Day 35
The Yellow Realm is infused with
White Magic. The tiles that contain the Chapels (AWFUL and EVIL VALLEY) and the Sacred Grail (RED WOODS) all turned over. Meanwhile, the white rogues, Red Guard and Red Order regenerate. The imp returns to haunt the witch while more trouble is brewing at the Molehill. A plethora of missions make themselves available.
Haggr the Dwarf follows Xelvonar the Wizard.
All the little Woodfolk, except the leader, follow Atalanta the Woods Girl.
Kabats the Swordsman (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault) chooses to go now.
- Search, loot (3,1) finds 3rd treasure in pile
- Search, loot (3,1) finds 3rd treasure in pile
- Search, loot (5,2) finds 5th treasure in pile
- Search, loot (4,6) finds nothing
Reveals White Bones M and White Lost Castle, which contains only Red Vault 3 and White Pool 6. Nothing Arrives.
"Cleanin' this mess up real good."
Hrolf the Berserker (CAVERN 6)
- Move Cavern 4
- Move Cavern 5
Reveals Red Dank C and White Flutter 1. Nothing Arrives.
"RrraaaAAAAAaaaagghhh!!!! I'm sick of this Cavern."
Jafar, Jr. the Sorceror (MAPLE WOODS 5) *** No Move Received ***
- Hide (4,2) Hides!
The Crimson Company offers a mission of RAID while the Red Bashkars offer up a mission of CONQUER.
"What's all this, then?"
Captain Himmelbottom (HIGH PASS 1, Altar to a white demon)
- Hide (2,4) Hides!
- Rest Move M4* to fatigured
- Rest Move M4*
- Search, locate (2,1) finds passages and clues, but no Altar
Reveals White Ruins C and White Altar 1. Nothing arrives.
"I'd love to altar my search results."
The Woodfolk Leader (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
- Search, loot (4,3) finds 4th treasure in pile
- Search, loot (2,1) finds 2nd treasure in pile
- Search, loot (5,4) finds nothing
- Search, loot (6,3) finds nothing
Willie the Witch King (AMBUSH 3, Red lair)
- Rest Magic V2*
* Enchant preparations.
- Enchant NUT WOODS with Magic V2* and a Black chit
- Rest V3*
- Enchant V3* to Black
White War shows up at the Red Lancers.
"Can the Realm take all this enchanting?"
Feanor the Great Elf (EVIL VALLEY 5, Chapel of the Order of Red Knights)
* Hide (5,2) Hides!
- Search, loot (2,5) finds H armor
- Search, loot (1,6) finds T5/T7 warhorse
- Search, loot (3,2) finds a great axe
- Search, loot (6,4) finds H4/H6 warhorse
Nothing Arrives.
"That was quite some horsing around."
Ricky the Magician (RED WOODS 2)
- Rest VI4*
* Alert VI4*
- Rest IV3*
- Enchant preparations
- Enchant IV3* to Purple
Nothing Arrives.
"Rested and ready."
Pwyll the Druid (CAVERN 3)
- Enchant preparations
- Enchant CAVERN using Magic II2** and a Grey chit
"That should change things a bit."
Mikki the Amazon (CHASM 1, Altar to a red demon)
- Search, locate (1,5) finds nothing
- Search, locate (4,4) discovers the altar
- Search, loot (4,6) finds nothing
- Search, loot (4,1) finds nothing
Reveals Red Smoke C and Red Altar 1. White Food and Ale arrives at the Red Altar. The White Chapel will pay 54 GOLD upon its delivery there.
"Looks like good ale to me."
Atalanta the Woods Girl (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
- Search, loot (3) finds 3rd treasure in pile
- Search, loot (2) finds 2nd treasure in pile
- Search, loot (6) finds nothing
- Search, loot (1) finds 1st treasure in pile
"That wraps it up!"
Granny's familiar (TRISTAR 2, Silvery Statue)
- Search, peer (3,6) finds nothing
- Search, peer (4,2) finds hidden enemies
- Search, peer (1,3) finds hidden enemies and paths
- Search, peer (5,2) finds clues
Granny the Witch (TRISTAR 2, Silvery Statue)
- Hide (6,2) no.
- Rest Magic V6*
- Search, locate (3,5) finds nothing
- Search, locate (3,4) discovers the statue
Reveals White Dank C and White Statue 2. An impish imp surprises the Witch.
"I killed you once!"
Xelvonar the Wizard (GROSS VALLEY 4)
- Hide (1,2) Hides!
- Hide ~ cancel activity
- Move Molehill 2
- Rest Magic IV4*
Haggr rests Move H5*
Reveals White Stink M and Red Lost Castle which contains Red Flutter 2, White Howl 5, Red Shrine 4, Red Pool 6, and White Hoard 6.
A heavy spider checks out Xelvonar's clearing while a bat flutters in clearing 2.
"We ain't afraid of no spider! Well, just a little..."
Haggr the Dwarf Ceases to follow
The bat flutters over to Haggr's clearing.
"What about a bat and a spider?"
The Druid maps out the new corridors he created.
The Berserker spends one last night in the dark cavern.
CHASM 1 Altar of the red demon
The Amazon can't decide if she should drink the ale, or deliver it.
EVIL VALLEY 5 Chapel of the Order of Red Knights
The new recruits of the unfriendly order (6,3) would battle the Great Elf, if they could find him.
The Dwarf and Wizard face another pair of hostile denizens. At least this time they are hidden.
HIGH PASS 1 Altar of the white demon
The Captain wishes he wasn't stuck up in on this lonely mountain top.
LEDGES 3 Vermillion Vault
The Swordsman, Woods Girl and the Woodfolk Leader divvy up their finds.
The Sorceror sleeps through the day while the natives plan some campaigns.
The Witch King hopes this new path goes where he wants it to.
The Magician has all his colors in order.
TRISTAR 2 Ivory Statue
The Witch faces the brother of the imp that she defeat just a few days ago.
EVIL VALLEY 5 Chapel of the Order of Red Knights
Round 1:
The Great Elf carefully releases his two horses and places the suit of armor on the ground. He remains hidden.
Round 2:
- Luring: none.
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: none.
- Actions: Feanor alerts his bow with Fight M4.
- Selecting Targets: Feanor targets O3 and (4,5) remains hidden.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
Pale O3 swings while his horse charges.
Feanor swings his bow with Fight L3* while dodging with Move L3*.
- Randomizing:
O3 (6) shifts left while (2,3) not flipping.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
Feanor undercuts both O3 and his horse drm: +1-6-4+4+4 = -1
- Inflicting Harm:
Feanor deals M harm (5) -1=4, no change, miss.
- FATIGUE STEP: Feanor fatigues Move L2*
Round 3:
- Luring: none.
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: none.
- Actions: Feanor alerts his bow with Fight M4.
- Selecting Targets: Feanor targets O3 and (5,3) remains hidden.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
Pale O3 swings while his horse charges.
Feanor swings his bow with Fight L3*.
- Randomizing:
O3 (2) moves his horse to smash while (3,3) not flipping.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
Feanor intercepts O3 and undercuts his horse, drm: +1-6-4+4 = -5
- Inflicting Harm:
Feanor deals M harm (4) -5= 1, increase three levels. O3 is KILLED
Round 4:
- Luring: none.
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: none.
- Actions: Feanor alerts his bow with Fight M4.
- Selecting Targets: Feanor targets O1 and (3,6) becomes unhidden.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
Pale O1 swings while his horse charges.
Feanor swings his bow with Fight L3*.
- Randomizing:
O1 (2) moves his horse to smash while (5,1) not flipping.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
Feanor intercepts O1 and undercuts his horse, drm: +1-6-4+4 = -5
- Inflicting Harm:
Feanor deals M harm (5) -5= 1, increase three levels. O1 is KILLED
Round 5:
Feanor casts Persuade using III2* and a Gold chit. What remains of the Order is now friendly to Feanor, even thought he killed the others.
Round 6:
Feanor picks up one of his horses.
Round 7:
Feanor casts Small Blessing using the Good Book and
White from the day. WISH (6,2) I Wish For Strength (Next Attack is Tremendous).
Round 8:
Feanor picks up the other horse.
Round 9:
Feanor picks up the suit of armor.
Combat ends due to two rounds of inactivity.
Feanor scores 12+24=36 NOTORIETY and 16 GOLD.
TRISTAR 2 Ivory Statue
Round 1:
Granny and kitty fly away on her Broomstick, toward Descent. She must start day 36 with a Fly phase to either Descent or Tristar.
The weather chit is a (1) and the die roll is a (2). The weather for week 6 is Soft ground, 7 days of 2 basic and 2 sunlight phases but no one can hide! The next day of activity is day 36.
Day 36 orders are due Tuesday August 30, 2005 4:00 PM EDT.