Palisades Middle School

Foreign Language Standards





FL Selection


Course Information

       In this foreign language class you, as a level I student, will be building a foundation in French by active listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  Our daily activities and assignments will continually focus on these four skill areas.  Our class activities and assignments will also address the New Standards and the 5 Standards for Foreign Language Learning as set forth by the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).  These Foreign Language Standards or "5 C's" are communication (communicate in languages other than English), cultures (gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures), connections (connect with other disciplines and acquire information), comparisons (develop insight into the nature of language and culture), and communities (participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world).
       In order for you to achieve maximum success in this class, it is necessary for your to always pay careful attention, follow directions, and participate to the fullest extent.  You will be evaluated in the following areas:

 Unit tests will follow every chapter in your textbook.  This will be a major grade each marking period.  You will have review sheets in order to prepare.

Performance assessment activities will be given each unit/chapter in order to evaluate oral and written proficiency of the language.  Points earned in these activities will be combined for a test grade.  You will work both individually and with partners for these activities.

Quizzes will be given on a regular basis and will be both announced and unannounced. 
Class work will, at times, be collected and graded either individually or as a partner/group activity and will be graded accordingly.

During the 3rd marking period a project grade, equivalent to a unit test grade, will be added into your final average.  Students will select and complete a project between November and March.  Guidelines will be given early in November.

Your participation grade will be based on your being well prepared for class (book, notebook, pencil) and ready to actively participate in class activities.  At the end of each marking period you will be given a participation grade equivalent to a test grade.

All homework will be checked and graded on a "check" or "minus" basis.  A "minus" will be given for homework that is incomplete or not done.  NO LATE homework will be accepted unless due to absence.  Homework MUST be kept and recorded in notebook.

An organized, neat and complete notebook is a valuable study tool and will be useful to you for your language study now and throughout high school.  You are REQUIRED to keep a notebook following the specific guidelines given to you.  Your notebook will be collected and graded after each unit test.

There will be a cumulative final exam at the end of this course.


  • Extra credit opportunities will be offered throughout the year
  • Textbooks MUST remain covered throughout the year.
  • Plagiarism is unacceptable and will result in a failing grade for that activity
  • All work missed during an absence must be made up immediately upon return


  1. Be on time, prepared and ready for French.
  2. Be attentive and cooperative.
  3. Be respectful of everyone in class.
  4. Do not disrupt the learning of anyone in class.
  5. Ask permission before leaving your desk or touching anything in the room that does not belong to you.
  6. Put in 100% and learning French will be FUN!

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Foreign Language Project

Task:  Students will enrich and personalize their experience in the foreign language and culture by creating a model/display and writing a report which both demonstrate an understanding of a cultural concept that relate to his or her language of study.

Requirements: use the below as a check list when submitting your project.
1.  Create a model or display which:
______ ¦ is culturally authentic (meets specific guidelines set)
______ ¦ shows evidence of 5 - 8 hours of preparation
______ ¦ represents a cultural concept for the students’ language of study
2. Prepare a written report which includes a:
______ ¦ cultural explanation (minimum of 1 page in length) detailing how the project exemplifies the foreign culture and explaining the importance of the concepts recreated and demonstrated in the project
(Please note: This is not a written report telling/describing how you went about making the model or display, but rather a report based on facts and research.)
______ ¦ bibliography
(using accurate format to cite sources - refer to Write 2000 text.)

Deadlines for all model/displays:
November 10th (Friday) - submit the attached project specification sheet explaining the proposed project and indicating parent consent. This form will be used to gain teacher approval of the project.
December 4th (Monday) - due date of projects for students electing to make a piñata, gingerbread house, and French Noel project.
February 1st (Thursday) - due date for all other projects which are not holiday or food related.
March 1st (Thursday) - due date for all projects which are foods.

Deadlines for the written report:
Dec. 20th - Outline due (to be graded as a homework assignment)
January 10th - rough draft due (to be graded as a homework assignment)
January 18th - final draft due*
When submitting the final draft of the written report, also attach the rough draft with revisions and the outline.

The project model/display will be equivalent to one 100 point test, averaged as part of the third quarter Foreign Language grade. See the attached scoring rubrics for criteria to be considered in grading. The written report will be equivalent to a 50 point test, averaged as part of the third quarter Foreign Language grade. The Pennsylvania writing assessment domain scoring guide will be used for grading the written report.


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Student work

The student work pictured below was completed by 8th grade French level I students.

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