Day 37
Here be dragons! Several of our adventurers are molested by the beasts, while others are bothered by imps, trolls or a combination of the above.
All the little Woodfolk follow Atalanta the Woods Girl.
Captain Himmelbottom (HIGH PASS 1, Altar to a white demon)
- Search, locate (2,2) finds passages and clues
- Search, locate (5,5) finds nothing
- Search, locate (6,2) finds nothing
- Search, locate (4,5) finds nothing
Reveals White Ruins C and White Altar 1. Nothing arrives.
"This altar had better have some good stuff in it."
Feanor the Great Elf (EVIL VALLEY 5, Chapel of the Order of Red Knights)
- Search, loot (4,6) finds nothing
- Search, loot (4,1) finds a treasure card
- Search, loot (3,6) finds nothing
- Search, loot (6,4) finds nothing
Nothing arrives.
"Slim pickings."
Willie the Witch King (QUIET WOODS 2)
- Rest V4*
- Rest VI3*
* Enchant preparations
- Enchant V4* to Black
Burn a Black chit to transmogrify into a Giant.
- Move Maple Woods 5
Nothing Arrives.
"Howdy everybloody!"
Atalanta the Woods Girl (HIDDEN MINES 3)
Trade with Kabats, gets 2 Helmets, Shield, 2 staves, all the short swords and thrusting swords except his starting one.
- Move Nut Woods 5
- Hire Lancers, friendly (3) Price x2, accepts.
Nothing Arrives.
"This certainly adds to my army."
The Woodfolk Leader ceases to follow
Granny the Witch (TRISTAR 3)
Burns a Black chit to transmogrify into a Dragon.
- Move Tristar 2
Blocked by an imp. Reveals White Dank C and White Statue 2. Nothing Arrives.
"Just waiting for my evening meal."
Hrolf the Berserker (ICKY VALLEY 4)
- Move Linden Woods 4
- Move Linden Woods 5
- Alert Axe
Reveals White Stink W which is replaced by the Large white campfire. The White Company arrives.
"RrraaaAAAAAaaaagghhh!!!! Wasn't expecting to find you guys here."
Haggr the Dwarf (MOLEHILL 4, Shrine to a red demon)
- Search, locate (2,3) finds passages
- Search, locate (2,6) finds nothing
Reveals White Stink M and Red Lost Castle which contains Red Flutter 2, White Howl 5, Red Shrine 4, Red Pool 6, and White Hoard 6. A white dragon guards its hoard.
"Are we disturbing you Mr. Dragon?"
Xelvonar the Wizard (MOLEHILL 4, Shrine to a red demon)
- Rest IV3*
- Rest IV4*
- Alert IV4*
- Alert IV3*
The white dragon approaches, blocks Xelvonar and Haggr and stops prowling.
"Looks like fried dragon for dinner tonight!"
Pwyll the Druid (ICKY VALLEY 1)
- Move Icky Valley 4
* Move Ruins 1
- Move Ruins 5
* Move Ruins 3
- Move Nut Woods 2
* Move Nut Woods 4
- Rest Magic II3*
Nothing arrives.
"Hope I don't get a ticket for going so fast."
Ricky the Magician (MOUNTAIN 1)
* Alert VI4*
- Rest IV3*
- Enchant preparations
- Enchant Book of Lure to Purple
- Enchant MOUNTAIN to using IV3* and the Purple artifact
Reveals White Dank M and White Lair 3. The white dragon approaches, blocks Ricky and stops prowling.
"Here little dragon...wants some shiny things? ...not so fast!"
Mikki the Amazon (HORRID VALLEY 4)
* Move Horrid Valley 1
- Move Descent 2
- Search, peer (2,4) finds hidden enemies
- Search, peer (2,5) finds clues
- Search, peer (6,6) finds nothing
Reveals Red Bones C and Red Lost City which contains white flutter 2, white slither 3, Red Statue 2, Red Cairns 5, and Red Hoard 6. Two white dragons flutter into clearing 2, block Mikki and stop prowling. A red troll looks for bones in Mikki's clearing, blocks her and stops prowling.
Kabats the Swordsman (HIDDEN MINES 3) chooses to go now.
- Move Nut Woods 5
- Move Dark Valley 4
Nothing Arrives.
"Time to strike out on my own."
The Swordsman can hear himself think without everyone clammoring.
DESCENT 2 Scarlet Statue
The Amazon hopes she can escape two dragons and a troll.
EVIL VALLEY 5 Chapel of the Order of Red Knights
The Great Elf finds himself all alone for once.
HIGH PASS 1 Altar of the white demon
The Captain searches in vain.
LINDEN WOODS 4 Large White Campfire
The Berserker has the company for company. He buys them drinks for 7 GOLD so they won't bother him.
MAPLE WOODS 5 Large Red Campfire
The Witch King/giant shares a meal with the Bashkar leader in the company of the Company.
MOLEHILL 4 Shrine to a red demon
The Dwarf and Wizard face and albino flying dragon.
The Magician faces a albino walking dragon.
The Druid rests his pony after a hard ride.
NUT WOODS 5 Small Red Campfire
The Woods Girl and the Woodfolk introduce the Lancers to their way of doing things.
TRISTAR 2 Ivory Statue
The Witch/Dragon faces another impish imp.
TRISTAR 2 Ivory Statue
Round 1:
- Luring: none.
- Random assignment: The imp is assigned tot he Witch/Dragon.
- Deployment: none.
- Actions: none.
- Selecting Targets: They target each other.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The dragon thrusts her red head as her body swings.
The Imp charges and thrusts.
Kitty cheerleads from sidelines.
- Randomizing:
The Imp (1) doesn't move while (5,3) not flipping, either.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
The imp undercuts the dragon, drm: +2-6+4= 0.
The dragon's fire intercepts the imp, drm: +4-2 = +2.
The dragon's body neither intercepts nor undercuts.
- Inflicting Harm:
The imp casts CURSE (2,6) DISGUST (Recorded FAME is worthless)
The dragon breathes fire for T harm (4,4) +2= 6, Decreased TWO levels.
The imp is KILLED
The Witch scores an 2 (worthless) FAME and 1 NOTORIETY.
DESCENT 2 Scarlet Statue
Round 1:
- Luring: none.
- Random assignment: Two dragons and a Troll are assigned to the Amazon.
- Deployment: none.
- Actions: The Amazon attempts to run away using Move M3*, drm: +3-3+3 = +3, stumble (6,2) +3= 9 Action CANCELLED!
- Selecting Targets: They target each other.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The dragons thrust and swing while the Troll smashes.
Mikki smashes the right dragon using Fight M5 while dodging with Move M3*.
- Randomizing:
The denizens (2) swap thrust with smash while (5,4) (4,1) neither dragon flips.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
Mikki neither undercuts nor intercepts her target.
The thrusting troll neither undercuts nor intercepts.
The swinging dragon intercepts Mikki, drm: +4-3= +1
The smashing dragon neither undercuts nor intercepts.
- Inflicting Harm:
The dragon deals L harm (2,2) +1= 3 Increased ONE level. Mikki's shield is damaged and Mikki takes one wound.
- FATIGUE STEP: Miki fatigues Move M3* and wounds Fight L4.
Round 2:
- Luring: none.
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: none.
- Actions: The Amazon attempts to run away using Move M3*, drm: +3-3+3 = +3, stumble
(4,4) +3= 7 Action CANCELLED!
- Selecting Targets: They target each other.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The dragons thrust and swing while the Troll smashes.
Mikki smashes the right dragon using Fight M5 while dodging with Move M3*.
- Randomizing:
The denizens (6) shift left while (6,5) (3,4) the thrusting dragon flips.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
The swinging troll intercepts, drm: +4-3= +1.
The dark thrusting dragon neither undercuts nor intercepts
The pale smashing dragon neither undercuts nor intercepts.
Mikki neither undercuts nor intercepts her target.
- Inflicting Harm:
The troll deals H harm (5,1) +1= 6 No Change. Mikki's shield is destroyed and Mikki takes one wound. Mikki is now in the clutches of the Troll.
- FATIGUE STEP: Mikki fatigues Move M3* and wounds something, it doesn't matter.
Round 3:
After a long and valiant struggle, the troll musters up every once of strength he has and crushes Mikki to death.
MOLEHILL 4 Shrine to a red demon
Round 1:
- Luring: Haggr lures the dragon.
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: none.
- Actions: Xelvonar prepares to cast Fiery Blast with his alerted IV chit and
Purple from the clearing.
- Selecting Targets: Haggr targets the dragon and it does likewise. Xelvonar targets the dragon.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The dragon charges while his pale head swings.
Haggr ducks while smashing his axe with Fight T6*.
Xelvonar thrusts his Fiery Blast.
- Randomizing:
The dragon (4) stays put while (6,6) flipping his head to the dark side.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
The alerted Fiery Blast intercepts the dragon, drm: +0-4 = -4
Haggr neither undercuts nor intercepts.
The dragon neither undercuts nor intercepts Haggr.
- Inflicting Harm:
No creature can withstand a direct hit from an alerted Fiery Blast. The dragon is KILLED
- FATIGUE STEP: Haggr fatigues ...
Xelvonar scores 12 FAME and 12 NOTORIETY.
The Magician runs away, toward Mountain 3. He must start the next day with a move to either Mountain 1 or 3.
EVIL VALLEY 5 Chapel of the Order of Red Knights
Feanor casts Small Blessing using the Good Book and
White from the chapel.
WISH (1,4) I Wish For Peace (Combat Ends For The Day)
The Witch returns to her former self as her Absorb Essence spell falls inert.
The Witch King returns to his former self as his Absorb Essence spell falls inert.
Day 38 orders are due Monday September 12, 2005 4:00 PM EDT.