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For this tutorial, you will need a Painting program ("Paint" comes with PCs), and Jasc Animation Shop 3. If you don't have one of these programs, you can purchase it or download the free trial. (Download Animation Shop here!)

1. Open your painting program, and create a new image with the attributes with width: 32 pixels and height: 32 pixels.

2. Flood-fill your image with an outrageously bright color you are NOT using in your cursor. (We suggest lime green).

3. Draw an arrow in the upper left-hand corner of your image. Or copy this one Arrow.

4. Now it is time to design your cursor image! To do so, search the internet or draw your own small design (like we have here ) (If you do get an image off the internet, you may have to resize it.)

5. Once you feel like your cursor is done, save it as whatever you want, and open Jasc Animation Shop 3. Once there, open your cursor.

6. Now we're going to make the hideous lime green color magically disappear! (This is also called making it tRaNsPaReNt... sorry magic believers, we lied.) To do this "magical" disappearing act, go to Animation > Replace Color. Now, click the lime green color in your image (an eyedropper should appear).  Make sure that the "Transparent Opacity" button is checked.

7. Now it's time to save your cursor. This time you'll be saving you cursor as a .ANI not the regular .bmp.

8. To upload your cursor, go to a site that hosts images - we prefer Ripway.com - and make an account. Go to the "click here to view your files" link and click "upload files". It will probably have a "browse" option; click this and select your cursor. It will be in the list of your files with 2 URLs. The first one is a direct link. You will usually be using this one. If you are a Neopets user you will be using the second link (the myspace link). This is because Neopets does not allow regular Ripway links.

9. Once you've copied the URL paste it into the box below where it says URL HERE. This is your cursor's html. 

This is only the basics of the cursor making world. You can experiment with things like animation in your cursors. We have 2 examples for you below:

