Day 31
It is a demonic day as two demons look for prey.
That little dity came true in the evening as two demons take out 8 hirelings. One demon even took itself out of the game with his fiery chasm. Not a red-letter day in the Yellow Realm.
Haggr the Dwarf follows Xelvonar the Wizard.
All the little Woodfolk follow Atalanta the Woods Girl.
White S3 and the Pink Panther Patrol follows Captain Himmelbottom.
Red Soldiers follow the Amazon
Kabats the Swordsman (HIDDEN MINES 5) chooses to go now.
- Move Hidden Mines 4
- Move Ledges 3
Reveals White Bones M and White Lost Castle, which contains only Red Vault 3 and White Pool 6. Nothing Arrives.
"Now to stike a deal with the Lieutenant..."
Feanor the Great Elf (EVIL VALLEY 5, Chapel of the Order of Red Knights)
* Hide (3,5) Hides!
Opens up a Good Book.
- Rest Magic III2*
- Search, read runes (5,4) cursed, (5,4) ASHES
- Search, read runes (6,5) learns nothing
- Search, read runes (4,1) awakens spell, on the Good Book.
Nothing Arrives.
"Hidden again, that's good."
Mikki the Amazon (CHASM 3)
- Hide (5,6) no.
- Hide (3,4) Hides!
- Hide ~ cancel activity
* Move Chasm 6
- Move Chasm 1
Reveals Red Smoke C and Red Altar 1. Nothing appears.
"Shhh! Don't want the demon to know we're here."
Leader of the Red Soldiers ceases to follow.
Jafar, Jr. the Sorceror (FETID VALLEY 5, Red Guardhouse)
- Rest Magic IV4*
- Rest Magic IV5*
* Enchant preparations
- Enchant Magic IV4* to Purple.
- Search, loot (5,2) finds a mace.
Nothing Arrives.
"Just cleaning up the litter to make this a better place."
Granny's familiar (TRISTAR 2, Silvery Statue)
- Search, peer (5,1) finds clues
- Search, peer (3,3) finds hidden enemies and paths
- Search, peer (2,2) finds clues and paths
- Search, peer (5,1) finds clues
Granny the Witch (RED WOODS 2)
- Hide (3,1) Hides!
- Rest Magic V6*
- Enchant preparations
- Enchant Magic V6* to Black
Nothing Arrives.
"Gotta be ready for anything."
Xelvonar the Wizard (QUIET WOODS 2)
- Hide (3,6) no.
- Move Ambush 5
- Move Ambush 4
- Move Ambush 2
Reveals Red Stink M and Red Lair 3. Nothing arrives.
"Be very, very qwiet ..."
Haggr the Dwarf Ceases to follow
"... we're hunting wabbits."
Pwyll the Druid (CAVERN 3)
- Hide (6) no.
- Move Cavern 1
Reveals Red Dank C and White Flutter 1. Nothing Arrives due to the Druid's peace with nature.
"That Berserker is hot on my tail."
Captain Himmelbottom (HIGH PASS 4)
- Hide (3,6) no.
- Move and
- Move and
- Move High Pass 1
Reveals White Ruins C and White Altar 1. A white demon arrives to collect a sacrifice from Captain Himmelbottom, blocks him and the patrol leader and ceases to prowl.
"You won't get any blood from me, you demon."
Pink Panther Patrol Leader ceases to follow.
Willie the Witch King (AMBUSH 3, Red lair)
- Rest V4*
* Enchant preparations
- Enchant V4* to Black .
- Search, magic sight (6,1) finds nothing
- Search, magic sight (3,3) finds treasure cards, the penultimate one in the lair.
Reveals Red Stink M and Red Lair 3. Nothing arrives.
"I forgot to say anything today."
Ricky the Magician (MOLEHILL 1)
* Alert VI4*
- Rest V4*
- Enchant preparations
- Enchant Magic V4* to Black
- Enchant the Hidden ring to Black
Reveals White Stink M and Red Lost Castle which contains Red Flutter 2, White Howl 5, Red Shrine 4, Red Pool 6, and White Hoard 6. A winged red demon arrives to collect tribute at its shrine.
"Double the black magic, double the fun!"
Hrolf the Berserker (LEDGES 5)
- Move Cavern 2
- Move Cavern 3
Reveals Red Dank C and White Flutter 1. A tremendous snake craws out of the dankness to block the Berserker and stops prowling.
"RrraaaAAAAAaaaagghhh!!!! Watch out for low-flying Bats, and snakes!"
Atalanta the Woods Girl (HIDDEN MINES 5)
- Move Hidden Mines 4
- Move Ledges 3
Activate horse.
* Move Ledges 6
"It is good to be in the woods again."
The Woodfolk Leader ceases to follow
The Dwarf and Wizard has switched to quoting old TV shows.
AMBUSH 3 Lair of the Red Dragon
The Witch King mulls the day's events.
The Druid bides his time to climb.
The Berserker is so worried about bats that he almost didn't notice the snake about to devour him.
CHASM 1 Altar of the red demon
The Amazon is poised to take out anything that gets in her way. Right now it is a demon.
HIGH PASS 1 Altar of the white demon
The Captain is poised to take out anything that gets in his way. Right now it is a demon.
FETID VALLEY 5 Red Guardhouse.
The Sorceror busys himself with cleaning up.
LEDGES 3 Vermillion Vault
The Swordsman reacquants himself with his former employee.
The Woods Girl and her posse just hang out for a while.
The Magician's excess of black magic makes for a very dark night.
The Witch rests up for the long road ahead.
EVIL VALLEY 5 Chapel of the Order of Red Knights
The unfriendly order (5,5) again challenges the Great Elf to a duel.
The Magician casts Broomstick from the Book of Lore and Black from the Hidden Ring.
AMBUSH 3 Lair of the Red Dragon
Using the Hidden Ring and
Purple from the clearing the Witch King casts Enchant Artifact to
Enchant the Artifact with the Broomstick spell.
LEDGES 3 Vermillion Vault
The Swordsman picks up the Truesteel Sword and stows it on his pack animal.
HIGH PASS 1 Altar of the white demon
Round 1:
- Luring: P2 lures the demon.
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: PHQ is deployed to fight the demon. The demon moves to its own sheet with PHQ attacking. P2 is added on top of PHQ. S3 and then P1 are deployed against the demon.
- Actions: none
- Selecting Targets: The demon targets P1. Everyone else targets the demon. The captain also targets the demon.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
Pale PHQ swings
Pale P2 Smashes
Dark S3 Swings
Dark P1 smashes
The Captain thrusts his sword using his handy gloves.
The demon charges and thrusts.
- Randomizing:
The group (4) stays put left while (4,1) (6,4) only P2 flips.
The demon's target (4) stays put while (5,6) flipping.
The demon (5) shifts right, into dodge.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
The demon undercuts P1's workhorse.
Pale PHQ intercepts, drm: +4-4 = 0.
Dark S3 intercepts, drm: +1-4 = -3.
P2 neither undercuts nor intercepts.
The captain undercuts the demon, drm: +3-4+4 = +3.
- Inflicting Harm:
Power of the Pit does (3,3) TERROR. The Patrol and S3 are KILLED. The Captain has a single Fight H6 chit remaining.
The best the Captain can do with his undercut is H harm, no effect.
Round 2:
- Luring: none.
- Random assignment: The demon attacks the captain.
- Deployment: none.
- Actions: none
- Selecting Targets: They target each other.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The Captain thrusts his sword using his handy gloves.
The demon charges and thrusts.
- Randomizing: The demon (4) stays put.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
The demon intercepts the captain as he played no move.
The captain intercepts the demon, drm: +3-4 = -1.
- Inflicting Harm:
Power of the Pit does (2,3) TERROR. No effect except that the demon has now picked up Capt. Himmelbottom.
The Captain does H harm, (4,4) -1= 3, increase one level. The demon is KILLED.
The Captain scores 8 FAME and 8 NOTORIETY for the kill, but loses 13 NOTORIETY for the loss of his hirelings.
CHASM 1 Altar of the red demon
Round 1:
- Luring: none.
- Random assignment: the demon sees no target.
- Deployment: The soldiers, in order, are deployed to rid the Amazon of her demon.
- Actions: none
- Selecting Targets: The demon targets S2. Everyone else targets the demon.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
Pale SHQ smashes
Pale S1 Thrusts
Dark S3 Swings
Pale S2 swings
The demon charges and thrusts.
- Randomizing:
The group (1) swap S3 and SHQ while (2,2) (4,5) (3,3) no one flips.
The demon's target (3) thrusts while (3,2) not flipping.
The demon (2) shifts to smash.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
The demon undercuts S2.
Dark S3 intercepts, drm: +1-4 = -3.
Pale S1 neither undercuts nor intercepts.
Pale S2 neither undercuts nor intercepts.
Pale SHQ neither undercuts nor intercepts.
- Inflicting Harm:
Power of the Pit does (1,1) FIERY CHASM OPENS! All the Soldiers are KILLED.
The Amazon scores 8 FAME and 8 NOTORIETY for killing the demon, but loses 16 NOTORIETY for the death of the soldiers.
Round 1:
- Luring: none.
- Random assignment: the serpent is assigned to the berserker.
- Deployment: none.
- Actions: none
- Selecting Targets: The serpent and berserker target each other.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The serpent charges and thrusts.
The Berserker smashes his great axe with Fight H4* while ducking with Move T6.
- Randomizing:
The serpent (6) shifts left.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
The Berserker intercepts, drm: +4-4= 0.
The serpent intercepts, drm: +4-6= -2.
- Inflicting Harm:
The Berserker does H harm, (2,3) +0= 3, increase one level. The Serpent is KILLED.
The Berserker scores 7 FAME and 7 NOTORIETY.
EVIL VALLEY 5 Chapel of the Order of Red Knights
The Great Elf's curse is lifted at the chapel, even though the Order of Red Knights does not wish it to be.
Day 32 orders are due Monday July 18, 2005 4:00 PM EDT.