Day 41
A demon appears to make Xelvonar's and Haggr's day miserable. The Magician goes looking for trouble. Several natives need to fill out new W2 forms. Everyone else just continues on with their daily lives.
The Woodfolk and Lancers follow Atalanta the Woods Girl.
Kabats the Swordsman (CURST VALLEY 5, Snow White Inn) chooses to go now.
- Hire, friendly (5,6) No Deal.
- Hire, friendly (2,2) Price x2. Hires white R1 for 8 GOLD.
- Sell Staff, friendly (2) Offer Gold, sell for 1 GOLD.
- Sell Staff, friendly (2) Offer Gold, sell for 1 GOLD.
Nohting Arrives.
"Hired half of them, again. Bet I can't get half tomorrow."
Xelvonar the Wizard (MOLEHILL 4, Shrine to a red demon)
Deactivates Phantom Glass.
- Rest IV4*
- Alert IV4*
- Search, loot (3,1) finds a treasure card.
- Search, loot (1,3) finds nothing.
Reveals White Stink M and Red Lost Castle which contains Red Flutter 2, White Howl 5, Red Shrine 4, Red Pool 6, and White Hoard 6. A demon prowls over to Xelvonar's clearing, blocks Xelvonar and Haggr and stops prowling.
"We have company!"
Atalanta the Woods Girl (HINTERLAND 3)
- Hire Woodfolks, Ally (5) PriceX4, declines.
- Hire Woodfolks, Ally (5) PriceX4, declines.
- Hire Woodfolks, Ally (5) PriceX4, declines.
- Hire Woodfolks, Ally (1) PriceX1, accepts. Rehire the Woodfolk for 6 GOLD.
Reveals White Bones C, Red Flutter 1,Red Patter 2, Red Slither 3, White Vault 3, Red Roar 4, White Howl 4, Red Patter 5, Red Slither 6, and Red Roar 6. Nothing arrives.
"Tomorrow things will regenerate, and then..."
The Lancer Leader ceases to follow
The Woodfolk Leader ceases to follow
The Crimson Company Commander (MAPLE WOODS 5, Large Red Campfire)
- Search, loot (6,3) finds a treasure card
- Search, loot (5,1) finds a treasure card
- Search, loot (5,2) finds a treasure card
- Search, loot (3,5) finds a treasure card
Ricky the Magician/Spider (MOUNTAIN 3, White Dragon's Lair)
* Alert ~ cancel activity, can't alert while transformed.
- Search, peer (5,6) +1= 6 finds nothing
- Search, peer (3,6) +1= 6 finds nothing
- Search, peer (2,1) +1= 3 finds hidden enemies and paths
- Search, loot (6,5) +1= 6 finds nothing
Reveals White Dank M and White Lair 3. Nothing arrives.
"What would I do differently if I had this day to live over?"
Hrolf the Berserker (CAVES 4)
- Move Caves 6
- Move Caves 1
* Rest Move H5*
Reveals Red Stink C and White Patter 5. Nothing arrives.
"RrraaaAAAAAaaaagghhh!!!! A quiet day."
Granny's familiar (DESCENT 2)
- Search, peer (3,6) finds nothing
- Search, peer (5,6) finds nothing
- Search, peer (4,2) finds hidden enemies
- Search, peer (5,4) finds clues
Granny the Witch (RED WOODS 2)
Burns a
Black chit to become a dragon.
- Move Horrid Valley 4
- Move Chasm 1
- Move Chasm 6
- Move Chasm 3
Reveals Red Smoke C and Red Altar 1. Nothing arrives.
"On the road again..."
Mikki the Amazon (ICKY VALLEY 5, Whitehouse)
- Hire, the Soldier (1,1) Opportunity (4,6) No Deal
- Hire, the Soldier (5,2) No Deal
- Hire, the Soldier (4,1) No Deal
- Hire, the Soldier (3,1) PRICE x 4. Hire the soldier for 8 GOLD
* Move Icky Valley 2
Nothing Arrives.
"I see my powers of persuasion aren't working as well with this kid as
they did with the other, older soldier."
Pwyll the Druid (SHADY WOODS 4)
- Rest Magic II3*
- Enchant preparations
- Enchant Shady Woods with Magic II3* and a Grey chit
- Enchant Magic II3* and to Grey
Reveals Red Ruins W. Nothing arrives.
"A walk through a yellow wood."
Feanor the Great Elf (GROSS VALLEY 2)
- Move Red Woods 5
- Enchant preparations
- Rest Magic III3*
- Enchant Magic III3* and to Gold
* Hire ~ cancel activity, no one to hire
The White Bashkars arrive.
"'Bout time you guys showed up."
Willie the Witch King (MAPLE WOODS 5, Large Red Campfire)
- Search, loot (3,6) finds nothing
- Search, loot (4,6) finds nothing
- Search, loot (2,5) finds nothing
- Search, loot (3,3) finds L3/M5 pony.
Nothing arrives
"We're really getting down to the end of this trash."
Haggr the Dwarf (MOLEHILL 4, Shrine to a red demon)
Blocked by a demon!
"He looks awfully angry. Are you sure you can handle him?"
The Berserker longs for the sunlight.
The Witch marvels at the changes around her.
CURST VALLEY 5 Snow White Inn
The Swordsman drills his new army.
The Woods Girl Woodfolk, and Lancers make ready for the onslaught tomorrow.
The Amazon hires a soldier, and then leaves him behind.
MAPLE WOODS 5 Large Red Campfire
The Witch King and Crimson Company Commander count their loot.
MOLEHILL 4 Shrine to a red demon
The Dwarf and Wizard face an angry demon.
MOUTAIN 3 White Dragon's Lair
The Magician finds what he is looking for.
The Great Elf plays well with the Bashkars.
The Druid changes tiles as often has he changes his underwear.
MOLEHILL 4 Shrine to a red demon
Round 1:
- Luring: The Wizard lures the demon.
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: The Wizard prepares to cast Fiery Blast with his alerted IV chit and
Purple from the clearing.
- Selecting Targets: Obvious
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The demon swings and dodges.
The Wizard dodges with Move M5 while swinging his Fiery Blast.
The Dwarf smashes his axe with Fight T5*
- Randomizing:
The demon (5) Shifts right, into duck/smash.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
The demon's Power of the Pit undercuts the Wizard.
The Wizard undercuts the demon, drm: +0-3+4= +1
The dwarf intercepts the demon, drm: +5-3= +2
- Inflicting Harm:
Power of the Pit does (6,4) RUST (All Target's Armor is Damaged). No effect.
Fiery Blast does T harm, (5,6) +1= 7, reduce three levels, no effect.
The dwarf's axe does T+ harm (1,1) +2= 3, increase one level. The demon is KILLED.
Haggr scores 8 FAME and 8 NOTORIETY.
The Witch returns to her former self as her Absorb Essence spell falls inert.
Day 42 is regeneration day.
Grey magic permeates the Yellow Realm. All tiles with
Grey enchant or unenchant. The map has been updated to reflect this. All 10 Valleys, Chasm, Ruins, Volcano, Crag, Hinterland and Borderland all flip. Please review before sending in day 42 orders.
Day 42 orders are due Monday October 10, 2005 4:00 PM EDT.