets R2.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
On S3's sheet:
- R2 charges.
- Dark S3 thrusts.
On the Captain's sheet:
- RHQ, R4 and R5 thrust.
- R3, R6 and R7 swing.
- R1 smashes.
- The captain smashes with his handy gloves while ducking with Move M3**.
- Randomizing:
R2 (3) dodges while (2,3) not flipping.
The other rogues (3) swap thrust and swing while (5,6) (2,4) (3,4) only the thrusters flip.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
Pale R4 cannot attack.
Dark S3 undercuts pale R2, drm: +1-4+4 = +1.
Pale R1 intercepts the Captain, drm: +5-3 = +2.
Pale R2 neither undercuts nor intercepts S3.
Dark R6 neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
Dark R7 neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
Pale RHQ neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
Dark R3 neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
Pale R5 neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
The Captain intercepts R1, drm: +3-4 = -1.
- Inflicting Harm:
S3 deals H harm, (6,5) +1 = 7, decrease three levels, miss.
R1 deals H harm, (2,1) +2 = 4, no change, the Captain's helmet is destroyed and he takes one wound.
The Captain deals H harm, (5,4) -1 = 4, no change, R1 is KILLED.
- FATIGUE STEP: The captain fatigues Move M4* and wounds Fight H6.
Round 2:
- Luring: S3 lures R1.
- Random assignment: The rest of the Rogues are already assigned to the Captain.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: none
- Selecting Targets: S3 does R1 and likewise. The rest of the rogues target the Captain. The Captain targets R4.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
On S3's sheet:
- Pale R2 charges.
- Dark S3 thrusts.
On the Captain's sheet:
- Pale RHQ, Dark R3, and Pale R5 thrust.
- Pale R4 swings.
- Dark R6 and Dark R7 smash.
- The captain swings with his handy gloves while dodging with Move M3**.
- Randomizing:
R2 (5) smashes while (4,3) not flipping.
The other rogues (2) swap thrust and smash while (4,2) (2,3) (4,6) only the smashers flip.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
Pale R4 cannot attack.
1 Dark S3 undercuts pale R2, drm: +1-4+4 = +1.
3 Dark R6 neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
3 Dark R7 neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
3 Dark RHQ neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
3 The Captain intercepts R4, drm: +3-2 = +1.
4 Dark R5 neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
5 Pale R3 neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
5 Pale R2 neither undercuts nor intercepts S3.
- Inflicting Harm:
S3 deals H harm, (3,2) +1 = 4, no change, R2 is KILLED.
The Captain deals H harm, (3,4) +1 = 5, no change, R4 is KILLED.
- FATIGUE STEP: The captain fatigues Move M4*.
Round 3:
- Luring: S3 lures R3.
- Random assignment: The rest of the Rogues are already assigned to the Captain.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: none
- Selecting Targets: S3 does R3 and likewise. The rest of the rogues target the Captain. The Captain targets RHQ.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
On S3's sheet:
- Pale R3 charges.
- Dark S3 thrusts.
On the Captain's sheet:
- Dark RHQ thrusts.
- Dark R5 and Dark R6 swing.
- Dark R7 smashes.
- The captain thrusts with his handy gloves while charging with Move M3**.
- Randomizing:
R3 (3) swings while (4,1) not flipping.
The other rogues (4) stay put while (4,5) (4,1) (1,5) no one flips.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
1 Dark S3 undercuts pale R3, drm: +1-3+4 = +2.
3 Dark R6 neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
3 Dark R7 neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
3 The Captain intercepts RHQ, drm: +3-2 = +1.
4 Dark RHQ intercepts the Captain. drm: +4-3= +1.
4 Dark R5 neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
5 Pale R3 neither undercuts nor intercepts S3.
- Inflicting Harm:
S3 deals H harm, (5,4) +1 = 6, decrease two levels, miss.
The Captain deals H harm, (6,4) +1 = 7, decrease one level, RHQ is KILLED.
- FATIGUE STEP: The captain fatigues his last Move M4*.
Round 4:
- Luring: S3 lures R3.
- Random assignment: The rest of the Rogues are already assigned to the Captain.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: none
- Selecting Targets: S3 does R3 and likewise. The rest of the rogues target the Captain. The Captain targets R7.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
On S3's sheet:
- Pale R3 charges.
- Dark S3 thrusts.
On the Captain's sheet:
- Dark R5 thrusts.
- Dark R6 swings.
- Dark R7 smashes.
- The captain swings with his handy gloves while dodging with Move M3**.
- Randomizing:
R3 (6) shifts right while (5,5) not flipping.
The other rogues (5) shift left while (3,4) (2,3) (4,5) no one flips.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
1 Dark S3 undercuts pale R3, drm: +1-3+4 = +2.
3 Dark R6 neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
3 Dark R7 intercepts the Captain, drm: +3-3= 0.
3 The Captain intercepts RHQ, drm: +3-4= -1.
4 Dark R5 neither undercuts nor intercepts the Captain.
5 Pale R3 neither undercuts nor intercepts S3.
- Inflicting Harm:
S3 deals H harm, (4,6) +2 = 8, miss.
R7 deals L harm, (2,1) +0 = 2, increase one level, the Captain's armor is damaged and the Captain receives one wound.
The Captain deals H harm, (3,6) -1= 5, no change, R7 is KILLED.
- FATIGUE STEP: The captain fatigues Move M3**, making change with Move M4* and wounds Fight H5*.
Round 5:
- Luring: S3 lures R6.
- Random assignment: The rest of the Rogues are assigned to the Captain.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: none
- Selecting Targets: S3 does R6 and likewise. The rest of the rogues target the Captain. The Captain targets R3.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
On S3's sheet:
- Dark R6 charges.
- Dark S3 thrusts.
On the Captain's sheet:
- Pale R3 thrusts.
- Dark R5 swings.
- The captain swings with his handy gloves while dodging with Move M4*.
- Randomizing:
R6 (3) dodges while (4,2) not flipping.
The other rogues (6) shift right while (5,1) (6,2) R5 flips.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
1 Dark S3 undercuts dark R6, drm: +1-4+4 = +1.
3 Dark R6 undercuts S3, drm: +3-4+4= +3.
3 Pale R5 undercuts the Captain, drm: +3-4+4 = +3.
3 The Captain intercepts R3, drm: +3-3= -0.
5 Pale R3 intercepts the captain, drm: +5-4= +1.
- Inflicting Harm:
S3 deals H harm, (2,1) +1= 3, increase on level, R6 is
R5 deals H harm, (5,1) +3= 8, decrease one level, the captain takes a serious wound (3,4).
The Captain deals M harm, (4,3) -0= 4, no change, R3 is
- FATIGUE STEP: The captain wounds Fight H5*, Fight M5, Fight M4*, Fight M4*.
Round 6:
- Luring: The Captain lures R5.
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: S3 is deployed against R5. R5 moves to his own sheet with S3 in Charge/Thrust.
- Actions: none
- Selecting Targets: S3 does R5 and likewise. The Captain targets R5.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
- Dark S3 thrusts.
- Pale R5 charges.
- The captain swings with his handy gloves.
- Randomizing:
S3 (1) continues to charge while (4,4) not flipping.
R5 (4) stays put while (5,3) not flipping.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
1 Dark S3 intercepts Pale R5, drm: +1-4 = -3.
3 Pale R5 intercepts S3, drm: +3-4 = -1.
3 The Captain undercuts R5, drm: +3-4+4= +3.
- Inflicting Harm:
S3 deals at least T harm, R5 is
The Captain scores 1*6+2*4+3*2+4*2+5*3=43 NOTORIETY and 10 GOLD and S3 scores 10 NOTORIETY for the Captain.
DEEP LAKE 5 Cairn of White Stones
Round 1:
- Luring: none
- Random assignment: The spider sees no target.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: the Great Elf alerts his long bow with Fight M4.
- Selecting Targets: The elf targets the spider and (3,4) remains hidden.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The Spider charges
The Elf thrusts his long bow with Fight M3*.
- Randomizing: The Spider (6) moves out of position.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
The elf undercuts, drm: +1-3+4 = +2.
- Inflicting Harm:
The elf's long bow does H (2) +2= 4, no change, miss.
Round 2:
- Luring: none
- Random assignment: The spider sees no target.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: the Great Elf alerts his long bow with Fight M4.
- Selecting Targets: The elf targets the spider and (6,3) does not remain hidden.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The Spider charges
The Elf thrusts his long bow with Fight M3*.
- Randomizing: The Spider (2) moves out of position.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
The elf undercuts, drm: +1-3+4 = +2.
- Inflicting Harm:
The elf's long bow does H (6) +2= 8, miss.
Combat ends after two uneventful rounds.
Day 26 orders are due Tuesday June 7, 2005 4:00 PM EST.