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Q: What is a Blinkie?

A: A Blinkie is little boxes with a letter in each box. Both the boxes and the letters are colorful and blinking in some creative way: This is an example of what a blinkie might look like


Q: What should you fill in where it says "Colors?"

A: Here, you should write the colors that you want your blinkie to consist of. In the blinkie shown above, the colors that are included are blue, yellow, black, and white.


Q: What is a Doll?

A: A doll looks something like this: You can request a dress, a shirt and pants, or a shirt and skirt. You can also specify a theme or color scheme of the doll. Say whether you would like the doll above, to the right of, to the left of, or below the Blinkie. Say if the doll should have a specific hair or skin color. 
Here's a doll w/ blinkie:  It is optional whether you have to have a doll. Skip the question if you do not want one included.


Q: What should be written where it says "Image?"

A: With a blinkie you can have a small image above, beside, or below the it. Specify what you want the image to be. Having an image, like the doll, is optional.


Q: What does "Standard" and "Unique" blink mean?

A: A Standard Blink is a blink pattern used in most blinkies that you'll find in tutorials on the web. If you request a standard blink for your blinkie then it will blink forward, then backward then blink twice. A Unique Blink is a blink pattern that is, simply put, not standard. Most of the blinkies we make use a unique blink pattern.


Q: What should you write in "Due Date"?

A: If you need your blinkie by a certain date, than you can request a due date. We will try to create and send your blinkie by your specified time. If we do not succeed, e-mail us and we will complete your blinkie ASAP.


REMEMBER: This is a first come, first serve process. If we have other requests before yours, it will probably take up to 2-5 days for you to receive it.  There is also trouble with schedules so we are sorry if your blinkie is later than expected.